Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should I work out and then eat or Eat then workout?

Ok I've been worrying about when I should eat on days I work out. Like in the mornings Im worried that If I eat before I exercise I won't burn off all of the food, but If I eat after I work out, I don't want the food to just sit there and make me fat. and should I exercise more than once a day to avoid this, like exercise after every meal!?!? :( I need Help!
What are you trying to do? Get lean, build muscle? I'm a powerlifter so I eat all the time. My brother eats differently because he likes to stay much leaner than I do. I'm at about 15% body fat, while he's at 8%. I consume about 5K a day in calories, he eats probably about 3K. If you're trying to stay leaner, then eat about an hour before you workout, and then Immediately after a workout. The first meal will make sure you have the energy and building blocks to get through a good workout, the meal after will help get rid of free radicals and build lean muscle.
Both. Eat 30-90 minutes before you work out, then ASAP after you work out.Your body doesn't work the way you're describing it. It just doesn't. The meal you just ate or are about to eat has little direct impact on the way your body will use energy. If you overeat, you will gain weight. If you undereat, you will lose weight. But single meals are of little consequence. Think LONG-term.If you work out early AM, just get a small snack in, like a 1/2 banana or a swig of milk.
food is good working out is to hard..i say u quit
you should eat afterwards. if you eat before you can make yourself sick. and if you are working out in the morning you should burn your breakfast off during the day.
either way still can make you fat
You should eat two hours before you work out. A guy I work with will work out and then eat after he gets to work. But he will only eat like two cups of light yougat and a banana.
I have heard that you should eat afterwards.
Never skip a healthy breakfast or you are wasting your time working out. As for eating after you work out in the evening.. even if you go to sleep, all the protein is turning to MUSCLE.
eat after workout which help burn fat
work out first. if u eat first u will feel sick and you will not digest properly.
If you work out strenuously prior to eating your body will metabolize your food more effectively.
After lifting weights I eat protein rich foods in moderation, don't stuff yourself.
Eating more small meals during the day is better for your metabolism.
First of all exercising decreases your appetite so you should be eating less if you exercise before, also you have calories that are stored in your body so if you eat first you won't necessarily burn off a meal. So just stick to your exercise routine and eat afterwards and you'll be ok.
After youve eaten wait a while then excersize. But iv'e heard for instance if you swim and then eat straight after you won't put on a single calorie because your mantobilsm speeds up.
Grab a light bite one hour before your morning work out and enjoy a healthy breakfast afterward before going to work. If it is me, I will just go for the work out first and enjoy my healthy breakfast later. If you intend to work out in the evenings, I suggest complete the work out first before having your dinner.
My fitness trainer says to eat a small high protein snack before working out to give the muscles the energy to do the work out! Then after working out, eat a bigger meal. Your body will have a higher metabolism rate after a good workout, so you will burn calories more efficiently. He also says to do the same thing with water. Hydrate yourself before a workout, during it and especially after. You need the water to help eliminate the lactic acid build up.
you should never eat and 15 minute later workout
your stomach is still digesting the food
and will give you crampsbest have solid food 2hour or liquid food 30minute before exercisingfor me if i dont
i feel it is harder to move, twist, stretchafter high intense work
your muscle are pump
and your mind is more focus on the muscle and pain
than your stomach
however on low intense workout
it doesnt affect the mind
and you will feel hungryafter any workout
food is important for muscle repair
say a half a tuna sandwitch will do
enough protein and carb
I think if you exercise first, you'll eat less. That's the way I'd go.

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