Saturday, October 31, 2009

Smoking and health, some one please help?

i am a boy of 19 years old. i have smoke for 4 years now. to the extend that i consume 24/27 a day. but now i am regretting why i do such. please can any one help put my of food requirement and other that can make me look and be healthy again. please some one help. i mean you the reader
U know i'm your Nigerian fan ok, 19 your very young to be smoking so much, is really bad for your health, and will get worse as u get older, as the wt thing, never seen a Nigerian that was big or smoked. the USA is bad on smoking, but you being in Nigeria, their not into smoking, and drinking as much as the USA , i'm i right on this? so you do need to stop smoking while you are still young and it will be easier for u to stop now. Get hook on the computer or some sport to get your mind of this. good luck my friend.
sorry to hear that you have put weight on=glad to hear you have quit smoking===you will have to start a diet =go to Drs and find the best diet for your body and good luck
the only way you are going to be healthy is to stop smoking period because if u keep smoking you are messing up your lung and you could get lung cancer and if u keep smoking you are destroying most of your brainn cells so u wont be as smart as you use to be and if u smoke your apperence will change rather you like it or not so my best suggestion is to just stop smoking all together and you will see a big change. adnd if u want to get healther you need to eat more healthy food and perhaps work out and stuff to get in shape
quite now before it is 2 late.
If you quit smoking your food will taste better, But you won't be loosing needed vitamins I quit a 5 pack a day habit, I know it can be done
Hi there, I know this is a hard habit to break. Try and cut back gradually and work on quitting. Smoking ages you, lowers your immune system and harms your health. My grandmother smoked a lot, but then had quit many years ago. She was just diagnosed with lung cancer. My other grandmother ruined her arteries from it %26 went to the hospital a lot. You're young so this is the time to try and stop smoking. Look into your local area for help and support.Start including in your diet fresh fruit (make smoothies and drink them in the morning to feel refreshed and get a good source of energy) they're cleansing, too.Good luck to you!
do a colon cleanse first and a candida yeast cleanse go to your local health food store or on line for healthy eating habits Organic is the best. 8 to 10 glasses of natural ozonated spring water per day, yoga is especially great for your body alignment and balance, chelation therapy is a detoxifier and great cleanse for your overall health. you can get all these things on line or at your local health food store. in good health
This is debatable. My grandmother is 89yrs.old and has smoked non-filtered cigarettes for 72 years. To this day, she is still not on any prescription medication for any health problems.She even went from 1946 to 1995 without having a general health check-up! Moisturize your skin. Eat well-balanced meals. And eliminate stress.

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