Sunday, October 25, 2009

Size 00-too small?

I recently went to America on holiday, and I have trouble finding jeans long enough and to fit me round the waist in the Uk. So, I was measured in a shop called Delia's and I now have 2 pair of jeans that are size 00. I was just wondering if it was too small for a 13 year old?
00 is too small for a seven year old, never mind a young lady of your age. You will do your health no favours by trying to maintain this sizing. Eat healthily by all means, but eat well too. That means enjoying your meals and eating until you are satisfied, not bloated. Fruit, veg, lean meat, and limited carbs,with essential oils, (those are the ones with the Omega 3s) monounsaturated fats and oils,and absolutely NO hydrogenated oils or fats at all, (they are worse than lard for clogging up your arteries), and NO aspartame (because it's a nerve poison and possibly responsible for the huge rise in brain tumours), should all help you to maintain a healthy diet. And that's the point. If you are the size you are and healthy, then fine. Your health is too important to make it a slave to fashion. Besides, most of the people involved in the fashion industry are gay. They try to make women look like boys, with no breasts or bum, in fact with as few curves as possible, because after all, their designs are more important than anything else. If they could get their drawings to walk down the catwalk they would be happy. As it is, they are required to make clothes from their designs and for them, it is important that the 'line' isn't spoilt by a normal body shape.Enjoy your life, enjoy your food and let your body become what it's supposed to become, the body of a curvaceous and beautiful young woman.
yes i do thinks its way too small i`m 13 and i`m a size 2 so gain some weight hun
Hmmmmmm, you sound like perfect material for my show. Whould you like to come to the studio to discuss it?
Yes I think thats realllly small! It depends what height you are though..if your're about 5ft tht ok but any taller its dangerously thin!! Gain some weight!!
no not inless your really trying to stay that skinny im naturally skinny and i still wear 00 and im 14
Gain some weight love - you could be seriously ill!! I bet my four year old daughter would have difficulty fitting into a size 00. Are you dieting????? Most men actually hate dating someone who is anything less than a size 10 (preferably 12-14). So if you are dieting to look good, you are probably deluding yourself - men do not necessarily find you at all attractive. If you are doing it just for yorself - good luck to you. At least if you know that men don't find that attractive and are still happy doing it - you are well blessed!!
yes i think so i'm 19 now and i'm a size 8 have done all my life
if that is the size that you are its fine as long as you are not starving your self or trying to become skinnier and skinnier
I've said this on many occasions and I'll say it again. If that is your natural size and you are healthy, it's fine. Some people have very small builds and narrow hip bones and for them they can wear a very small size and be perfectly okay. It's when people diet down to such small sizes that it's too small and unhealthy. Plus you are only young and still developing, you will fill out soon enough.Take care : )
Your body is not yet grown fully, provide you eat enough and healthily your could grow sideways as you go older. Just don't have obssesion that you have to be that thin.
OK, here we go again! What is it with size 0 and 00??!!Let's get a few things straight. First of all, if indeed you eat normal healthy food in normal healthy quantities (which from your tone it sounds like you do but of course I have no way of knowing that for sure) and you don't have a specific medical condition like a thyroid problem for instance (if so, see your GP - these things are treatable and nothing to be afraid of), then take no notice of the answerers here saying you're too thin. If you're thin, you're thin and that's the way you are.(Sorry, you may need to read that last paragraph more than once to make sense of it).Secondly, as I understand it, size 00 is SUPPOSED to be an equivalent of a UK size 2. BUT, and it's a very big "BUT", many manufacturers and retailers in the UK and the USA mess about with the sizes to make women think they're slimmer than they really are. This is because they wrongly believe everyone wants to be stick thin or if they can't actually be stick thin, by fitting into something labelled "00" they'll be able to kid themselves that they are. I think that Delia's is playing this game with their jeans sizes. It's very difficult to find any consistency between clothes sizes within the UK or within the USA, let alone between the UK and the USA. (It happens with men's clothes as well and they're measured in actual inches or centimetres - how bonkers is that?)IF you decide you want to gain some healthy weight, get some advice from a qualified and experienced nutritionist and I would recommend a very carefully supervised weight training programme. I'm not right up there on whether weight training is considered OK for a 13yo female and you can do yourself serious injuries (at any age) if you use the wrong techniques but like I said, if it's carefully supervised, I really can't see it doing you any harm.Most importantly, do what you enjoy, don't be pressurised by others into doing anything you think/know is wrong AND ... have a great life!

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