Sunday, October 25, 2009

Six Packs?

So i've been swimming competitively for quite a while, and i still havent seen any results for the six pack abs... why?i'm not fat, about 141-144lbs @ 5'6. iono is it because im eating junk food (cause i eat fast food quite often). can someone show me a quality work out program that will show results in about 6 weeks?a swim program is just fine
also i don't mind doing other things like situps etc.
i just need a menu
Getting a six pack is very easy to do as long as you stick with the following plan. It worked for me so it'll work for you as well.Every night right before you go to sleep (literally while you are lying in bed) do 150 sit ups. (I didn't start with 150. I started with 50, then the second week worked up to 100, and the third week 150. It became easier as I went along but it took me 6 weeks to get a six pack.) If you do 150 sit ups every single night for the next two weeks you'll already begin to see improvements. In 4 weeks, you'll be good to go! The best part is once you got them, if you eat healthy you'll keep them. I touch up every three months however and they look great! Good luck to ya!
Hmm...I believe so, but check here just in case:
Although it sounds like a daunting task, it will probably only take a few changes to your diet, and maybe a few extra exercises to achieve those desired packs. Although, you hear rumours that it take about a million sit ups per day every day of the week to get a 'stomach of steel', you abs infact are like every other muscle in the body; in order to grow, they need rest. It is especially important to rest your abs after a workout, this is because (especially at a young age) there are weak parts of the abdominal muscle wall around your groin area, and when overworked, a 'hernia' (basically, where your muscle splits and the intestine pops out) occurs (see attatched photo) which requires a operation to cure. It also means that you will be 'doubled over' for a long time in constant pain.
After the warnings of the dangers of overtraining, I am now going to explain how to hit those abs. Rather than just doing conventional sit ups, I recommend adding a few exercises to target all areas of the abs (rather than just the tops). See below for a simple guided exercise plan you should do for the first 2 weeks. Sit ups - 3 sets of 20Leg raises (where you lay on your back, raising and lowering legs) (for lower abs) - 3 sets of 10Twisted crunches (where you go up to do a normal sit up, but twist when you reach the top, change from side to side) - 3 sets of 10The plank (where you get into a press up position but instead rest on your forearms and hold it there, this works your core, the 'foundations of the abs') - 3 sets of 20 secondsPerform the above exercises for 3 days per week, leaving a day between for recovery. Make sure that they are performed slowly, as this adds strain on the muscle encouraging it to grow more. In order for you to see the new muscle formed, you have to reduce your overall body fat percentage. This can be done by watching what you eat. Try to eat wholemeal breads and pastas along with good sources of proteins (tuna, other fish, red meat, chicken). Try to cut out fatty foods like cheese, butter (replace with sunflower spread).
As you play football, I assume that you are quite active, off season, to hep reduce fat and also keep your stamina, try going for a 30 minute jog 3 days a week, this could be between each one of your ab workouts.
Finally, remember, it is vital to keep on eating, but just be careful what you do eat. If you dont eat, then your body has no fuel to build new muscle. Examples of the physique for people who dont eat are anorexics, who seriously risk losing their lives because of exhaustion and mal-nutrition. Good luck with the plan!

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