Saturday, October 31, 2009

Snacking too much?

i'm over weight, both of my parents have type 2 diabetes, so i've cut down on fried foods to like once a week, more veggies, no soda but i drink ice teas, gatorade, lots of water (more than anything) and juice (in moderation) i keep my carb intake in moderation and i'm bout to go back to the gym, so i try to snack so i'm not over-eating my full meals but i find myself "snacking" alot, help!
I'd suggest cutting back on gatorade.. it isn't good for you unless you're actually exercising and doing a lot of sports. If the ice tea is all natural and not snapple.. go for it. I'd suggest doing Vitamin Water. :) It's a better version of Gatorade/Powerade and has less than 15grams of sugar in it. Cut down on the beef intake.. poultry and fish is good! Chew your food..the first bites of your meal are precious! So chew a lot till it's little tiny pieces..easier for your digestive system to digest and can fill you up, actually. :) Good luck.
You just have to have some willpower. If you do snack, try to eat healthy snacks. I am rooting for ya!
Well all I can say is that you are on the right track.
as long as you are snacking on healthy foods i wouldn't worry about it that much. Your body needs to adjust to everything.
keep fresh fruits and veggies around the house... when you have to snack get a bowl of grapes, stick of celery or a banana.
Use honey instead of sugar
ANything With 'ose' in it
Is sugar - Poison!!
Have snacks i.e carrot sticks or snack packs of fruit
Or Raisins, Dried peaches
I have the same problem, after I eat a meal, I need to snack.
Coffee decaf kills the hunger and urge to snack
It's not the end of the world to be hungry, hell I am right now. Get used to being hungry and start doing it more often.
It's tough I know. I'm not overweight but I am a Type 2 Diabetic. A few things that I've noticed. If you eat breakfast you are less likely to snack during the day, at least I am. I'm bad about that by the way...Never was a big breakfast eater. Also, try to keep healthy snacks around. That was real tough for me because I have kids and my wife kept buying cookies and the like, like putting heroin in front of the addict. Now we try to keep them out of the house. Out of sight out of mind.
The first point i'd like to make is that juices, gatorade and all of those drinks have a ton of sugar. Sugar=fat. You can lose weight just by cutting out all those drinks.Next, snacking is happening because you are hungry! How many meals do you have in a day? You should be eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day. This way you don't become starved and your blood sugar levels stay stable. Make sure you are eating enough protien, fruits and veggies to keep you healthy and full. If you are REALLY hungry and need something, snack on some carrots, broccolli, caluflower etc. These things help keep you very full because they take a while to digest and they have mimimal calories. Also, consider low fat popcorn, fruits, and low fat snacks like weight watchers muffins etc. When you "snack" (pick a little here and there) you don't realize how much you are eating. I bet if you were to write down every thing that goes in your mouth, you'd be surprised how much it adds up to. A way to combat this is to make sure everything that you eat is on a plate. That forces you conciously see what you are eating and how much. In addition, keep snacks that you like to munch on out of view. If you see it, you'll want it. If you put chips, for example, in a tied up bag at the top of a cabinet, you are less likely to grab some than if they are in a bowl on the table.
Snacking can play a part of your diet, but you have to moderate what you snack on. Stay away from junk, going for more healthier Fruits, veggies and cheese (1oz only for snack). Since both parents are Type II you have to know that you run a very high risk of developing Type II especially if you are overweight. Even drinks like Ice tea, fruit jucies and Gatorade can contain a very high amount of sugar, if you make your own ice tea use splenda or equal as a sweetner, Unless you need to boost your sugar levels during a work out steer away from Fruit juices and Gatorade as they will be just empty calories just like soda.Try cutting down on your full meals, making them slightly bigger then your snacks. I personally eat 5 - 6 per day, but very small amounts. Eating 3 meals a day tend to leave folks hungry because you typically go 6 hours or more between meals, try eating every 3 - 4 hours.Good luck
The ice tea and gatorade is a definite no-no when it comes to dieting. Gatorade has more sugar than a soda! Having more than one snack per day is also not a desirable thing to do as well. It is better to just eat three square meals a day. It's good that you're going to a gym, but sometimes it's not enough.I strongly recommend the Weight Watchers diet. That way, you could really monitor what you eat and you can learn about which foods are better for your diet. It's also pretty easy, but it does take some willpower.
diabetics have rules if it is a big banana ,u can only have half,and applesand oranges can only b small ones because they have sugar in them.look up the free foods that u can have on diabetic diet...did u know it takes more calories to eat celery that how many calories celery has?
We all like to snack, but keep your cupboard and refrigerator stocked with "healthy" snacks, and don't even have a bag of chips or cookies in the house. Don't forget to exercise. Once a week reward yourself with a SMALL ice cream sundae, piece of pie, etc. Then go for a nice walk.
The first thing that you need to so is try to figure out the reason why you snack so much. A lot of the time the snacking is a comfort reaction to some kind of emotional pain. IF this is the reason and you are not addressing it then you could e struggling with this for a very long time.
A few suggestions:
1. Wait 5 minutes. When ever you feel like snacking force yourself to wait and see if your still hungry.
2. Before you snack have a full glass of water. When we are dehydrated we can mistake the symptoms as hunger.
3. Don't have unhealthy snacks in the house. If you have healthier snacks available (natural is best) then at least your eating better for you calories.
4. There are some supplements that help suppress appetite. A new find is hoodia which is derived from a cactus in South Africa.
If you try any supplement do your research. Watch for side effects and again natural is best.Hope this answer helps,
Take care,
only drink water and green tea
stuff yourself with more veggies in your meals so even if you snack it won't be a huge amount later
don't go to the supermarket hungry cuz u'll end up buying a bunch of junk
if you are serious about keeping down the sugar, stop leaving so many snacks in the house
after school i totaly binge [ eat waay to muhc ] so now waen i come home i just tell my slef. im NOT going to eat ... and if u relly have to eat an orange and some almonds that will fill u up... and drinking can be consuming alot of ur calories so be careful! and get the snack food out of the house

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