Saturday, October 31, 2009

So...I'm going on a diet.?

Have any good suggestions?
go to and use the food tracker. It counts your calories for you. Also they will tell you exactly how fast you can lose the weight and give ya lots of good tips.There are lots of recipes and great tips from others who have lost lots of weight and kept it off. I lost 40 lbs. in 5 months.
try medifast or one of the popular diet plans
go jogging and eat lots of soups .trust me it works for me I lost 151lbs in 13 months!
Cut all your meals in half and do maybe 20-25 crunches each night. You'll lose weight and get nice abs
Yeah diets do not work! if you really want to lose weight try cleansing I just did a 9 day cleanse and lost 13 pounds and I have never felt healthier. Please check out this website it could change your life as it has mine
Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the calorie calculator This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.
Atkins is eat a lot, so you're not hungry, you just can't eat carbs. But doing without carbs during the induction period isn't bad and weight falls off quickly.
Once you are on maintenance you can cheat a little.
work out a lot and follow the food pyramid/ guildlines
eat one meal a day and that meal should be supper small and drink lots of liquids
good luck
When you are going on a diet do not think that you have 2eat little food. When you are going on a diet you just have 2 eat heathy food and eat alot of fruits sometimes you can eat alittle meat know and then but remeber you don't want 2 eat alot. good luck : 0
Hey Girl! Anyway, u should eat less and do lots of fun stuff outside. Like we do gymnastics! Good luck getting that camera. C ya!
The best advice I've heard reguarding dieting is
Whatever quantity you decide to do it, you will loose weight. It depends on your committment how much and how fast you will loose. Brisk walks are great cardio and calorie burners. If you wear more clothing when you work out, you can burn more calories because of the extra weight and more sweating. Try to eat unprocessed foods. If you have a choice between cereal and oatmeal, candy or fruit, fish sticks or baked chicken breast... You know. Eating complex carbs like whole wheat or bran instead of white flour can also help. Try to stay away from caffeine if at all possible. Caffeine is called a diuretic. It keeps your body from absorbing water (it makes you pee it all out). Lots of water can be very cleansing of toxins and help you loose weight if you drink enough of it. You may feel like you've gained water weight at first, but eventually it will cleanse your body and your weight will go down. The more water the better!More vegetables are always good for you. There are some great ways to make stir fry with seasoning packets from the market that add no calories and you have a healthy AND flavorful meal.The key is to really be committed when you are committed and to get into a routine.Hope that helps! Good luck
i'm on a diet and i eat 6 times a day. Diet doesnt mean dont eat.

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