Sunday, October 25, 2009

Side effects of bulimia??

ive been getting really dizzy and unbalanced and i keep having headaches (and ive never had them b4). could this be a side effect of bulimia or is it somethig else?? i dont think i am actually underweight at 113llbs and 5ft5 so wot isit?? no stupid ansers please and im not gonna tell a doctor ect so dont bother.
I agree with you, i can't stand when people say "go get help, blah, blah,blah" Those are side effects, I get them too. Here are things you can do to stay a little healthy atleast.-After you throw up, mix arm and hammer baking soda with water, its an anti acid. It'll protect your teeth somewhat, rinse your mouth with it, and then spit. [about a teaspoon]-Tums are also good for chewing, they will help the acid your vomiting.-Try to alternate between anorexia too, one day eat some lettuce or something small and don't throw it up. Only throw up the bigger meals.-Set a goal weight, but stop after that goal weight, you don't want to die right?-Drink water all the time, alot and alot of it.Goodluck! We can both do it!
It's called lack of food. Low blood sugar makes you feel dizzy. You're destroying your body but of course you know that already.
well first off if you're so defensive about your eating disorder and won't take advice about getting help - why do you want advice about this??! but. You're dehydrated (among other things -like your elecrolites are probably all scewed up...). get help....
Liver failure,kidney failure,hair loss,dried out skin,acne,and a general worn out and sick look.It's your choice to die young.I wish you well.
Well, in my husband's cousin's case, her side effect from bulimia was death. She was 22, 5'6" and 125lbs. She looked fine, but wasn't. You need to eat. These effects are your body's way of telling you to stop. Something is wrong. If you don't take this advice and see a doctor, you're an idiot.
bulimia is tearing you apart, every time you cause yourself to throw up food, unwanted acids come up and start to damage your esophagus.
i`ll come too ur funeral, ur seriously destroying urself, u will end up in a coffin. wake up hun ur in heaven
first off you are underweight. the side effects include excessive hair growth on face, body and limbs. a rupture of the esophagus, losing your teeth, and death due to heart failure due to arrhythmia due to an imbalance of electrolytes.
Well, are you scarfing your food down and over eating then discreetly vomiting? You didn't tell us whether you actually have bulimia or not. I know you said you won't go to the doctor, but it may be something you just have to do. If you are bulimic, you definitely need to treat the "disease" and addiction.
Yes, the lack of food will make you dizzy and feel off-kilter (you need to process the food through digestion, not just taste it and get rid of it. You need the health benefits of the vitamin content). Some other side effects of bulimia include: cancer of the esophagus; cancer of the mouth; losing your teeth (the stomach acids will wreak havoc on your teeth and gums); constant bad breath from the stomach acids; spontaneous and uncontrolled nose bleeds; losing your hair (vitamin deficiencies) and well, a lot more other medical side effects like kidney failure. Plus bulimia will mess up your metabolism and you will never feel good. I worked with a girl who suffered from bulimia -- everyone suffered with her as a BIG side effect to bulimia is the SMELL of vomit. As the insides of your nose deteriorate, you may not be able to smell it -- but people around you will. Really, I'm sorry that you do not want to speak with a doctor about the side effects. Maybe you can speak to someone else about the way you feel. You are really thin and bulimia will not make you any more attractive. Good luck, though... and please, have some lunch.
bulimia isnt like that haha ahem sorry lol ok well bulimia and anorexia arent just being underweightanorexia is when ur afraid to eat and get fat so u only eat to live but many die from it
bulimia is when u purposely throw up after everytime u eat
yes It will be the side effects of builimia
I used to be bulimia years ago. you needs to learn to love your body
You don't need to be underweight to be bulimia
You need to get some help good luck
Some of the major bulimia effects include:
An imbalance in electrolytes;
Inflammation of the esophagus;
Different types of problems with teeth and gums;
Chronic irregular bowel movements due to abusing laxatives;
Feelings of shame and guilt;
Depression Symptoms;
Low self-esteem;
Damaged family and social relationships.
Yes, dizziness is a side effect of bulimia, I know this personally (ex-anorexic). It means your body cannot properly function with the "amount of food" that you're "giving it". Your body needs proteins,vitamins,iron,calcium... and many other things that food gives it to function and SURVIVE. Food is pretty much the fuel our body needs to function properly from day to day. Although you may look healthy on the outside while bulimic, you are definitely not healthy on the inside.Side effects of bulimia:
*cancer of the esophagus
* pancreatitis(inflammation or infection of the pancreas)
* dental cavities
* inflammation of the throat
* electrolyte abnormalities
* dehydration
* constipation
* hemorrhoids
* esophageal tears/ruptureI know that the short-term effects (mainly the gratifying feeling you get after "purging") can feel quite good, but it does horrible things to you in the long run. Bulimia is actually worse than a cocaine addiction, or any illegal substance addiction (including alcohol). It can be quite hard to fight, but it's definitely worth it if you fight bulimia off. The short-term effect(s) may feel good, but I can promise you it feels 100 times better if you're healthy. Also, you must realize that if you are forced to go to a doctor (by your family or friends), they will keep you in a hospital and force feed you till you are overweight and it feels absolutely terrible. You don't necessarily have to go to a doctor for treatment. You can simply start by purging less and less and eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Immediate halting of purging generally does not work because the person just ends up going right back into old, unhealthy habits. Just doing it one or two times less than normal helps and eventually you can get down to purging just once a week and you'll feel much better. if you continue working at it little by little, you can eventually stop purging completely (although that does not mean that the side effects of bulimia have stopped. Even if you do stop, the side effects can last for years depending on how much you purged. Although, they will be much less harmful if you at least make an effort to stop). One of the greatest feelings in the world is losing weight, but one of the greater feelings is losing weight and knowing you're doing it properly and healthfully.Much Love.
I hope you can fight it off.

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