Saturday, October 31, 2009

So am i supposed to do low carb, low fat, or what?

when i was 16 i lost like 40 lbs on low fat and all carbs (white bagels, white bread -- pasta -- all the bad stuff - not a single gram of fat) this was in the mid 90s when low fat was all the rage. Now, i hear i am not supposed to eat anything white... and fat is ok but i can't have simple carbs. Well, i tried this and it makes me psycho... i NEED carbs to function. What is so wrong with the low fat diet i did as a teenager? i need to lose weight again, and there are so many mixed messages. I hear that whole wheat bread is just as bad as white bread bc we break it down just as fast into sugar -- same with whole wheat pasta (according to dr. weil) So... honestly, what do i do. Back to low fat? I lost a ton of weight on low sodium / low fat - cuz that cuts out all junk food (the low sodium part).
"Low Carbs" is a rediculous oversimplification.They tried to explain that people needed more complex carbs and fewer simple carbs, but most people couldn't grasp the difference, so they just said carbs = bad.The "No white/tan foods" is similar.
A lot of the simple carb and fatty foods we eat are white - tan. Butter, potato chips, etc. so rather than try to explain (again) the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates to people, they make it simple enough for a 2 year old. :pIf you can tell the difference between the types of carbs, ignore them and do what you know is right. Cut those nasty synthetic simple carbs, ban corn syrup, and rake in the energy from complex carbs from your veggies and such.Yes, white bread is bad. They bleach out all of the nutrients leaving essentially a foam of starch and sugar.
Whole wheat pasta?? There's nothing wrong with that! Well don't eat pounds of it, but it is a healthy alternative to the "white" pastas.Low fat, complex carbs.
I'm a diabetic, I have to reduce my carbs or I die. You sound like a healthy person. So what is wrong with a balanced diet and reasonable portions?

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