Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should you work out on an empty stomach?

Is it best to work out while having an empty, hungry tummy or after a light meal?
You don't want to be starving, but a full stomach would badly affect your athletic performance. When running on an empty stomach, most of your blood is sent to your muscles to provide energy, remove waste etc. When you have a full stomach, blood gets re-routed to the digestive system to process your food which means your muscles get less blood and less performance come from them. (plus it can make you feel very sick running on a full stomach!) It's best to exercise before eating and to eat something high carb afterwards (though some people will argue against this if you're on atkins) to replenish you energy AND your metabolism has just been given a boost so it will burn it off much faster.
You shouldn't work out on an empty stomach, you won't feel very good and your body may burn muscle to use as energy.
NO! dont do that always keep your self hydrated and youll get tired faster iight a light meal
in the army first thing we did every day was work out after that we would eat
You should never work out on an empty stomach. You need food for energy but no bad foods. Carbs are good just don't eat to many.
I'd eat power bars or some form of snack like trail mix with water or powerade or gatorade while working out. Afterwards having a hearty meal balanced with vegetables protein, for example some form of chicken and rice with a salad. A multivitamin will be helpful as well, unless you usually eat a very healthy deep green leafy diet in such a case you probably don't need it.
If you are lifting weights, you will probably end up passing out or vomiting if you try working out on an empty stomach. Believe me, I've done it before and the results have been disastrous. If you are doing cardiovascular exercise such as running, it is best to wait 1-2 hours after eating before you exercise. However, you should eat something before you exercise.An added tip: Eating a bowl of oatmeal two hours before you go to the gym will enhance your performance. The carbohydrates give you the energy you need.
Figure competitors and bodybuilders will tell you. Do your cardio first thing after coffee, no food. That will melt fat away. Go home, eat, wait an hour, come back and lift. I do it everyday, and I can concentrate just fine, and I keep losing fat.

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