Sunday, October 25, 2009

SizE ZerO.?

its horrifying how so many teenagers turned anorexic, and shortly after, died. i think it was Jodie Kidd that started the craze in 1995. i saw a picture of her and she was skeletal. i just hope that this craze stops soon.
I completely agree with you, it's so wrong that young women are trapped into thinking that size zero is the norm, but as long as we have the likes of Victoria Beckham, Nicole Ritchie and so on, the craze will continue. I do believe that the Government needs to play a part and do something about this.
i so agree.
is this a question?
i wear a size zero , how ever i am not aneorexic. some people are built tiny . but yes i do agree how common anerorexia is becoming and i do hope stops soon
i can't agree with you more
It is just skank i mean you can see their ribs! eww! Curvy is more attractive i guess.
nope, kate moss started it off. blame the media, along with the beauty adds. we must buy this as it'll make us younger, slimmer, more attractive. and for what? money.
Is that a question?Obesity is 1000 times worse of a problem in society.
Size 0 isn't that bad. People cant blame the models for everything, the people coose to try to become it. I would rather die to thin than to fat. Being fat has way more health problems.
its so stuiped posh beckham need her head seeing to
Maybe size zero looks bad on some people but I would love to be able to ware anything and don't have to worry about hiding a love handle every time i get dressed
Yes it is sad, until the media stops glamorizing super skinny celebs kids will continue down this path.
Yea, i agree!! Its sad and very scary to see what people, especially young girls will do to "fit in"
i think it is sick that the ppl around them wont take them somewhere to get help. if u loved someone you would find a way to force them to get help and take them. show ur support. this is a sickness and not a joke.
Size zero is unhealthy for anybody. That person is nothing more than a walking stick.
I agree. But I think many of these behaviour comes from peer pressure. They think it is cool to look cool. Have you seen how small teenagers waist are nowa days? My cousin refuses to eat and tells me that she is always full! Bull I think!
I agree. The media don't help. You see some magazines complaining about size zero celebs then a few issues later there will be articles moaning about 'big' celebs or diet tips. Not so long ago, I saw one of the magazines had an article called "Big stars hit the beach". The celebs weren't exactly fat! Most were size 12 - 14. It really is disgusting. Oh and I'd like to make it clear from a man's point of view that I'd much rather a woman be overweight than underweight!
Not sure what your question is, but I think there is a lot more to it than just models and the media makes massive stories about relatively low numbers of cases.A healthy, well adjusted, teenage girl could look at pictures of skinny models all day and remain a healthy, well adjusted teenager. Anorexia is as much about control as what you look like. Controlling what you eat and what you weigh is easy and getting away with not eating is a huge thrill. When you look in the mirror, you don't see Jodie Kidd or Lily Cole, you see a fat version of yourself.Its anger and depression and anxiety that cause anorexia, not models. They are just a nice tag for the media. Other wise, there would have been no anorexics before the rise of the waif and that's simply not true.Don't believe the hype
I agree. I am a thin person, but anyone can vouch that I eat my share. I say this because growing up, my parents were very aware of the fact I was always so small (its due to my father's metabolism). If they thought for any reason that I was suffering from an eating disorder, they would have intervened immediately. I feel that parent should pay more attention to their children, especially if they notice a dramatic weight change. For example, how did Donatella Versace not notice her daughter was a skeleton like most of the models? Because she wasn't concerned enough is why. As parents, people should ensure their children are happy with whatever weight they are. And if they don't seem to be, take action! But, this is just my opinion.
i agree, who wouldnt?
hey now. some of us aitn anarexic. i am 5'3 and weigh 96 lbs. some ppl just have a fast metabolism. i eat like crazy and dont gain weight.
Who's Jodie Kidd? I have never heard of her. I don't believe these eating disorders have ever actually been a craze and I think it's actually less than 3% of the population that actually has them (Hollywood starlets making up the first 2 1/2%). Anorexia is not exactly a quick killer. And Karen Carpenter lost to this disease will before 1995.And Twiggy came along before Kate Moss was even born.
I totally agree with you. Its madness. I mean, it not bad to be a size zero if your naturally skinny. But when your naturally full figured, tubby or whatever, its ridiculous to starve your self to get skinny. I was reading this thing on that Louise Rednapp woman the other day, and she was eating a leaf of lettuce and a tomato for her dinner. When she actually got to a size zero, she looked like s**t. Ludicrous!
Sweetie? I admire you for posting this. Teenagers who feel they are chubby (even when they are not) binge and purge and just don't eat until their tummies get so small and shrinky, they can't fit hardly a thing in there. What is happening is these teens see all these models that are wicked thin and society places such importance on that when in reality, most normal folks don't think really skinny is attractive. All the pics in the magazines show these really anorexic models as if they look good. I think they look horrible. Sadly, a lot of these young women were chubby at one time and were crucified for it and they swear nobody will ever call them fat again, (i.e. Karen Carpenter).On another hand, I have worn size zero for years and years. I am 45 and have had 4 beautiful, very healthy sized kids and the next day, I'm right back in my old pants. I have always hated being a size one, 95 pounds and 5 feet tall. I would have given everything to have hips, **** and zits but fact is, not everybody who is tiny is bulemic or anorexic. For those that are, there is help and it is easy to find. If we all can get on the internet, we can find those places that will help. Thanks for caring. :)
A while back i was on the edge of becoming anorexic, but luckily i started eating before it was too late. I can still fit into some size zero clothes but i have a really tiny build and i'm only 5ft so i don't think i'm that bad. I do agree and something has to be done about anorexia because by selling tiny clothes shops are promoting it. It doesn't look nice and i'm so glad that i got my life back, why would i want to survive on lettuce leaves when i can have several chocolate bars!
Did you watch the programme last night about dawn porter who went to a 0 to see the side affects? them kids said they would do anything the modelling agency asked!! its a real sad time.. hopefully there will be a new phase soon.I have skinny build at a 8-10 and i think im too thin! when i was at school people used to pick on me for been skinny, so it just shows you how things change? Dx
Size 0 is not bad- if its natural, which in most cases, its not. The way people diet to get down to that size repulses me. I hope it stops soon too as too many eating disorders are occurring in people today.
I am size zero but I'm not either anorexic or bulimic. If you eat healthy...and don't eat anything EXTRA, you will be size zero or somewhere close to that. It's so annoying when people tell me that I have an eating disorder just because they can't stop eating like a pig!!
Well, I've just posted to a 14 year old girl that was asking if she was too big. She said she had a 21.5 inch waist and 25 inch hips, can you believe that! I don't even think I can imagine what that must look like, literally just skin and bones. It's horrible to think that young girls are doing this too themselves, it's even worse to think that was me once. I wish I could help them, but you can't help someone that doesn't want to help themselves. It's so sad to think what society has become.
i want to be size zero. but i never will be cos im a fat cow.
end of
I'm 5'6'' and a size 0. Just naturally made that way. I eat only when I'm hungry and as I work on a yacht am very active. I have tons of energy and eat a healthy balanced diet.
Perhaps if people didn't make such a big deal about those who are size 0 then maybe people wouldn't aspire to be that way. I agree that a lot of catwalk models look sick but most the girls in the magazines look like beautiful, fit %26 healthy. Everybody is different and nobody should have to explain why they are a certain weight. I also think that obesity is a much bigger problem.

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