Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should I take testosterone? I want to loose weight, and build muscle...?

Also, I am 20, I have almost NO body hair besides around my junk, I dont have to shave or anything, I sometimes don't feel "manly" enough, would testosterone help me? It seems my metabolism is really bad right now too...Is there any other supplments I could take to help me?
green tea speeds up ur metabolism like crazy, you can even take it in pill form. and biotin also does the same thing, and makes hair grow!
Seek help from a medical professional. Don't take drugs or medications as strong as testosterone without a qualified medical opinion and a prescription. Don't worry about the lack of pubic hair, many girls/women like it that way. And don't call your equipment "junk". Use a positive or humorous term, like "family jewels", or "baseball essentials".
you can have normal test levels and still not have much body hair, there is not direct correlation between the two.exercise at a high level of intensity for 60-80 minutes 4-6x a week to increase the resting metabolic rate
josh, you can get it legaly from your doctor , just go and ask for a test screening and if the numbers are low than they will most likely give you some HGH or Testosterone.OH BTW testosterone seriously burns fat pretty quick

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