Saturday, October 31, 2009

Slow Matabalism ( Help!)?

How do you loose weight when you have a slow matabalism, I need to see better results by May 23!
hmm, do situps in the morning with squats
then eat less portions, less calories (stick to a 1200 calorie diet) , hmm ride a bike for 1 hour daily,
run for 20 minutes first then tmore and more
jump start your metabolism by interval cardio training it works.
you can take a pill called tonalin that helps break down food and increase lean but you also have to exercise
I have lost 25 pounds in 2 months, and my metabolism has increased greatly. Email me for details.
You need to eat more often. It revs up metabolism.
Eat a little something every 3-4 hours. Stop about
2 hours before bedtime. Eat 2-3 servings of dairy, 5 fruits and veggies daily, protein at meals. Drink water,
stay away from sweets. Good Luck!
Eat one small meal once a day. Drink lots of water. If u feel really hungry hit the pillow. Believe me u wont die of hunger. Thats the worse that could happen and it wont. I've gone for 2days without food.
along wtih exercise eat something small and heathy every two hours of the day and start as soon as get up in the morning
the biggest mistake you can make trying to lose weight is eating barely anything.. it doesnt work!
my advice:
eat a healthy, filling breakfast EX: 2 scarmbled eggs or yogurt and fruit
for lunch stick with whole wheat bread and lean meat on a sandwhich and skip the mayo also to keep its filling enough have something like fat free pudding to go along with it
have a small snack late afternoon like almonds or a banana
for dinner have a piece of lean meat and veges
for a late night snack stick with a few strawberriesbelieve me this works.. i lost a lot of weight with itif you wanna lose a lot of weight try getting a weight watchers book from a friend
no need to sign up just get the book , choose a number of points good for losing weight and do that!it works!

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