Saturday, October 31, 2009

Some1 at work is ill (cold) how can i make sure i don't catch it?

You can't! colds are spread by droplets from coughing sneezing and breathing. Echinacea has been shown in controlled studies to have no protective effect, 4 studies, admittedly all small, failed to show any evidence of prevention.Vitamins, including vitamin C in high dose have been found to be equally unhelpful. One recent study on vitamin C taken in doses of above 500mgs/day suggested it might even be carcinogenic at that dose!
Bunk off for a few days
Stay off.
lock them in a cupboard for a month
Take echinecea tablets to build up your immune system and drink loads and eat plenty of fruit and veg,or stay away from them.
Go get some airborne from the store.
Take your vitamins, wash your hand very well (long enough to sing the Happy Birthday song twice) as often as you can throughout the day. Keep your hands away from your face, and steer clear of that person the best you can.
My boss came in today after being out for a week sick. She left early today because she still fells ill, but before she left she handed me a huge stack of papers. Umm, really didn't want to take that stack of germs! So, I've been washing my hands today like a madwoman!
stay away from em x
either take ecinachea or vitamin c, stock up on fruit and veg wash your hands at every possible opportunity or use a gel that you put on your hands that kills germs and you don't need water, and if you feel a slight cold coming on use Vick's 1st defence nasal spray, and there is also a Vick's hand pump foam that's stop you catching germs from doors and seats and anything else you touch, hope this helps and i hope you don't catch it xx
Two of your respondents are on the right track--hand washing and fruits and veggies...BUT the BEST defense against nasty cold-harboring mucus droplets left on WHATEVER this person touches is HAND SANITIZER! (I am not employed by them, but Purell is the best). I have a big bottle on my desk because I had a kidney transplant and can't afford to catch anything from these germy people. Use hand sanitizer after you touch anything in the office (doorknobs, the copier, the fax machine, the fridge door, shaking hands, etc.) ALSO, in the bathroom use a paper towel to: turn off the tap after you wash your hands (after the second round of Happy Birthday) and open the door...Use your elbow to get the paper towel, not your freshly washed hand. Don't share pens with anyone (because I am sure as we type, half your office is incubating that cold)...if they ask, let them keep the pen. It may sound harsh, but so is giving people diseases.

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