Saturday, October 31, 2009

Some fitness/heath questions having to do with a 15 year old male.?

Ok so basically I want to get in shape for the summer, and for the rest of my life. First off Im about 6'1-6'2 and I way abput 150-155. Im a bit overweight and need to shed a few pounds, whats the quickest and best way for me to do this? Secondly I have this hair problem in the morning where one side (sometimes both) of my hair will stick out and the other will stay normal. Last but not least, my acne is getting bad and Im trying to use a acne wash but it isnt working to well. Any tips/adivice?
Move... Exercise. Run. Play sports. First, being 6'2'' and only 150 is rather skinny. I'd suggest weight lifting to get bigger. A healthy weight at that level is about 175. Eat right. Stay away from fast food and soda. Drink plenty of water. About the acne and hair...shower daily in the morning using shampoo/conditioner and soap.If your looking for the best way to lose weight, just run. 20 to 30 minutes a day will shed the weight in a month. Sit ups and crunches will help a lot as well.
You are 150-155 at 6'1" or 6'2" and you think you are overweight!?! That is ridiculous.Just stay active and your body fat should decrease. Try to do something active every day.Plaster your hair down with water in the morning.Take a shower before you got to bed and make sure your sheets are clean. (Don't go to bed with all the oil and grease from the day still on your face.)
Excuse me? You're 6'2, 150 and you think you're overweight? For a male runway model maybe. That's ridiculous.
I realize you're still a kid, but I still can't imagine that you'd be overweight at 150 lbs. Probably what you need is to tone up and reshape your body. You're old enough now to start lifting weights--maybe just some light ones, or just doing some pull-ups, pushups, and other fitness exercises. When I was your age I was around 6' and probably weighed just a bit more than you do, and I've always been lean. Maybe you just need to start building more muscle. As for the hair--cut it short and get some decent hair gel. Acne--hm, never had that, but I know there are some good products out there--what's that one Jessica Simpson endorses? Pro-active? Good luck.
Eat healthy foods and make sure that your calorie intake is less than the calories that you burn.Find out what your healthy weight should be and how many calories/day you would need to maintain this weight (remember this will depend on your daily level of physical activity) To do this, record everthing that you eat for say 7-10 days and work out (buy a calorie counter book) how many calories you are in consuming each day. This will be a pain to do but well worth the effort. You will need to do physical activity each day (maybe walk at first) and slowly increase this intensity.The best way I have found to buid up intensity is to buy a skipping rope and an interval timer. You can skip rope practically anywhere as long as you have good shoes and a surface that cushions. With an interval timer, you can set the duration you want to train for and also set your rest time between each set. Over time you can slowly build up the intensity i.e. skip for a longer period and shorten your rest period between each set.The best interval timer I have used is called the GYMBOSS and is only around $25 (Australian $). I discovered this timer at www.gymboss at it is really worth the money. Get one of these, use it daily, eat healthy food and you WILL lose weight and get really fit.
Good luck!

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