Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should I wear gloves for weight lifting?

Okay, well I wore gloves at our football weight lifting session today and a lot of players criticized me and my friend for wearing gloves.They said you shouldn't wear gloves and that you should develop calluses and that they are good for you.Also during our max outs (as many reps of the bar that you can do) you cannot wear gloves. Would calluses help then?I suppose the main question is develop calluses or wear gloves.And do calluses hurt?
A callus is a gradual buildup of skin. Instead of breaking, it gets thicker.
Gloves keep calluses from forming by protecting the skin.It doesn't hurt at all, but it does make things hurt less.
Some martial arts teach slapping a wooden pole to strengthen your hand %26 develop calluses for protection. For a lot of guys having calluses is a sign of strength (instead of having soft, lady-like hands...).
that's up to you !!!
well, there is a disadvantage of can not fully feel the weight..never use them to make out...and if you have delicate hands or care how they look, then wear the gloves..although, it is kind of gay to se guys weqaring gloves in the gym..especially if you are an dont hurt..the hands will until the callouse forms..and you wont for rediculous callouses anyhow man...scrap the gloves
Calluses don't hurt once they are developed. All they are is toughened skin. It might hurt while your skin is toughening up, but once you have calluses it's fine. To be honest, my boyfriend wears workout gloves and so do most people at the gym. It helps you grip and it keeps your hands smooth. I'd be kind of grossed out if my boyfriend had callouses all over his hands. Not nice to touch! Sounds like your football friends are trying to be "macho." How often do you do max outs? You'll probably be fine doing them without gloves even if you use gloves on a regular basis.
its a personal preference. i have been lifting for a few years now, and i prefer to wear gloves, a lot of young kids must think building calluses makes you more a man, i say screw 'em. if you are more comfortable wearing gloves, then wear them, i tried lifting with and without them, and i just found it to be more comfortable with the gloves. no, calluses do not hurt, but the girls dont like rough callused hands rubbing them, that's more important than having cool callused hands for your friends..unless, well... you know how them football players can be in the locker room sometimes.
Gloves definitely do NOT help your grip. They just add another layer between you and the bar. In fact, they can cause bar slippage. Most people wear them because they see other people in the gym wearing them, but if you are an athlete, definitely ditch the gloves. Initially, it will be uncomfortable as you develop the calluses, but once you have them, then it is more comfortable than gloves.
I have been a power lifter for 4 years. I do a mix of both wearing gloves, using lifting straps and not using anything.
I care about my appearence and how my body looks, so i use gloves and lifting straps most of the time when I am lifting heavy and hard. I will use nothing when I want to streangthen my hands and forearms. for more movement and attention to detail.
Dont care about what everyone else thinks. Once they see that you are lifting just as much if not more then them, they will leave you alone. Plus one other thing...The ladies do not like rough hands, and when you develop calluses your hands start feeling like sandpaper. The ladies wont like you touching them with hands like that.
You can use gloves but you don't have to. If you were embaressed because your friends were laughing at you then use chalk on your hands and that will help you grip the bar better. Calluses won't hurt unless you start picking at it.
Better ask the trainer.

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