Sunday, October 25, 2009

Six meals a day?

what should i eat for these six meals and what exactly is a small amount. i am not really sure what kinds of food r good for this kind of meal.
Learn to read food labels. Look for low fat, low sugar, natural foods. Calories and carbs are not exactly bad, depending on where they come from. Just don't get worked up about creating the perfect diet. Lean meats, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, eggs, fish, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, ect.Just find healthy foods which you like, otherwise you'll be miserable and wont stick to it.As far as portions different people have different needs, do not starve yourself, but do not overeat also. Personally for me a single meal such as breakfast may be about 6 packs of oatmeal, milk, and possibly a banna or two. Then again I am an 18 year old bodybuilder. On the other hand a 120 pound woman may need only a bowl of cereal and toast.visit:
What I do is when I have lunch or dinner, save half portion for in betweens. Could also have light snacks like fruits, hi-fiber crakers, cheese, etc.
Body for Life's website has some great sample meal plans. Make sure you check out first week meal plan and Champion meal plans. As for the small amount, the general rule of thumb is: a portion is the size of a deck of playing cards, the size of your closed fist or the palm of your hand for all solid foods and one cup for all liquids.
If you want to get real serious, check out Tom Venuto's book. It's got a lot of great information in it.
If you eat six meals a day, you must limit your carbos accordingly, you are only allowed to intake a set amount of carbos a day. You are only allowed 180 carbos a day max. If you stick to the playing card size for your meat, you can get six portions of meat, but they will be small. Only three play card size portions of meat per day. No sugar, no salt rule always applies, and you must make sure you get exercise.
Here is a healthy foods list and a sample meal plan: total portion size should not be larger than what can fit in both cupped hands.

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