Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sit up help?

I need To kno
1. how many sit ups to do a day
2. when ( before or after a meal)
3. what kind works best for..
1.Love handles
2.that loweer belly fat
3. more define ab muscles
to get defined abs you have to have low body fat percentage. sit ups will only make your belly look bigger since there is gona be more muscle UNDERNEATH the layer of fat which is not going anywhere without cardio (4-6times a week for 30-50min)
i would after a meal to burn the fat off and you could buy the bean its a mircle fitness ball-like i use it its cool
there is no such thing as spot reduction, meaning your body uses fat stored in cells all throughout your body, not in locations that are specific to type of movement. when you do sit ups you are building muscle, toning and strengthening, your abs won't get huge, don't worry about that. proper form is key. to lose fat you have to do cardio and lift weights, eat healthy and avoid unhealthy foods. doing cardio increases the percentage of fat cells your body uses for energy as a whole, your brain won't instruct your ab muscles to only absorb energy from nearby muscles. that's silly.
1.Try to do as many sit ups as YOUR body can take, dont compete with anyone though!
2.Do them anytime before a meal, it make more room inside you, if you dont like doing this before a meal, than wait 2 hours after eating than do exercise.
3- any kind that suits you best!!
1.Love handles, there hard to get rid of, but sit ups will help
2.Sit ups aswell, this tones and tightens your bellly, when doing sit ups hold your belly in, it always helps
3.same ^

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