Saturday, October 31, 2009

Someone made a joke about getting me an IV for my birthday (because I am so thin). She was doing it to bug me

I need a good comeback or revenge of some sort.
Call her a fat slob and then spit in her face. Later that night, hook up wth her boyfriend. Revenge is easy as cake...
If she's heavier of what your excess. No thanks I'm fine the way I am!
You can use the line my mom always told me to say to people that made fun of me ( I was really skinny too)"I'd rather be skinny than fat like YOU ! " *lol* It really does work. Then, if she says something else, you can be like, "Well, I think I'm gonna go eat some pizza b/c I know I can %26 still look good.Too bad you can't do the same b/c it'd just make you even fatter than you already are ! "Also, b/c it's almost summer, you can tell her that you "hope she plans on working out/losing weight before going to the beach b/c otherwise she'd look like a beached whale"Does she have a boyfriend? If so you can be like "Well, your boyfriend doesn't seem to mind ( or likes) the way I look" Or say "Open up a magazine %26 tell me how many of the celebrities look like me (being thin) %26, how many are as fat as you"I have sooooo many comebacks just from haveing to deal with all the people that were jealous that I was alot thinner than them %26 could eat what I wanted %26 not gain anything.(too bad my metabolism slowed down now :( )

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