Saturday, October 31, 2009

Smoking and gaining weight?

Hi, I am 21 and weigh around 130. I am honestly tired of smoking and really want to quit. I started around 17 years of age. I know this one issue can overcome my addiction. I am basically tired of being small and skinny. My question is If I quit smoking will I gain weight. I want to become at least 160 to 170. Growing up I was an average size kid. I also had to stop my favorite sport. I am a black belt in judo. Can I gain weight if I quit??Thank You
The reason that people tend to gain weight when they quit smoking is because a lot of folks tend to replace smoking with food and because smoking is an appetite suppressant. I am certainly not telling you not to quit, but quitting may not help you bulk up.I put a link under sources about gaining weight. It's pretty basic though. If you DO want to quit and gain weight, I recommend replacing smoking with exercise that generates bulk. If you crave a cigarette, do some pushups, etc. Good luck...
130- skinny? i wouldn't go overboard toots.
Most people do gain weight after quitting. Even a large gain is still healthier than the tobacco.
Weight gain is temporary, and an addict will just use it as a cop-out.Work out with weights, consume protein to build muscle if you wish. Learn to play the tuba. After only four years, your addiction is reversible, so do it now while your lungs, arteries and brain neurons can still repair themselves.Good luck to you, and keep up the productive attitude. You'll thank yourself later.
smoking is a bad habit to begin with. congrats on wanting to really quit smoking!it is not that difficult to quit if u REALLY set ur mind to quit.
about gaining weight,of course u can...take vitamins supplement (in right dose) %26 drink a weight gain milk. it is popular these days..about the weight gain milk,it is quite expensive but it really works %26 it always the popular one in pharmacies. try Appeton...
People who quit smoking will gain an average of 5-10 lbs. So that will not help with your goal. But of course good for your health. Consult with your doctor is see what's the best way for you. 30-40lbs of weight gain is a lot. I can't advise you to achieve that in a healthy way. As for Judo, don't quit! It's something that you've worked very hard for and enjoy! Don't give it up!

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