Sunday, October 25, 2009

Six pack at 12?

ok i am 12 i am a male i have some fat on my belly not alot how cane i git a six pack i dont want to run any cardio moves cane situps burn fat and gain mucle tone?
You are not going to get a six pack playing video games. Insted of focusing on what you dont want to do find an exercise that you do want to do. Usually that involves diet and cardio.
haha i know u
absolutely, if you eat right and target your target area!
wellu have to do something to get it
Oh my gosh 12 years old and you want a six pack. Sorry but that cracks me up! I do know a 13 year old that has on though.
laugh a lot.big belly laughs ;D
Oh puleeze!!
You're 12 years old ....and I'm God, and command you to stop this nonsense or I'll turn you into a Hillary Clinton look alike.

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