Saturday, October 31, 2009

So it seem everyone asks weight questions..=/?

well i'm trying to lose some weight for summer.
i'm 13
and about 155(?)pounds.
i want to know if i'm doing everything right or not.
i'm running for 20 mins. twice a day.
plus i'm walking home from school(1/2 mile about)
and walking other places.
i'm also eating healthy.
no junk food
or soda
or other unhealthy things.
so yeah.
if you could give me some other tips or
tell me if i'm doing anything wrong, thanks
It seems to me your diet and excersize is excellent, on account of you wanting to loose some pounds.I'd make sure you get enough protein (nuts, eggs,meat, peanut butter etc.) in your diet either before or after you excersize, it builds muscle. You might want to try some things with weights because gaining muscle is loosing fat. Try many reps of weights around 12, and crunches or pushups.All this will boost your metabolism and if you keep it up you will reduce your chance of obesity, as it runs in your family.Also since you are doing a good amount of excersize make sure you get enough food in your diet, so your body won't think you are starving yourself by skipping meals. It helps to spread out your meals to maybe 5 small meals per day rather than 3 large ones. Over all your plan if fine, good luck on loosing weight and what not :)
that sounds good so far! maybe cut out some more carbs and drink water with every meal to feel full.keep up the good work girl!
you have the same stats as my mom! (except shes in her forties)switch that 20 minutes twice a day to forty minutes straight. your body doesn't start burning fat untill after 30 minutes, so if you only go for 20 minutes you won't be burning anything.and don't eat after 7pm.

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