Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should you rest when you have really high BP mine is 195/90?

right now. was on my treadmill this morning due to see the doc in the morning, but nothing changes just keep taking the tablets and exercise is his advice.
Your doctor won't be too worried because the important one is the diastolic level which is the 90. This is at a healthy level as far as your doctor is concerned, although being a personal trainer I would say there is a margin of improvement you could acheive, which I am sure you would agree with. If your systolic level the 195 stays at this very high level it will eventually increase the diastolic level and then there will be problems. The 195 should be at 140 absolute maximum as this would be considered healthy by your doctor. However you mention that you had the test done at 2pm which is not an ideal time of day as food, tea, coffee, cigarettes and nerves will all affect your systolic level. That means the best time of day to take your blood pressure just as you wake up. Although you would have to be very friendly with your doctor for them to measure it at that time. My advice is to get it remeasured in the morning and don't consume anything before and don't drink any alcohol the night before. This should give you a more realistic reading. That is not to say that it won't still be high so you will still need to exercise. At this point my only advice would be don't look for any short cuts (there aren't any) and keep at the exercise, it does take time but I presume it must have taken time to end up with such a high bp in the first place.What ever you do don't rest but at the same time don't push yourself too hard. Get yourself a heart rate monitor and train yourself to 70 % of your maximum heart rate (no higher). To work out your max heart rate is simple. 220 - your age = max heart rate. Now times this by 0.7 and you have your 70 % and stick to it. If your heart rate goes above it lower the intensity.I hope this has been of some help and I wish you all the best with the exercise and don't forget to eat healthily and avoid stimulants like tea, coffee and sugars. If you would like more advice please check out the link below.
Exercising over a period of time is proven to lower blood pressure, just follow your Docs advice :)
Is that your rested BP?
If your blood pressure is not well controlled with the medication he gave you then you need to either get him to increase the dose or change the med and try something else. If your doc is not doing these things then see a different doc as high blood pressure is not something to leave out of control.
When my bp was really really high, I was told to go home and go straight to bed and rest. Otherwise, they would put me in a hospital and lower it with medication.
Just my experience.
Same here. Just dont over do it!! Sometimes it takes a while to feel or see changes. Keep on doing the exercise and combine it with a healthy diet. Dont give up!! Good luck!!
That is very high. I have high blood pressure. yes,exercise over time will help bring it down...but it doesn't happen over night. Your bp is in a dangerous category..heart attack and stroke. You may need to reduce your treadmill time and slowly build up to a safe routine.
You sure have a strong heart. How did you check your BP?
Surely not immediately after your treadmill exercise...BP should be measured only after a thorough body rest of a minimum of 30 mins. I hope you took that precaution.195/90 is an abnormally high BP. You need to take bed-rest. You must have been prescribed anti-hypertensive medicines. Do take them regularly. At this moment I wouldnt suggest you any home remedies, but then you should see your doctor immediately and have your tests done. May be you are under heavy stress. Avoid certain foods, your doctor will tell you about the right diet plan. Stick to it.
Depends how old you are. If you are 30 - 40 range that is high. Mine has been that high and the doc said lots of moderate exercise, don't go mad in the gym that can be counterproductive.
When you have hypertension the bp can vary dramatically quite quickly, which I think is the theory behind lots of moderate exercise rather than going for it big time, which could raise it.
Also some hypertension can be resistant to drug treatment, so you may have to have 2 or 3 types of meds at once to treat it succesfully.

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