Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sore The NExt Morning, Lifting Weights The NExt Day?

I worked out yesterday the shoulders and biceps. today i woke up sore, should i workout today? obviously not the same body parts but is it wise to workout today or let my body rest. ----do you or not, take protein shakes on days that you do not work out? thanks.I know we need to get enought sleep nightly to allow the body to repair itself.i went to sleep at about 3am, startled by my alarm at 8:30am, but quickly fell back asleep till 11am. did i still get enough sleep for my body?
Work on abs or legs but don't tax your upper body today.
My trainer told me that you have to let muscles break in between hard workouts - but your ab muslces you work everyday - even if they are sore because they are I guess a different type so you can continually work them. I'm working on lean cut %26 not bulk - so I don't know if it's the same depending on what you are doing, but he said 3 days a week is upper body, 3 days a week is lower body %26 6 days a week is core muscles - (abs - lower back - butt). Apparently when you work muscles when they are really sore - you actually are working against them cause the way he explained it to me - is you have to rip them up - but if you rip them up everyday they can't get toned.
work other parts today if u have thing is to take a day off...i gather you猫ve just started training,,,youll probably experience soreness for the first 2 weeks or so due to the acid builfding up in your muscles .it is important to cool down after every work-out to minimize this...try 10-15 minutes on the treadmill or bike

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