Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should I try a crash diet?

I have gained a large amount of weight since I started college and now that summer is here I wanted to lose some weight. I have changed my diet, my sleeping, my exercise. I told my mom what m goal was for the end of the summer and she encouraged me to go on a crash diet for a week or so, just drinking water. She says I could probably drop 10 lbs if I kept up with my exercise, but isnt that really unsafe? Does it even work? Please let me know, and productive answers only.
dont do it! the only weight youll lose by dieting like this is temporary water weight, and when you DO start eating again, youll gain much more weight then before. so while you might lose weight, youll just gain it all back. it wont burn any fat and youll end up feeling shitty all the time from lack of food. TRUST ME on this one, dont do it! just try limiting your portion sizes, see a nutrtionist if possible becuase they can really help you out (or try keeping a foodlog and keep track of calorie intake). make sure you get your heartrate up for 30 minutes a day, keep excersizing! and eat 7-8 small and healthy meals a day. you sound like your on the right track so dont give up!!
Do you know why they're called "crash" diets? Because of the weight that comes "crashing" back on as soon as you finish.Crash dieting and not eating is incredibly bad for you. So please, just eat healthily, exercise well, and don't try any fad/crash diets.
You need to think about what kind of other great advise your mom is giving you. A crash diet is very harmful to your body. While you could drop a few pound, you through your digestive system out of whack and tend to gain it back when you stop. Also if you are exercising when doing this you will feel dizzy and nauseous due to lack of protein and carbohydrates for energy. DON'T DO IT!!
No. Crash diets do more harm than good and result in the Dieter gaining even more weight than before once they start eating again. A combination of diet and exercise will work however.
no, crash diets only hurt in the long run. Eventhought you'll lose the weight now, you only lose lean muscle mass not fat. So, when you go back to eating normally again you'll just put for fat tissue on instead of decreasing it
No! That is a not smart idea! If you need to lose weight, try a safer diet. Crash diets can be really dangerous.
Please do not do that to yourself! You could be putting yourself in very serious danger. Do not drink just water for a week. You know that is insane! You could seriously injure yourself. A good plan is to keep with your excercise - try to do as much cardio as you can - and eat healthy. Healthy being whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fruits, veggies, and lean meats. If you eat right and excercise, your body will treat you right. Please don't do any fad diets, you will only be cheating yourself in the end!
OMG, DON'T even think about it.Reason why not to #1: Not safe or healthy. If you only drink water you are going to be very fatigued and lose muscle tone. Worst Case Scenario: Death. How? By not eating food, you stop ingesting any types of nutrients or minerals or substance, but most importantly, electrolytes. The reason these are so important is because electrolytes balance the electrical charges in your blood stream. If the charges in your blood stream become unbalanced, you are at risk for cardiac arrest. Severe electrolyte inbalance is the number one reason anorexics die. Reason why not #2: Crash dieting ensures that you will loose a lot of weight right now, but as soon as you start eating again, you will gain ALL of the weight back, PLUS MORE! Such a severe calorie restriction is not possible to keep up over the long run (acutally that type of calorie restriction will kill you over the long run), so you will gain it back. I'm guessing you would like to lose weight and keep it off, so do it the right way. HEALTHY dieting (limit to like 1500-1700 calories a day and eat from the right foods groups), weight lifting, and cardio is the way to go.Reason why not #3: You are going to feel like crap. No energy (calorie) intake= no energy available for output. That means sleeping 24 hours a day and passing out. And FORGET about exercising during that week if thats your intentions.Reason why not #4: You should LOVE YOURSELF!! There is no reason, no matter how large you are, that you should be willing to do such drastic behavior to change yourself. It is a great thing to want to lose weight if you need to, for both health and self-esteem reasons, but do it the right way.Good luck with your goals.
if u wana loose weight and become slim try detox diets .detox diets is the natural way to loose weight and it really works.
(www.detoxmedifastdiets.blogsp... )is a great website that has many detox diets recipes and tips to loose this website and there u`ll see so many links for detox diets recipes and tips ..try them and loose weight fast at home without exercising

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