Saturday, October 31, 2009

Somebody wrote its impossible to loose fat and gain muscle at the same time.?

i took about a year off from the gym and my bodyfat percentage shot up to 30% from about 12% during that time i decided to say the hell with it and ate pretty much what i wanted. this being the first time in around 12 years. most of the fat seems to have all gone to my stomach. how can i loose all this fat and and not the muscle. and if i do have to give something up i guess i could spare some muscle just so that i can look lean this summer. what would be the best way to achieve my goal but not loose too much muscle mass?
definetly not is a common occurrence in newbies to resistance training to increase muscle mass while simultaneously losing body fat. this usually only occurs when the body is in it's highest most untrained state as with those who are brand new to resistance training
Box, if you haven't lifted in a year, you have no muscle.You have to start from scratch.
I would think that when on a fitness program, there would be both a cardio and strength element to it. Cardio can help burn fat while weight lifting can gain muscle
LOOSE is how your pants will fit after you LOSE weight.Burning fat is not the same as losing muscle, burning fat is just using stored energy. Losing muscle mass happens when you don't use your muscles. As long as you are using your muscles for things you will retain your muscle mass, and as long as you are being active you will lose body fat.
ok they lied to you! I'd do a low carb diet for a week. Then body build for a week, eat like a bodybuilder for this week, eat plenty of protien. and do aoerobics 3 times a week. Try this for 2 months.. 1week low carb. 1 week bodybuild, etc etc..
Unless you are extremely lean, you can do both. Gaining muscle will increase you lean mass, which will burn extra calories 24 hours per day. This will strongly help fat loss.This is the best way to do it:
Eat 6 small but balanced meals per day. Your carbs should be high in fiber and your proteins should be lean. Fats should be sparing but concentrated in the omega 3's and omega 6's. This will provide a slow but constant stream of vital nutrients. Avoid greasy foods, alcohol, and candy.Lift weights or perform power yoga because either of these will slightly increase your lean mass, which will burn extra calories 24 hours per day. This will increase your resting metabolic rate. Also, some cardio helps.Here is a sample workout and a sample meal plan:

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