Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should i take my whey protein after i'm done biking, or after lifting weights??

I currently am lifting weights to build muscle (going 5-8 reps until failure). I do 3 sets of 3-5 exercises. I also take a tablespoon of honey immediantely after i drink my whey protein (it's supposed to help digest faster). I spend about an hour lifting weights, then I go on the bike for about 30 minutes. Should I be taking my protein drink after my lifting session, or after I'm done biking?
you have a 1 hour window after lifting to take the whey, so they say. i like to wait til i get my cardio done so my stomach doesnt get upset. the honey is good because after working out, your muscle glycogen is low and by taking simple sugars with whey protein at this time, the sugars help to drive the protein into the muscles. make sure you get enough protein each day. the whey is good but if you dont satisfy your daily protein needs, you are not going to make very good progress.
Either is good. It's protein its good for you. Have one before or after. It helps build the muscle so its good for you either way you go. If you want take half a shake after the bike and the other half after the weights.
I would take it immediately after you're done biking. It will help to provide the fuel while your body rebuilds itself.

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