Saturday, October 31, 2009


lately im on a diet but i cant stop eating junk food
i try to stop and resist, sometimes it works but i really want to eat if i had ice cream at home i would eat it
how can i stop this, please help thanksalso want are some good snacks to snack on and not go againest my diet
Dont buy stuff thats bad for you (sounds like a no-brainer, but its true) Get some fresh veggies (lo fat ranch dressing is a tasty dip) Keep the veggies prepped %26 ready to go (baby carrots, celery, pepper strips) so you reach for those instead of chips. When a snack-attack hits, you gotta be prepared. Keep a fresh fruit bowl within easy reach in the fridge. 100 calorie packs are good, but no nutritional value. How about a yogurt cup or a handful of nuts? Also PORTION CONTROL. When you eat a snack, read the label. (did you know ice cream serving size is ONE HALF CUP, not a nice bowlful with hot fudge %26 nuts {my problem})A serving is usually 1 or half a cup. I've lost 7 pounds so far!!
don't buy junk foods and get rid of those ice cream in your fridge.
you can try those nabisco 100 calorie packs. i just tried the peanut crisp ones. they're pretty good.also, if you want ice cream, skinny cow makes not too bad of an ice cream sandwich
100 calorie packs are good, but only if you eat one., TRy eating freshly cut apples or veggies. If you tend you eat while you watch TV keep snacks out of sight or find something else to do. If you eat when you are bored try knitting or something else. Good Luck!

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