Saturday, October 31, 2009

Slim Fast?

Does it really do the job? Has anyone lost weight by drinking it? How much? How long did it take?
50% of the calories from Slim Fast come from sugars. you can get the same effect but in a healthier manner by making your own healthy snacks with the same amount of calories
Slim fast is a common know poison
Yes, Slim Fast does work. I lost 60 lbs in 3 months by simply substituting breakfast and lunch with the slimfast and then having one of those Healthy Choice dinners. And don't forget water and diet sodas. But the hard part is keeping it off, you have to make a life change with your food choices. Oh and one last thing, you should always be finished with dinner no later than 7 pm ( I did 6 pm)
I was told that Carnation Instant Breakfast is a MUCH better choice than drinking Slimfast. It also costs less per serving.
I only drink it in the mornings or as a quick snack every once in awhile but it does fill me up.

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