Sunday, October 25, 2009

Since highschool my body has turned to sh*t... why!?

I gained 30 lbs, my skin is dry, my hair doesn't curl the same way it always has (now it barely curls at all), and i have bad dry scalp! why did this happen and what can I do about it? ..I'm in the process of losing the weight but what about the other stuff? I'm now 20.
sounds like an H2O problem to me.Stop drinking any pop period. also so called energy drinks.Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day minimum while stopping the pop and you will not only lose a lot of poundage but you skin will clear up and look better and your hair will repair within 30 days.just try it for 30 days and I know you will be amazed!
hormones and getting's life
Wow, you sure went downhill quick. Get off the dope and your @ss, and do something to take care of yourself instead of sitting on Y! all day long. Just a thought.
Possibly your metabolism is slowing down because you are no longer growing but you are still eating the same amount that was neccessary for teenage growth? Try excercising.
My answer would have to be that, you suffer from a poor diet, but I have no idea how to really answer this question, I'd have to know what you eat and do on an everyday basis.
too much strees for your body to handle.
Try to take some time to relax.
Drink Tea, it's good for your health (I recommend green tea)
It called the aging process, some peeps go through it sooner than others
Maybe, you are not taking care of yourself like you used to? Or maybe, you are leaving your youth behind. Things like that happen when you gro older, you just have to find a ay to deal with it.
sounds like poor nutrition
you need to get more healthy!!
Poor skin and hair are probably the result of deficiencies in your diet ie vitamins and minerals.
It's normal! Physiological change goes with age.Welcome to the club ...
If you're anything like me, you haven't been exercising since gym class. Also, without mom making dinner every night, your diet has probably changed drastically. If you moved away to go to college, the climate change could be the reason for the change in your hair and skin. This change could even be caused by the difference in the water.Exercise regularly, eat healthy, moisturize your skin, and try a different shampoo and conditioner.
Just be thankful you still have hair. Some guys go bald by 21...OUCH!
A poor diet could definitely be the problem, also a lack of exercise. However, all your symptoms sound much like a thyroid problem. I've listed a link below with the best thyroid information you can find. There is also a little quiz you can take to test yourself and take the information to your doctor. Thyroid conditions make it imperative that you are getting enough rest, following a good diet (Body for life works best as well as Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle diet - his is more work, but you build it for you), plenty of exercise, drink lots of water and most of all stress reduction! Pretty much common sense stuff, just make sure you do it or it will make everything worse. Hope that helps you out and I hope you get feeling better soon!
all ex-teenagers go through the same thing.
during teen years we have a shite load of hormones working their magic and tend to be living at home where they are more likely to eat are balanced diet, exercise during school, and getting a lot more sun.
having gained weight plays havoc on your skin and hair as you are less healthy then you were before the weight gain. you can get your self back to feeling fabulous with loads of water, regular exercise, balanced diet, and possibly some multi vitamins.
you can give life back to your hair with an olive oil mask. rub it through your hair, then wash out a few times till it's all out, then, rinse with white vinegar.
the smell will go once your hair dries, and the condition of hair will be smooth, mositurised and feel fantastic!best of luck, i hope you're feeling like your old self again in no time xxwater is the best medicine, so glug glug glug xx

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