Sunday, October 25, 2009

Skinny but fat? Anyone else like me? What to do?

I'm 5' 6.5", 138lbs. Not long ago I was 134lbs, but I know my BMI is still normal. However, my body fat around 28%. My friends tell me I am skinny and that I should eat more, and I tell them I am fat and they don't believe me. I know I am not FAT as in overweight, but I am flabby and can pinch the layer of fat practically everywhere on my body. The only part that I am satisfied with are my lower arms and legs. I'm pretty weak-- can't do pull-ups, can hardly do push-ups, and can't bench press, not even the damn bar (without the weights). Can anyone relate to me?What should I do? Sometimes I like doing cardio, but resistance training is boring and I'm not even sure I have the correct form. Finding healthy things to eat is also hard because no one cooks in my family. I'm not looking for the skinny model look. I want the athletic lean-muscular look.
I'm 5'6" 120lbs, but I had a baby a year ago - there's extra pudginess in strange places now. It's just a matter of doing exercise... Try running, swimming, pilates, and in terms of healthy food - learn to cook for yourself! :)
yeh i would say im skinny but i need to tone up, when i sit down i have a podgy belly ;/ But i know if i tone up and eat healthier it will go away.
Just tone up and eat right that should do it.
You might need to go and talk to someone cause I think you need help.
I was the same way once i lost weight from gastric stapling. Flabby skin when i lost all my weight. Do what I did. Take glucosamine tablets and tone your skin and muscles. Find a gym and lift the weights. I lift weights but i dont make them to heavy cause i dont want to look manish with a big body but just enough to tone and get the strength back in the flabby skin. Theirs different exercises for all parts of the body that you do with weights and you will see a difference in a month. It should be easier for you then it was me because you dont have any scarred skin from surgery. Good luck to you!!
Im 5'8 or 5'9. Im 13 and weigh 130 lbs. I think im fat but also skinny. I know i need to work out more and you may to. Its normal to be fat yet skinny. Most people consider themselves fat when their not. Don't let it bother you. Everyone looks great in their own way. :)
See, I've got the lean-muscular look down. I wish I had the skinny model look! But hey, I am dedicated to sports, so what can I say?Try walking or slow jogging for 40 minutes a day. Or get a pilates video to do at home. Also, frozen meals (like Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice) are bad options for dinner.
With weightlifting start off with as much weight as you can handle. If the bar is to much, get some really light dumbells or even a curl bar. As you progress and the dumbell gets lighter move up to a heavier dumbell and so on. As for cardio there is all kinds of things you can do, run, jog, walk, swim, jumproop, etc. Go workout with a positive attitude and tell yourself you can do it. The worst thing you can do is say you can't do it before you even try. As for eating..Eat foods high in protein. Eat chicken, steak, fish, peanut butter, etc. Lose the junk food and stuff high in fat.
All my fat seems to hits my stomach. Everywhere else seems somewhat thin to fit. A chicken-legged guy with a gut is not a pretty sight. Cardio is good. Perhaps try lifting hand-weights, but go light on the weights (3 to 5 lbs) so you can do many repetitions. It will help burn fat and tone muscle without adding much mass. Also, vary your exercise routine every couple of weeks, so you are not working the same muscle groups with the same exercises. You will notice results quicker if you vary.Watch closely your fat intake, also. It should not be above 30% of your overall caloric intake. You may need to ease up on the starches, too.
28% body fat is perfectly acceptable. But I think if you want to reduce your body fat slightly, then you really need to get into the resistance training. I feel your main issue is needing to build up muscle mass. Lowering your body fat is not just about losing fat, but actually gaining muscle. This is not to say you shouldn't lose fat, but this should not be your only goal. I'd recommend upping your intake of protein. So foods such as chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, lean beef/ham baked beans and nuts/seeds are recommended. Also remember your carbs as these are necessary to provide energy. Low GI carbs such as fresh fruit and vegetables
and wholemeal foods/cereals.You could have a one to one session with a personal trainer to make sure you have the correct form. If you really are not getting into it, you could try kickboxing aerobics, as this is not only a great cardio workout, but it builds muscle mass. You could even use some ankle weights to increase resistance during your cardio workouts. I'd also recommend buying an exercise ball and some weights and working out at home if you prefer.Take care : )

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