Saturday, October 31, 2009

Slimming World?

Hi, I started the Slimming world diet last year. I stopped doing this as i felt it didn't help me and i couldn't stick to it aswell. This year i started again and scales tell me i lost over half a stone (even though i can't notice difference) I was thinking bout doing my own diet but i don't know what to count? Calories or fat? Also what foods i can eat. Can i eat meat and fish on the same day as rice/pasta/potatos? Any help will be appreciated x
Sensible dieting is the key word. Any food combination diets are shonky, seriously.Just avoid WHITE foods - salt, sugar, rice, flour, cream, oil, fat, pasta, potatoes - crisps and chips, lemonade, alcohol, ice cream, full fat milk, yoghurt and so on.Obviously not forever. Try to eat lots of fruit and vegies and lean meats and fish and keep away from processed, pre-packaged foods.Good luck!
best way is to reduse the amount of sugar and sweets. you can see the differance in one month
go to one slimming world session ang get all the info you need, then you can do it yourself, i would count calories, not fat
You can search for a diet that suits you over the net but you might like to think about seeking professional advise on it. Too much information can misdirect your program.I tried a program last year which gave a list of stuff from the experts, diets and stuff, was a shortcut but hey it works.Try others first if it suits you, if not , you might like to try what I did, you can find it on my profile.
i started slimming world 3 weeks ago and i have lost 11 pounds , its very easy when u get your head round it, i only do green days ,which is loads of rice,pasta and a little meat hope this helps
the way I see it is you should not worry about any counting whatsoever you just need to eat what fills you-not megabad foods like candy-eat normal foods that fill you then after you let stuff digest you should go for a walk thataway you burn calories it helps me to listen to my iPOD when i walk cuz i guess i listen to the music more than i think about walking

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