Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sore The NExt Morning, Lifting Weights The NExt Day?

I worked out yesterday the shoulders and biceps. today i woke up sore, should i workout today? obviously not the same body parts but is it wise to workout today or let my body rest. ----do you or not, take protein shakes on days that you do not work out? thanks.I know we need to get enought sleep nightly to allow the body to repair itself.i went to sleep at about 3am, startled by my alarm at 8:30am, but quickly fell back asleep till 11am. did i still get enough sleep for my body?
Work on abs or legs but don't tax your upper body today.
My trainer told me that you have to let muscles break in between hard workouts - but your ab muslces you work everyday - even if they are sore because they are I guess a different type so you can continually work them. I'm working on lean cut %26 not bulk - so I don't know if it's the same depending on what you are doing, but he said 3 days a week is upper body, 3 days a week is lower body %26 6 days a week is core muscles - (abs - lower back - butt). Apparently when you work muscles when they are really sore - you actually are working against them cause the way he explained it to me - is you have to rip them up - but if you rip them up everyday they can't get toned.
work other parts today if u have thing is to take a day off...i gather you猫ve just started training,,,youll probably experience soreness for the first 2 weeks or so due to the acid builfding up in your muscles .it is important to cool down after every work-out to minimize this...try 10-15 minutes on the treadmill or bike

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO frustrated!!!!!?

I have been working out for 8 months 5 days a week! weights and cradio at least an 1 and 1/2 hours at the gym every day! I try to eat right ive cut out soda i only drink water and green tea. i have a light oatmeal and tea breakfast, then a yogurt around 10 then a sandwhich or salad for lunch then a fruit or some nuts for a snack around 3 then dinner around 7. i have lost 5 pounds thats it!!! im trying so hard i know im toning up i can see it and my family and fiance tell me i am but what else can i do? i have 20 more pounds to go im trying so hard and am so frustrated!! help please what am i doing worng.
What's going on is you put on a bunch of muscle. Which weighs a lot more than fat. So you lost a lot more than 5 pounds of fat. Quit using the scale as your measure. If everyone says you look great, than you are making strides. Keep it up, as you keep going more weigh will come off. Good job!
just don't stress too much.
stress may be keeping you form losing weight.
just keep doing what you're doing.
and good luck.
keep positive.
i'm trying to loose 20 pounds too.
take ur time, and sometimes, that's all u can loose!
you have been losing weight the only reason you havent seen it on the scale is because you've been gaining MUSCLE which weighs more than fat. try using the scale only once a week or better once a month. believe me jus lose the scale if u like what happend with your body so far you'll see much better results of what you think than the scale
wut happens is that when u work out as much as you are, u gain muscle and tone up. u may not be losin as much wait as u would like because muscle weighs more than fat so wen u gain muscle it seems like ur workin out 4 no reason but muscle is actually replacing fat.
I spent four months eating right, working out and only lost 2 pounds so I know how you feel. I got put onto a nutritionist guy and he recommended a some products and I got rid of my last ten pounds in six weeks! If only I'd known. His advice was great and he shoed me how to make sure I maintain my weight without starving myself. Try, he is really nice and helpful. I am sure he can figure it out and sort it quickly for you. I hope this helps.

Sometimes I'm really hungry, other times i'm not.?

Some days I am so hungry it's crazy. Other days I wont touch anything.I'm 17. I exercise quite a bit. Most days I go for a 30min walk or a 1hour run.Is this just normal to have unusual eatting patterns?
Your appetite throughout the day, may very well be a function of how you start your day. Breakfast, is the most important meal of the day, because you are breaking a fast. You may very well have not eaten, for twelve or more hours, when you have breakfast.How you break that fast, can impact you for the rest of the day. If you start the day with cereal and a glass of orange juice, you may very likely send your serum glucose spiraling upward. Rapid elevation, of serum glucose, usually makes one feel awake and energized.However, your pancreas may over compensate with excessive insulin, depressing your glucose levels, leaving you tired and hungry in a couple of hours. Ingesting more carbohydrate, particularly refined carbohydrate, will repeat the cycle. Ingesting protein and fat will slowly quell your hunger pangs and slowly bring your glucose levels up.If you do nothing, when your serum glucose drops, your adrenals will respond by secreting cortisol. However, there is a possibility of adrenal over compensation, resulting in more pancreatic insulin secretion. One can, "yo-yo" like this all day.A carbohydrate free, breakfast, will not induce the hypoglycemia described. A good example, of such a breakfast, would be steak and eggs, i.e., without the usual potatoes, toast, rolls, grits, juice or any other carbohydrates.I recommend, you keep an accurate log of what you eat, activity you are engaged in, and how you feel, throughout the day, for about two weeks. If you have access to a glucose meter, you could also log glucose readings periodically.You efforts, possibly could fulfill an academic requirement in one of your science courses.
depends what u eat
Yes, when I was your age I ate tons of food in spurts and never gained weight due to puberty. Now I can't do that.
When will you be 18? I think that when you turn 18, you start gaining weight more. This should increase your will to eat and then eat more chicken instead of spare ribs to lower the chance of high cholesterol. It's normal. Eat some corn too, but it doesn't digest at all. There is evidence of that when you take a load off. Hope this helps.
No, not for me.
However, i recomend you take some kiwi fruit drinks %26 don/t eat too much fat foods but, fruits %26 fish I guess.

Someone please add up the calories in this, what i ate today please please. deperate for help.?

do it for me yes? add up the calories and tell me your opinion= good or bad please and thank you! 鈾?br />-8am a small square of a chocolate bar
-10am apple
-noon a cheeseburger from school and some small carrots
-3pm Jack in the Box, 2 tacos and half a jumbo jack
-5pm apple
-5:20am big banana
-1 cup of grapes
-6pm small plate of lettuce
-6:30pm tomato and half a cucumber [lemon and salt]
-6:50pm special k cereal [2% reduced fat milkplease help!!!!
did i go over 1,200 calls???? :[ i feel horrible
and yet i wont exercise tonight.I have a lot to studying to get done!
and if i get hungry around 8pm..if i eat a bowl of Cinamon toast crunch will it be super bad?? what can i eat later on when i get hungry..and i know i will... :/
**10 points for best answer*
I'm guessing 1,500 calories. But that's fine, don't worry. My advice would be not to buy the school's fatty foods, and to pack a healthier lunch. You did good though. If you get hungry later eat grapes of carrots or almonds. =)
you can go to and go the the health and fitness section.
calm down I am pretty sure your weight isn't that inportant.
about 1900-2100. the calories from the veggies dont really count and the fruit is high in calories from the sugar. The worst is the brownie square and the jack in the box.If you want to know try the website its great for all fitness and diet number questions.
I do not Know but ask another person!!
just your jack in the box is almost 700 calories so i'm sure you are way over 1200
you probably ate around 1200-1500 calories but all the foods you ate are good for you and your eating in little portions
hope this helps x)
I'm guessing around 2200 calories. That's a lot of food. And I wouldn't eat that bowl of cinnamon toast crunch. I wouldn't eat anything more except maybe water or decaffinated tea.

Someone mentioned on here that protein is converted into?

carbohydrates is this correct?
During digestion, proteins are broken down to amino acids. If the body's biological requirements have already been met, they are metabolized ("converted") to glycogen (stored in muscle) or fat (as in bodyfat) and will be used for energy, or kept in storage. Otherwise, the amino acids are used for energy right away. Their carbon skeletons are converted to acetyl CoA, which enters the Krebs cycle for oxidation, producing ATP (energy). When carb intake is low, protein may be converted into carbs via gluconeogenesis.
if it's not required it can be following deamination. the body wont discard a potential source of energy, unless a disease condition causes it to. no
No. Proteins are broken into aminoacids.
Proteins and carbohydrates are two different nutrients.
yes, it's possible
I don't see how that's possible since proteins and carbohydrates are composed of different monomers. Proteins are made up of amino acids, while sugars are made up of monosaccharides. When the body digests proteins, I think it just synthesizes new proteins from the amino acids. It's not something I've really studied though.
A protein is any chain of amino acids. An amino acid is a small molecule that acts as the building block of any cell. Carbohydrates provide cells with energy, while amino acids provide cells with the building material they need to grow and maintain their structure. Your body is about 20-percent protein by weight.
if we eat more protein than we need it is converted to a waste substance and glucose. glucose is a type of carbohydrate, a monosaccharide. It is stored as glycogen in the body until the body needs energy
Usually Proteins arent broken into anything and kept intact unless they are denatured either by a disease or Negative feedback. Denatured Proteins arent broken down into anything but their shape changes which stops the protein from functioning. But if a protein is broken down, it breaks down into Polypeptides which consist of many amino-acides.
I would also like to point out that carbohydrates are a totaly diffrent thing amino-acids are made of and amino group NH3 and an acid ( to be more specific a carboxyl) COOH and an R group we have 20 R groups ( R stands for a specific compound that differs from each amino acid to the next)
Amino Acids are building blocks for proteins and proteins work as enzymes and structural units and . .Carbohydrates are usually long carbon chains with hydrogen branches which are burnt inside the body for energy purposes
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!

Someone made a joke about getting me an IV for my birthday (because I am so thin). She was doing it to bug me

I need a good comeback or revenge of some sort.
Call her a fat slob and then spit in her face. Later that night, hook up wth her boyfriend. Revenge is easy as cake...
If she's heavier of what your excess. No thanks I'm fine the way I am!
You can use the line my mom always told me to say to people that made fun of me ( I was really skinny too)"I'd rather be skinny than fat like YOU ! " *lol* It really does work. Then, if she says something else, you can be like, "Well, I think I'm gonna go eat some pizza b/c I know I can %26 still look good.Too bad you can't do the same b/c it'd just make you even fatter than you already are ! "Also, b/c it's almost summer, you can tell her that you "hope she plans on working out/losing weight before going to the beach b/c otherwise she'd look like a beached whale"Does she have a boyfriend? If so you can be like "Well, your boyfriend doesn't seem to mind ( or likes) the way I look" Or say "Open up a magazine %26 tell me how many of the celebrities look like me (being thin) %26, how many are as fat as you"I have sooooo many comebacks just from haveing to deal with all the people that were jealous that I was alot thinner than them %26 could eat what I wanted %26 not gain anything.(too bad my metabolism slowed down now :( )

Somebody wrote its impossible to loose fat and gain muscle at the same time.?

i took about a year off from the gym and my bodyfat percentage shot up to 30% from about 12% during that time i decided to say the hell with it and ate pretty much what i wanted. this being the first time in around 12 years. most of the fat seems to have all gone to my stomach. how can i loose all this fat and and not the muscle. and if i do have to give something up i guess i could spare some muscle just so that i can look lean this summer. what would be the best way to achieve my goal but not loose too much muscle mass?
definetly not is a common occurrence in newbies to resistance training to increase muscle mass while simultaneously losing body fat. this usually only occurs when the body is in it's highest most untrained state as with those who are brand new to resistance training
Box, if you haven't lifted in a year, you have no muscle.You have to start from scratch.
I would think that when on a fitness program, there would be both a cardio and strength element to it. Cardio can help burn fat while weight lifting can gain muscle
LOOSE is how your pants will fit after you LOSE weight.Burning fat is not the same as losing muscle, burning fat is just using stored energy. Losing muscle mass happens when you don't use your muscles. As long as you are using your muscles for things you will retain your muscle mass, and as long as you are being active you will lose body fat.
ok they lied to you! I'd do a low carb diet for a week. Then body build for a week, eat like a bodybuilder for this week, eat plenty of protien. and do aoerobics 3 times a week. Try this for 2 months.. 1week low carb. 1 week bodybuild, etc etc..
Unless you are extremely lean, you can do both. Gaining muscle will increase you lean mass, which will burn extra calories 24 hours per day. This will strongly help fat loss.This is the best way to do it:
Eat 6 small but balanced meals per day. Your carbs should be high in fiber and your proteins should be lean. Fats should be sparing but concentrated in the omega 3's and omega 6's. This will provide a slow but constant stream of vital nutrients. Avoid greasy foods, alcohol, and candy.Lift weights or perform power yoga because either of these will slightly increase your lean mass, which will burn extra calories 24 hours per day. This will increase your resting metabolic rate. Also, some cardio helps.Here is a sample workout and a sample meal plan:


Ok I got Ankle Weights some people say it makes me run faster and some say its just for strengh I wanna KNOW IF IT MAKES ME FASTER OR NOT SO PLEASE PUT YES OR NO
no...running with ankle weights is one of the worst things you can do.
hahaha, no
No, it's supposed to build leg muscles.
makes your leg muscles stronger, but won't make you run faster.
NO: i am a trainer and i can tell you that weight/resistance running is not used for speed gains. it adds leg strength and will make you a more powerful runner.
it makes you go faster becuse you build musel
so people already said it!its to build muscle.
YES - with explanation.Use of weights while training will build muscle faster. When you eventually remove the weights and run, the muscles you have additionally built will help in your ability to run better. So, it is the use of weights during training which will help you be more fit for running when you do not have the weights.
Use your brain. How can weights make you run faster? DAH! Adding resistance increases strength, not endurance.
The point of ankle weights (if im understanding what they are correctly) is to provide resistance when you run and give your muscles a better workout. They dont make you faster, they are for strengthening your legs.

Some1 at work is ill (cold) how can i make sure i don't catch it?

You can't! colds are spread by droplets from coughing sneezing and breathing. Echinacea has been shown in controlled studies to have no protective effect, 4 studies, admittedly all small, failed to show any evidence of prevention.Vitamins, including vitamin C in high dose have been found to be equally unhelpful. One recent study on vitamin C taken in doses of above 500mgs/day suggested it might even be carcinogenic at that dose!
Bunk off for a few days
Stay off.
lock them in a cupboard for a month
Take echinecea tablets to build up your immune system and drink loads and eat plenty of fruit and veg,or stay away from them.
Go get some airborne from the store.
Take your vitamins, wash your hand very well (long enough to sing the Happy Birthday song twice) as often as you can throughout the day. Keep your hands away from your face, and steer clear of that person the best you can.
My boss came in today after being out for a week sick. She left early today because she still fells ill, but before she left she handed me a huge stack of papers. Umm, really didn't want to take that stack of germs! So, I've been washing my hands today like a madwoman!
stay away from em x
either take ecinachea or vitamin c, stock up on fruit and veg wash your hands at every possible opportunity or use a gel that you put on your hands that kills germs and you don't need water, and if you feel a slight cold coming on use Vick's 1st defence nasal spray, and there is also a Vick's hand pump foam that's stop you catching germs from doors and seats and anything else you touch, hope this helps and i hope you don't catch it xx
Two of your respondents are on the right track--hand washing and fruits and veggies...BUT the BEST defense against nasty cold-harboring mucus droplets left on WHATEVER this person touches is HAND SANITIZER! (I am not employed by them, but Purell is the best). I have a big bottle on my desk because I had a kidney transplant and can't afford to catch anything from these germy people. Use hand sanitizer after you touch anything in the office (doorknobs, the copier, the fax machine, the fridge door, shaking hands, etc.) ALSO, in the bathroom use a paper towel to: turn off the tap after you wash your hands (after the second round of Happy Birthday) and open the door...Use your elbow to get the paper towel, not your freshly washed hand. Don't share pens with anyone (because I am sure as we type, half your office is incubating that cold)...if they ask, let them keep the pen. It may sound harsh, but so is giving people diseases.

Some voice and movement teachers say weight training causes 'bad' tension in your body. Is this true?

I have heard this a lot in drama school. The teachers usually refer to the tension it creates in the neck and shoulder area. What kind of effect would it have on actors and singers? There are obviously many who ignore this.
I have a friend who is a long-time professional singer/dancer in the West End. He only does light weights and he's passionate about counteracting weights work with Pilates and a regular stretching regime. He thinks that anyone who does weights without a really intensive stretching programme is asking for trouble. He's never mentioned any risk to his singing, only his dancing.The guy is also a physiotherapist on the side, so I trust his judgement on this!
I haven't heard of this but when i go heavy on weights, my shoulders chest and arms are a bit tense.. Maybe this is what shes talking about?
'bad' One persons bad is another persons good and visa versa.
Any time you are given advice or an opinion you should consider the source. I would not go to a draa teacher for uscle training advice.
Consider celebrities, actors, bands and other usic stars.
Most actors have to work out amazingly hard when they are cast for a part. Some even have to gain huge aounts of weight, most have a personal trainer.
There is no way an out of shape person can get on stage and sing and dance for over an hour straight with out rigorous physical training.
I am not sure why your teacher told you this but the prima facia says she/he is wrong.

Some good tunes to workout too???

I'm looking for something with a fast beat to it...any suggestions? (No one answered my question in music so I thought I'd give this section a chance, thanks)
Wouldn't It Be Good by Cascada
Ready For Love by Cascada
Neverending Dream by Cascada
Sugar Free by Hedley
Me %26 U by Cassie
I Bet You Look Good On the Dance Floor by Arctic Monkeys
take some "n.o. explode" and turn on some slayer.
I like working out to:Conga-Gloria Estefan
Fiesta Mexicana- Rex GildoI also like Kokomo as my warm-up or cool down.
Torture Me (from Stadium Arcadium) by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
try Donna Summer's CD. it's old disco songs but works good to shake those hips and keep you going.

Some fitness/heath questions having to do with a 15 year old male.?

Ok so basically I want to get in shape for the summer, and for the rest of my life. First off Im about 6'1-6'2 and I way abput 150-155. Im a bit overweight and need to shed a few pounds, whats the quickest and best way for me to do this? Secondly I have this hair problem in the morning where one side (sometimes both) of my hair will stick out and the other will stay normal. Last but not least, my acne is getting bad and Im trying to use a acne wash but it isnt working to well. Any tips/adivice?
Move... Exercise. Run. Play sports. First, being 6'2'' and only 150 is rather skinny. I'd suggest weight lifting to get bigger. A healthy weight at that level is about 175. Eat right. Stay away from fast food and soda. Drink plenty of water. About the acne and hair...shower daily in the morning using shampoo/conditioner and soap.If your looking for the best way to lose weight, just run. 20 to 30 minutes a day will shed the weight in a month. Sit ups and crunches will help a lot as well.
You are 150-155 at 6'1" or 6'2" and you think you are overweight!?! That is ridiculous.Just stay active and your body fat should decrease. Try to do something active every day.Plaster your hair down with water in the morning.Take a shower before you got to bed and make sure your sheets are clean. (Don't go to bed with all the oil and grease from the day still on your face.)
Excuse me? You're 6'2, 150 and you think you're overweight? For a male runway model maybe. That's ridiculous.
I realize you're still a kid, but I still can't imagine that you'd be overweight at 150 lbs. Probably what you need is to tone up and reshape your body. You're old enough now to start lifting weights--maybe just some light ones, or just doing some pull-ups, pushups, and other fitness exercises. When I was your age I was around 6' and probably weighed just a bit more than you do, and I've always been lean. Maybe you just need to start building more muscle. As for the hair--cut it short and get some decent hair gel. Acne--hm, never had that, but I know there are some good products out there--what's that one Jessica Simpson endorses? Pro-active? Good luck.
Eat healthy foods and make sure that your calorie intake is less than the calories that you burn.Find out what your healthy weight should be and how many calories/day you would need to maintain this weight (remember this will depend on your daily level of physical activity) To do this, record everthing that you eat for say 7-10 days and work out (buy a calorie counter book) how many calories you are in consuming each day. This will be a pain to do but well worth the effort. You will need to do physical activity each day (maybe walk at first) and slowly increase this intensity.The best way I have found to buid up intensity is to buy a skipping rope and an interval timer. You can skip rope practically anywhere as long as you have good shoes and a surface that cushions. With an interval timer, you can set the duration you want to train for and also set your rest time between each set. Over time you can slowly build up the intensity i.e. skip for a longer period and shorten your rest period between each set.The best interval timer I have used is called the GYMBOSS and is only around $25 (Australian $). I discovered this timer at www.gymboss at it is really worth the money. Get one of these, use it daily, eat healthy food and you WILL lose weight and get really fit.
Good luck!

Some exercises?

What are some excersises to get firmer buttocks? abs? arms? all with little or no equipment
Do squats for the butt. Take two dumbbells and bend your knees until you are assuming a sitting position, then raise up using the heels of your feet. This exercises your thighs, hamstrings, and glutes. Running will also help firm up the butt and the abs.Pushups help develop triceps (arms), shoulders (arms), back and abs. Crunches and Rocky situps will help build up the abs.Curls will also do wonders for the arms and chest.
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.

Sodium and water retention?

how much sodium are we allowed to eat dailly without retaining water?
Recently, I had a huge problem with water retention. (65 POUNDS of fluid)... turns out I have conjestive heart failure and severe pulmonary hypertension---the doctor put me on a LOW sodium diet---I am allowed 2 grams of sodium per day and NO more---. When I left the hospital I was told to only drink 2 liters of fluid per day but that has since been increased as I actually became dehydrated... I got a salt substitute called "NO SALT" (a potassium based salt substitute) that was given the OK by my still has the salt TASTE but none of the sodium. Health care professionals state that you should drink 8 glasses (8 oz. each) of water per day ( or some other fluid)...More if you are exercising a lot or if it is a very WARM day. Since I've lowered my sodium intake, I have not retained water .

So...I'm going on a diet.?

Have any good suggestions?
go to and use the food tracker. It counts your calories for you. Also they will tell you exactly how fast you can lose the weight and give ya lots of good tips.There are lots of recipes and great tips from others who have lost lots of weight and kept it off. I lost 40 lbs. in 5 months.
try medifast or one of the popular diet plans
go jogging and eat lots of soups .trust me it works for me I lost 151lbs in 13 months!
Cut all your meals in half and do maybe 20-25 crunches each night. You'll lose weight and get nice abs
Yeah diets do not work! if you really want to lose weight try cleansing I just did a 9 day cleanse and lost 13 pounds and I have never felt healthier. Please check out this website it could change your life as it has mine
Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the calorie calculator This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.
Atkins is eat a lot, so you're not hungry, you just can't eat carbs. But doing without carbs during the induction period isn't bad and weight falls off quickly.
Once you are on maintenance you can cheat a little.
work out a lot and follow the food pyramid/ guildlines
eat one meal a day and that meal should be supper small and drink lots of liquids
good luck
When you are going on a diet do not think that you have 2eat little food. When you are going on a diet you just have 2 eat heathy food and eat alot of fruits sometimes you can eat alittle meat know and then but remeber you don't want 2 eat alot. good luck : 0
Hey Girl! Anyway, u should eat less and do lots of fun stuff outside. Like we do gymnastics! Good luck getting that camera. C ya!
The best advice I've heard reguarding dieting is
Whatever quantity you decide to do it, you will loose weight. It depends on your committment how much and how fast you will loose. Brisk walks are great cardio and calorie burners. If you wear more clothing when you work out, you can burn more calories because of the extra weight and more sweating. Try to eat unprocessed foods. If you have a choice between cereal and oatmeal, candy or fruit, fish sticks or baked chicken breast... You know. Eating complex carbs like whole wheat or bran instead of white flour can also help. Try to stay away from caffeine if at all possible. Caffeine is called a diuretic. It keeps your body from absorbing water (it makes you pee it all out). Lots of water can be very cleansing of toxins and help you loose weight if you drink enough of it. You may feel like you've gained water weight at first, but eventually it will cleanse your body and your weight will go down. The more water the better!More vegetables are always good for you. There are some great ways to make stir fry with seasoning packets from the market that add no calories and you have a healthy AND flavorful meal.The key is to really be committed when you are committed and to get into a routine.Hope that helps! Good luck
i'm on a diet and i eat 6 times a day. Diet doesnt mean dont eat.

So what do you all think...?

Well I have posted many ?'s on here about weight loss just need some more info from the experts. I have now been working out for 6 weeks and I have lost a total of 10 lbs. I was wondering if you all see that to be normal or too little. I also jump on the scale about three times a day and it always changes. It seems that I gain about 3 lbs. during the day and the next day I have went back to my normal weight, I drink alot of water during the day so could that be it. Help please.
Muscle will weigh more than fat, and if your working out regularly now, you are gaining muscle and losing fat. The scale should not be your guide, as our water weight fluctuates normally all day long.Let your clothes be your guide and only use the scale once a week.6 weeks is perfect timing to lose so many pounds! That most especially would be fat pounds and not water. Next time you are in the supermarket, grab a pound of butter, now think about having 10lbs of it. It would not melt off over night!Taking weight off at a marginal rate will help to ensure your weight loss is more permanent!Keep up the good work!
I gain about 3 pounds during the day , too. I think that's normal. I think losing 10 pounds in 6 weeks is pretty good. I don't know what weight you started with, so I can't say for sure. Slower weight loss lasts longer, or I've found that to be true in my life. I've lost 12 pounds since April 2, and I'm happy with my progress. To lose faster, I wouldn't be able to eat anything I like! Good Luck!

So since One pound of fat is equal to about 3500 calories im going to try an experiment, okay??

check this out and tell me if you think it would work....okay if i do one hour of non stop jumping jacks i should burn 691 calories, now divide that by 3500 (1 pound) and the answer will equal how many hours i would have to work to burn 1 pound, wich is about 5 hours, so what im experimenting with is this here, imma do jumping jacks for 5 hours from 10 pm.with of course a little break in between, tell me, do you think 1 pound will ACTUALLY shed off me with in those 5 hours?.yeah, i know, im bored and fat
I alway thought that myself but I dont think I do an exercise for like 5 or more hour each day. But it does make sense if you burn 3500 calorie so you should lose a pound. Hey if you try let me know if it work.
I don't think u would last 5 hours, but good luck, u never know. ! I want to see it happen. lol
You may lose a pound (I can't say for sure), but it will not all be "fat"; all weight loss involves losing fat and muscle. Furthermore, provided you do make the 5 hours, nonstop (otherwise it will take you longer), you will probably be super tired and sore. If you think you are fat, this isn't the best way to resolve it.
Yes, that's true. But if you go overboard with cardio activiiy, you can end up losing muscle instead of fat, especially if you don't eat enough calories. And it only takes 600 calories to burn a pound of muscle. I would give it a miss if I were you.HTH : )
Lemme know how it goes...if it works Ima do it too, kay?!

So sick of myself, need to lose a lot of weight!!!?

i am overweight and i don't eat a lot and i walk all the time. i don't have any money to by the essential fruits and veg. any suggestions on where i can start, and how to stay motivated. there is no junk food in the house and i cannot afford to eat 3+ times a day. some one please help
I would start doing more than walking, especially if that's all you've been doing for a while. It'll make your body work harder, therefore you're losing more weight. As for eating healthy, if you can't afford essential fruits and vegetables then just take it one at a time. Just buy maybe 2 fruits or 2 vegetables when you go grocery shopping. But it would be better if you just increased your exercise.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Losing weight seems to be one of the most frustrating things ever. For food just try to stay away from really fatty things like soda, and fast food. You don't need to buy expensive foods just eat healthier foods. I started using an excercise tape in order to help me excercise everyday and stay motivated. It's called the "10 Minute Solution- Blast off Belly Fat." Walking is only beneficial if you are walking above a comfortable pace. Definitely try an excercise tape, and don't drink soda. If you really can't afford to eat 3 times a day, then maybe you should consider applying for food stamps.
You may have an overactive thyroid, which will make you big. My friend has that and she has a hard time too, loosing weight. I really think that the weight watchers program, works, and is very healthy, and you can loose the pounds with this group.If that is not affordable, then ,watch what you are eating, especially bread, potatoes, sugar, milk, alcohol., and other fatty foods. Keep on exercising, as it is very healthy for you to do.

So it seem everyone asks weight questions..=/?

well i'm trying to lose some weight for summer.
i'm 13
and about 155(?)pounds.
i want to know if i'm doing everything right or not.
i'm running for 20 mins. twice a day.
plus i'm walking home from school(1/2 mile about)
and walking other places.
i'm also eating healthy.
no junk food
or soda
or other unhealthy things.
so yeah.
if you could give me some other tips or
tell me if i'm doing anything wrong, thanks
It seems to me your diet and excersize is excellent, on account of you wanting to loose some pounds.I'd make sure you get enough protein (nuts, eggs,meat, peanut butter etc.) in your diet either before or after you excersize, it builds muscle. You might want to try some things with weights because gaining muscle is loosing fat. Try many reps of weights around 12, and crunches or pushups.All this will boost your metabolism and if you keep it up you will reduce your chance of obesity, as it runs in your family.Also since you are doing a good amount of excersize make sure you get enough food in your diet, so your body won't think you are starving yourself by skipping meals. It helps to spread out your meals to maybe 5 small meals per day rather than 3 large ones. Over all your plan if fine, good luck on loosing weight and what not :)
that sounds good so far! maybe cut out some more carbs and drink water with every meal to feel full.keep up the good work girl!
you have the same stats as my mom! (except shes in her forties)switch that 20 minutes twice a day to forty minutes straight. your body doesn't start burning fat untill after 30 minutes, so if you only go for 20 minutes you won't be burning anything.and don't eat after 7pm.

So I'm trying to lose my postpartum weight... what does a HIP ABDUCTOR DO?

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So i'm 15,5'3 and weight 110 and i've been buying these milkshakes from GNC and everytime i buy a new bottle..

i gain 5 pounds,which is pretty good,i guess.But it seems i won't have the money to keep buying it since i have a party to attend on june 30th,and have to buy an outfit,and goal is to reach 130 or 135,HOW CAN I DO IT??PLEASE HELP!!
At 130 you would be overweight! WHY?
ur only choice is to overeat what food you have at home
hope its not all junk though
Why are you trying to gain weight ?I'm that size right now %26 I love it.Embrace yourself for who you are. is cheaper. You can do a search online and compare prices. Even Wal-mart has cheaper. GNC is a rip off.

So i really need to lose fat. i've always been curvy but lately i've gotten a little too curvy.?

i have a strong addiction to carbs and dairy products.but i'm willing to try to tame that addiction. i know nothing about anything fitness related. i have an elliptical trainer that measures the amount of calories i burn. i'm not sure how accurate that is though. i just wanted to have some meal recommendations and also some suggestions on how many calories i should aim to burn each day or however often i should be burning them. thanks.
Do what I did. I lost 71lbs in 8months with all this combined. p90x or power 90 points plan
Xenadrine 8hr NRG appetite suppressent
7 day cabbage soup diet.ocassionally. Lose 10-17lbs in that week. Look it up on the net.
Fasting ocassionally.I stopped working out, so I would of lost a hell of a lot more. good luck. Any questions, email me. Source(s):26 years old, 5'8" and started off at 230, now I'm 159lbs
You need to do some weight training, not just aerobics. Reduce your calories. I really don't think carbs are the issue if you have an overall caloric reduction.
keep to about 1500 cal %26 exercise, diet soda no regular %26 no sugar or carbs for at least 3 day s
Well Anne,you can try our products for a week and she how it works for you and you can find on on website( a diet sheet that will let you know how much cals you need to burn.For more info email me at
the only way to lose weight effectively %26 keep it off is to change your lifestyle ... you need to exercise daily (even if it's just 30/40 minutes minimum), eat right (avoid alcohol, breads, refined carbs, dairy, sugar, etc) %26 drink plenty of water. the best way to get started is to educate yourself on what to eat %26 what not to eat %26 find out how to maximize on burning calories (it's best to be burning more calories than you consume). my favorite book on fitness is David Kirsch's The Ultimate New York Body Plan. It breaks it all down for you. The book is designed to help you lose weight in two weeks, but really, it's just a super good tool to know where to start %26 how to maintain that healthy lifestyle. It has recipes, as well as work out plans %26 educates you on food.I got my book on for less than $8.00 with shipping! Check it out! I lost 7 lbs the first week, and that was just adjusting my diet, not even doing any of the work out.
Hi Anne,
I go to a free diet web site that does all that for me. I enter in my goals and height etc. and it tells me how many calories I need to eat and burn to reach my goals. You can track your progress too.
I really like it a lot especially the that it's free and the people are so helpful and motivating.
If you decide to join, please tell them I referred you: Honeybea.
If you do join, top by and say, 'hi'.

So i have belly fat.?!?

im 16 and i have a little pudge and ive been trying to work it off for about 2 weeks now, ive changed my entire diet (eating healthy!) and ive been working about 5 days a week for about and 1hour and 20minutes... when will i see results?!i work out my my tummy (crunches=3 sets of 15) then i go on the oplitical?? for about 30 minutes then i run on the treadmill for about 15 minutes.
Crunches... I can say I had a big ...let's say pot belly %26 I did get rid of it. You can listen to what people say it works , but until you do it yourself it IS hard to beleive, They do absolutely work. It takes a few weeks (or a little more) but believe me it does work! Do not give up! I have faith in you. Incease your reps every day at leat by 5 if you feel you can do more do it! Good Luck .
probably in about a month...another two weeks or so. the thing is that fat might come off everywhere else first, and your tummy last. just keep up what you have been doing and you will work it off!
Some people have little round belly's naturally. It doesn't mean you have a weight problem. And if you are a healthy 16 year old, you shouldn't be worrying about a little tummy. Try swimming, that's a good all round body trimmer. Stop worrying about your weight and just enjoy yourself.
I came across this great product for weight loss and it was excellent for me. Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. A must!

So carb blockers work?

I bought a bottle of carb blockers called cheaters. I wonder, do they work? I'm excersizing but can't bring myself to cut out the carbs.
I am no sure about "cheaters", but I use Nutrilite Crab blocker2. The first and only supplement to help block absorption of both sugars and starches. It works by inhibiting the activity of digestive enzymes whose job is to break down carbohydrates for your body to absorb and store as fat. Your body still benefits from the vitamins, minerals, and fiber in the foods you eat. you can order them at:
just click on Healthy body, counting carbs, supplements
just cut down on eating. no shortcuts to loosing weight unless you wanna do lots of drugs (illegal) which is the only thing that works

So called beauty pills, do they really work?

We all know about those so called beauty pills, that help you loose weight and such. My question is...Does it really work? Can anyone tell me if they are just sugar pills that boost your energy and curb your appetite or do they REALLY make you loose weight. And if they do...Are there any side affects?
i took hundreds and i am still ugly!!
If diet pills worked, 63% of Americans wouldn't be fat.

So am i supposed to do low carb, low fat, or what?

when i was 16 i lost like 40 lbs on low fat and all carbs (white bagels, white bread -- pasta -- all the bad stuff - not a single gram of fat) this was in the mid 90s when low fat was all the rage. Now, i hear i am not supposed to eat anything white... and fat is ok but i can't have simple carbs. Well, i tried this and it makes me psycho... i NEED carbs to function. What is so wrong with the low fat diet i did as a teenager? i need to lose weight again, and there are so many mixed messages. I hear that whole wheat bread is just as bad as white bread bc we break it down just as fast into sugar -- same with whole wheat pasta (according to dr. weil) So... honestly, what do i do. Back to low fat? I lost a ton of weight on low sodium / low fat - cuz that cuts out all junk food (the low sodium part).
"Low Carbs" is a rediculous oversimplification.They tried to explain that people needed more complex carbs and fewer simple carbs, but most people couldn't grasp the difference, so they just said carbs = bad.The "No white/tan foods" is similar.
A lot of the simple carb and fatty foods we eat are white - tan. Butter, potato chips, etc. so rather than try to explain (again) the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates to people, they make it simple enough for a 2 year old. :pIf you can tell the difference between the types of carbs, ignore them and do what you know is right. Cut those nasty synthetic simple carbs, ban corn syrup, and rake in the energy from complex carbs from your veggies and such.Yes, white bread is bad. They bleach out all of the nutrients leaving essentially a foam of starch and sugar.
Whole wheat pasta?? There's nothing wrong with that! Well don't eat pounds of it, but it is a healthy alternative to the "white" pastas.Low fat, complex carbs.
I'm a diabetic, I have to reduce my carbs or I die. You sound like a healthy person. So what is wrong with a balanced diet and reasonable portions?

Snorting powdered sugar ? (confectioners sugar)?

HelloI hope this does not come off as terribly stupid.. I was wondering, what are the risks of snorting sugar (confectioner's.frosting etc) ?I am in a play and want it to look as real as possible (I play the role of an addicted teen). I really want to put my all into it. I however do not want to damage my body or risk my health.Thanks for your time
Inhaling foreign substances into your nose (and therefore lungs) can cause a variety of lung problems, some of them long-lasting. The sugar itself often has additives (like flour, cornstarch, and calcium phosphate) which are not 'absorbed' easily by the body. Further, the smaller particles of confectioner's sugar mean they will reach deeper into your lungs.
Please be safe and don't do this, even once.
you might cough or choke that may be it
I wouldn't put anything up my nose. Why risk getting things into your sinus cavity or respiratory system? I doubt very much that your audience will be close enough to see you snort anything, so going through the snorting motion would be sufficiently dramatic.
Ask Your Parents or Doctor
Yeah you get the stupid question of the day award! DUH! You'd probably choke and snort and be totally unable to continue with your play! Don't be stupid!


lately im on a diet but i cant stop eating junk food
i try to stop and resist, sometimes it works but i really want to eat if i had ice cream at home i would eat it
how can i stop this, please help thanksalso want are some good snacks to snack on and not go againest my diet
Dont buy stuff thats bad for you (sounds like a no-brainer, but its true) Get some fresh veggies (lo fat ranch dressing is a tasty dip) Keep the veggies prepped %26 ready to go (baby carrots, celery, pepper strips) so you reach for those instead of chips. When a snack-attack hits, you gotta be prepared. Keep a fresh fruit bowl within easy reach in the fridge. 100 calorie packs are good, but no nutritional value. How about a yogurt cup or a handful of nuts? Also PORTION CONTROL. When you eat a snack, read the label. (did you know ice cream serving size is ONE HALF CUP, not a nice bowlful with hot fudge %26 nuts {my problem})A serving is usually 1 or half a cup. I've lost 7 pounds so far!!
don't buy junk foods and get rid of those ice cream in your fridge.
you can try those nabisco 100 calorie packs. i just tried the peanut crisp ones. they're pretty good.also, if you want ice cream, skinny cow makes not too bad of an ice cream sandwich
100 calorie packs are good, but only if you eat one., TRy eating freshly cut apples or veggies. If you tend you eat while you watch TV keep snacks out of sight or find something else to do. If you eat when you are bored try knitting or something else. Good Luck!

Snacking too much?

i'm over weight, both of my parents have type 2 diabetes, so i've cut down on fried foods to like once a week, more veggies, no soda but i drink ice teas, gatorade, lots of water (more than anything) and juice (in moderation) i keep my carb intake in moderation and i'm bout to go back to the gym, so i try to snack so i'm not over-eating my full meals but i find myself "snacking" alot, help!
I'd suggest cutting back on gatorade.. it isn't good for you unless you're actually exercising and doing a lot of sports. If the ice tea is all natural and not snapple.. go for it. I'd suggest doing Vitamin Water. :) It's a better version of Gatorade/Powerade and has less than 15grams of sugar in it. Cut down on the beef intake.. poultry and fish is good! Chew your food..the first bites of your meal are precious! So chew a lot till it's little tiny pieces..easier for your digestive system to digest and can fill you up, actually. :) Good luck.
You just have to have some willpower. If you do snack, try to eat healthy snacks. I am rooting for ya!
Well all I can say is that you are on the right track.
as long as you are snacking on healthy foods i wouldn't worry about it that much. Your body needs to adjust to everything.
keep fresh fruits and veggies around the house... when you have to snack get a bowl of grapes, stick of celery or a banana.
Use honey instead of sugar
ANything With 'ose' in it
Is sugar - Poison!!
Have snacks i.e carrot sticks or snack packs of fruit
Or Raisins, Dried peaches
I have the same problem, after I eat a meal, I need to snack.
Coffee decaf kills the hunger and urge to snack
It's not the end of the world to be hungry, hell I am right now. Get used to being hungry and start doing it more often.
It's tough I know. I'm not overweight but I am a Type 2 Diabetic. A few things that I've noticed. If you eat breakfast you are less likely to snack during the day, at least I am. I'm bad about that by the way...Never was a big breakfast eater. Also, try to keep healthy snacks around. That was real tough for me because I have kids and my wife kept buying cookies and the like, like putting heroin in front of the addict. Now we try to keep them out of the house. Out of sight out of mind.
The first point i'd like to make is that juices, gatorade and all of those drinks have a ton of sugar. Sugar=fat. You can lose weight just by cutting out all those drinks.Next, snacking is happening because you are hungry! How many meals do you have in a day? You should be eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day. This way you don't become starved and your blood sugar levels stay stable. Make sure you are eating enough protien, fruits and veggies to keep you healthy and full. If you are REALLY hungry and need something, snack on some carrots, broccolli, caluflower etc. These things help keep you very full because they take a while to digest and they have mimimal calories. Also, consider low fat popcorn, fruits, and low fat snacks like weight watchers muffins etc. When you "snack" (pick a little here and there) you don't realize how much you are eating. I bet if you were to write down every thing that goes in your mouth, you'd be surprised how much it adds up to. A way to combat this is to make sure everything that you eat is on a plate. That forces you conciously see what you are eating and how much. In addition, keep snacks that you like to munch on out of view. If you see it, you'll want it. If you put chips, for example, in a tied up bag at the top of a cabinet, you are less likely to grab some than if they are in a bowl on the table.
Snacking can play a part of your diet, but you have to moderate what you snack on. Stay away from junk, going for more healthier Fruits, veggies and cheese (1oz only for snack). Since both parents are Type II you have to know that you run a very high risk of developing Type II especially if you are overweight. Even drinks like Ice tea, fruit jucies and Gatorade can contain a very high amount of sugar, if you make your own ice tea use splenda or equal as a sweetner, Unless you need to boost your sugar levels during a work out steer away from Fruit juices and Gatorade as they will be just empty calories just like soda.Try cutting down on your full meals, making them slightly bigger then your snacks. I personally eat 5 - 6 per day, but very small amounts. Eating 3 meals a day tend to leave folks hungry because you typically go 6 hours or more between meals, try eating every 3 - 4 hours.Good luck
The ice tea and gatorade is a definite no-no when it comes to dieting. Gatorade has more sugar than a soda! Having more than one snack per day is also not a desirable thing to do as well. It is better to just eat three square meals a day. It's good that you're going to a gym, but sometimes it's not enough.I strongly recommend the Weight Watchers diet. That way, you could really monitor what you eat and you can learn about which foods are better for your diet. It's also pretty easy, but it does take some willpower.
diabetics have rules if it is a big banana ,u can only have half,and applesand oranges can only b small ones because they have sugar in them.look up the free foods that u can have on diabetic diet...did u know it takes more calories to eat celery that how many calories celery has?
We all like to snack, but keep your cupboard and refrigerator stocked with "healthy" snacks, and don't even have a bag of chips or cookies in the house. Don't forget to exercise. Once a week reward yourself with a SMALL ice cream sundae, piece of pie, etc. Then go for a nice walk.
The first thing that you need to so is try to figure out the reason why you snack so much. A lot of the time the snacking is a comfort reaction to some kind of emotional pain. IF this is the reason and you are not addressing it then you could e struggling with this for a very long time.
A few suggestions:
1. Wait 5 minutes. When ever you feel like snacking force yourself to wait and see if your still hungry.
2. Before you snack have a full glass of water. When we are dehydrated we can mistake the symptoms as hunger.
3. Don't have unhealthy snacks in the house. If you have healthier snacks available (natural is best) then at least your eating better for you calories.
4. There are some supplements that help suppress appetite. A new find is hoodia which is derived from a cactus in South Africa.
If you try any supplement do your research. Watch for side effects and again natural is best.Hope this answer helps,
Take care,
only drink water and green tea
stuff yourself with more veggies in your meals so even if you snack it won't be a huge amount later
don't go to the supermarket hungry cuz u'll end up buying a bunch of junk
if you are serious about keeping down the sugar, stop leaving so many snacks in the house
after school i totaly binge [ eat waay to muhc ] so now waen i come home i just tell my slef. im NOT going to eat ... and if u relly have to eat an orange and some almonds that will fill u up... and drinking can be consuming alot of ur calories so be careful! and get the snack food out of the house

Snack food while keep a good diet?

So far I've been pretty sucessful as to be losing weight by watching/altering my diet. However, I could be doing alot better if I knew of a few "good" tasting snack foods that I could eat (as much as I want :-)) without blowing it all. Any Ideas?
Try rice cakes, especially the caramel corn flavor, cut up raw vegetables, but only the ones you really LOVE, animal crackers, and the cheap brand of vanilla wafers. Low-fat yogurt (the kind with Nutra-sweet), great for dipping fruit. Crunchy cereal (I can eat honey nut oat cereal by the handful.) eaten dry.
Good luck!
Celery has negative calories! But there are plenty of fruits that taste great and of course are good for you!
low cal
Unsalted unbuttered popcorn. Fresh fruit or vegetable sticks will hill do very well.
You have to learn to like foods that taste bland to the average fat person. Food tastes better when you stop drowning everything in condiments. I think food is best bareback - without using condiments.
I like plain popcorn. No butter, no salt. Just the plain stuff. If you train yourself to stop needing flavor on all of your food, you will taste the flavor of the food itself, and it's delicious.
Same goes with drinking plain water.
I am a lucky guy - I enjoy the taste of my food more than anyone because I don't taint the natural flavor with salt and fat.
All sorts of good ideas here...*Pistachios, almonds, or any other type of nut is healthy snack.
*Fruit -- pears, grapes, berries, bananas, etc...
*Shrimp -- low in fat, full of protein
*Yogurt -- organic would be the best, but any kind is good
*Snack bars if you want go that routeAll good ideas there. I have found a snack bar that tastes great, great ingredients, low in cals etc...
Swiss rolls, small bag of chips, chico stick, Energy drink
I like smartones deserts, they have the weight watchers points try the eggclairs there unbealiveable and taste real but I like to eat them frozen they taste better. And they have chocolate chip cookie dough. Or you can buy one of those small bags of mino oreos, they only have a 100calories. You can also, have coffee that helps my cravings chew lots of gum, drink lots of water. Umm cheerios with a banna with lowfat milk, usalted prezels, yoplait yogurt, lowfat, low sodium pop corn, with light butter, theres cookies called snackwells, nutria grain bars,granola bars. Just some things I can think of so far good luck.

Smoking and health, some one please help?

i am a boy of 19 years old. i have smoke for 4 years now. to the extend that i consume 24/27 a day. but now i am regretting why i do such. please can any one help put my of food requirement and other that can make me look and be healthy again. please some one help. i mean you the reader
U know i'm your Nigerian fan ok, 19 your very young to be smoking so much, is really bad for your health, and will get worse as u get older, as the wt thing, never seen a Nigerian that was big or smoked. the USA is bad on smoking, but you being in Nigeria, their not into smoking, and drinking as much as the USA , i'm i right on this? so you do need to stop smoking while you are still young and it will be easier for u to stop now. Get hook on the computer or some sport to get your mind of this. good luck my friend.
sorry to hear that you have put weight on=glad to hear you have quit smoking===you will have to start a diet =go to Drs and find the best diet for your body and good luck
the only way you are going to be healthy is to stop smoking period because if u keep smoking you are messing up your lung and you could get lung cancer and if u keep smoking you are destroying most of your brainn cells so u wont be as smart as you use to be and if u smoke your apperence will change rather you like it or not so my best suggestion is to just stop smoking all together and you will see a big change. adnd if u want to get healther you need to eat more healthy food and perhaps work out and stuff to get in shape
quite now before it is 2 late.
If you quit smoking your food will taste better, But you won't be loosing needed vitamins I quit a 5 pack a day habit, I know it can be done
Hi there, I know this is a hard habit to break. Try and cut back gradually and work on quitting. Smoking ages you, lowers your immune system and harms your health. My grandmother smoked a lot, but then had quit many years ago. She was just diagnosed with lung cancer. My other grandmother ruined her arteries from it %26 went to the hospital a lot. You're young so this is the time to try and stop smoking. Look into your local area for help and support.Start including in your diet fresh fruit (make smoothies and drink them in the morning to feel refreshed and get a good source of energy) they're cleansing, too.Good luck to you!
do a colon cleanse first and a candida yeast cleanse go to your local health food store or on line for healthy eating habits Organic is the best. 8 to 10 glasses of natural ozonated spring water per day, yoga is especially great for your body alignment and balance, chelation therapy is a detoxifier and great cleanse for your overall health. you can get all these things on line or at your local health food store. in good health
This is debatable. My grandmother is 89yrs.old and has smoked non-filtered cigarettes for 72 years. To this day, she is still not on any prescription medication for any health problems.She even went from 1946 to 1995 without having a general health check-up! Moisturize your skin. Eat well-balanced meals. And eliminate stress.

Smoking and gaining weight?

Hi, I am 21 and weigh around 130. I am honestly tired of smoking and really want to quit. I started around 17 years of age. I know this one issue can overcome my addiction. I am basically tired of being small and skinny. My question is If I quit smoking will I gain weight. I want to become at least 160 to 170. Growing up I was an average size kid. I also had to stop my favorite sport. I am a black belt in judo. Can I gain weight if I quit??Thank You
The reason that people tend to gain weight when they quit smoking is because a lot of folks tend to replace smoking with food and because smoking is an appetite suppressant. I am certainly not telling you not to quit, but quitting may not help you bulk up.I put a link under sources about gaining weight. It's pretty basic though. If you DO want to quit and gain weight, I recommend replacing smoking with exercise that generates bulk. If you crave a cigarette, do some pushups, etc. Good luck...
130- skinny? i wouldn't go overboard toots.
Most people do gain weight after quitting. Even a large gain is still healthier than the tobacco.
Weight gain is temporary, and an addict will just use it as a cop-out.Work out with weights, consume protein to build muscle if you wish. Learn to play the tuba. After only four years, your addiction is reversible, so do it now while your lungs, arteries and brain neurons can still repair themselves.Good luck to you, and keep up the productive attitude. You'll thank yourself later.
smoking is a bad habit to begin with. congrats on wanting to really quit smoking!it is not that difficult to quit if u REALLY set ur mind to quit.
about gaining weight,of course u can...take vitamins supplement (in right dose) %26 drink a weight gain milk. it is popular these days..about the weight gain milk,it is quite expensive but it really works %26 it always the popular one in pharmacies. try Appeton...
People who quit smoking will gain an average of 5-10 lbs. So that will not help with your goal. But of course good for your health. Consult with your doctor is see what's the best way for you. 30-40lbs of weight gain is a lot. I can't advise you to achieve that in a healthy way. As for Judo, don't quit! It's something that you've worked very hard for and enjoy! Don't give it up!

Smartburn hoodia pills... ?

i just started taking smartburn hoodia pills like two days ago, [i'm fourteen.. if that helps with anything] and i've been like really dizzy and i've been throwing up alot, and if i eat anything after taking the pills i have really bad pains in my stomach, back, chest and sides.. basically everywhere in my torso. i've also had an extreme loss of energy and i currently feel like i'm going to pass out.are these things caused by the pills. ?
Hi Brandi,Definitely stop taking those pills, they are crappy anyway. If you are really overweight talk to your doctor about what to do. I think fourteen is too young to be taking diet pills. Also as a good rule, if you are having pains or any type of other problems when you start taking something, immediately stop taking it.
Do not take any more of these pills. Tell your mom or dad right now. You may be having an allergic reaction and need to seek medical attention.
Brandi:Sorry to hear about your experience with Smartburn. By all means stop taking them!! If your symptoms don't go away within 24 hours of not taking them, definitely consult a doctor as you may have more going on than just a reaction to Smartburn with Hoodia.As a self-proclaimed expert with hoodia, I want to be sure to set the record straight for anyone else that might be reading this. Smartburn with Hoodia is not a real hoodia product. In fact, it contains very little hoodia and what little it contains is very likely fake. If you take a close look at the ingredients of Smartburn Hoodia, you'll see it's loaded with all kinds of ingredients. It wouldn't surprise me if Brandi's symptoms are directly related to this product. You can read more about SmartBurn by reading the full review I put together on this product (link provided below).You will not experience any of these side effects if you are taking an authentic hoodia diet pill that contains only hoodia gordonii. Most of the hoodia supplements available today are loaded with garbage. The best hoodia products will contain ONLY real hoodia gordonii and nothing else. Any one more note to should really think twice about taking hoodia supplements. It is highly recommended that hoodia not be taken by anyone under the age of 18. In addition, real hoodia gordonii diet pills are expensive - anywhere between $40-$60/bottle. If you are looking for natural appetite suppressants, there are much healthier and cheaper options for someone your age. For example, lean protein foods or even whey protein powder are terrific appetite suppressants. Other options include water, apples, and green leafy vegetables. Best of luck to you.Travis

Smaller breast?

How can I make my breast smaller without going through surgery or liposuction...
If you are severely overweight working out and eating right will reduce your breasts. If you aren't seriously overweight, then working out MAY help. It all depends on the fatty versus dense tissue in your breasts. I didn't lose any in the cup losing weight.Other than that it is surgery.
try excercising.
There is no way to decrease your breast size without surgery.
many will kill to get such a large breastwhy worry?
breasts are fat tissue. lose weight. If you are skinny and have large breasts, maybe you should become a stripper. That kind get the big tips.

Slow Matabalism ( Help!)?

How do you loose weight when you have a slow matabalism, I need to see better results by May 23!
hmm, do situps in the morning with squats
then eat less portions, less calories (stick to a 1200 calorie diet) , hmm ride a bike for 1 hour daily,
run for 20 minutes first then tmore and more
jump start your metabolism by interval cardio training it works.
you can take a pill called tonalin that helps break down food and increase lean but you also have to exercise
I have lost 25 pounds in 2 months, and my metabolism has increased greatly. Email me for details.
You need to eat more often. It revs up metabolism.
Eat a little something every 3-4 hours. Stop about
2 hours before bedtime. Eat 2-3 servings of dairy, 5 fruits and veggies daily, protein at meals. Drink water,
stay away from sweets. Good Luck!
Eat one small meal once a day. Drink lots of water. If u feel really hungry hit the pillow. Believe me u wont die of hunger. Thats the worse that could happen and it wont. I've gone for 2days without food.
along wtih exercise eat something small and heathy every two hours of the day and start as soon as get up in the morning
the biggest mistake you can make trying to lose weight is eating barely anything.. it doesnt work!
my advice:
eat a healthy, filling breakfast EX: 2 scarmbled eggs or yogurt and fruit
for lunch stick with whole wheat bread and lean meat on a sandwhich and skip the mayo also to keep its filling enough have something like fat free pudding to go along with it
have a small snack late afternoon like almonds or a banana
for dinner have a piece of lean meat and veges
for a late night snack stick with a few strawberriesbelieve me this works.. i lost a lot of weight with itif you wanna lose a lot of weight try getting a weight watchers book from a friend
no need to sign up just get the book , choose a number of points good for losing weight and do that!it works!

Slouch marks?

how do you get rid of these? i have one going on my abs and it just wont go away, i must have slouched alot back before i started working out, anyway is there anyway to get rid of it?
keep sitting up straight and have good posture while you walk and sit. put lotion (like vitamin E cream) on the area and eventually it will disappear.

SlimQuick Female Fat Burner..?

Has anyone used this product and had results? Did you lose any weight, have energy? Can anyone tell me their experience. Symtoms or reactions..etc. Thank you.
Oh, well i used slimquick and it didnt work, it only gave me the creeps, like some one was following me, just walk i lost 12 lbs in 1 month.

Slimming World?

Hi, I started the Slimming world diet last year. I stopped doing this as i felt it didn't help me and i couldn't stick to it aswell. This year i started again and scales tell me i lost over half a stone (even though i can't notice difference) I was thinking bout doing my own diet but i don't know what to count? Calories or fat? Also what foods i can eat. Can i eat meat and fish on the same day as rice/pasta/potatos? Any help will be appreciated x
Sensible dieting is the key word. Any food combination diets are shonky, seriously.Just avoid WHITE foods - salt, sugar, rice, flour, cream, oil, fat, pasta, potatoes - crisps and chips, lemonade, alcohol, ice cream, full fat milk, yoghurt and so on.Obviously not forever. Try to eat lots of fruit and vegies and lean meats and fish and keep away from processed, pre-packaged foods.Good luck!
best way is to reduse the amount of sugar and sweets. you can see the differance in one month
go to one slimming world session ang get all the info you need, then you can do it yourself, i would count calories, not fat
You can search for a diet that suits you over the net but you might like to think about seeking professional advise on it. Too much information can misdirect your program.I tried a program last year which gave a list of stuff from the experts, diets and stuff, was a shortcut but hey it works.Try others first if it suits you, if not , you might like to try what I did, you can find it on my profile.
i started slimming world 3 weeks ago and i have lost 11 pounds , its very easy when u get your head round it, i only do green days ,which is loads of rice,pasta and a little meat hope this helps
the way I see it is you should not worry about any counting whatsoever you just need to eat what fills you-not megabad foods like candy-eat normal foods that fill you then after you let stuff digest you should go for a walk thataway you burn calories it helps me to listen to my iPOD when i walk cuz i guess i listen to the music more than i think about walking

Slimming World. Flying with Virgin Atlantic, which dinner option is best to ask for? Low fat or Low Calorie?

Flying to Japan in 2 weeks.
I suggest you take your own nibbles.
I do.
Aeroplane food sucks.
If I really, really, had to choose.
Low calorie.
Have a great time.
it depends what kind of diet you are following. a fat free meal can have a whole lot of calories if it has a lot of sugar (carbohydrates, potatoes, etc.). a meal rich in fat, is well, rich in fat. I can not eat carbohydrates but I can eat all the fat I want... so it really depends on ur body type, diet in general. but why bother? airplane meals are airplane meals. dont expect anything overy exquisite!

Slimming World Password?

Could someone please let me know what this weeks password is? I forgot to get it from my consultant and she is now off on holiday for a week and I don't have the contact number for her stand in.Thanks
hi, my password is chips, i don't know how long you be able to use as i get weight tomorrow.
Pork pies ?

Slimming world free foods?

can anyone tell me where i can get a list of slimming world FREE FOODS on line? thanx
HiGo online to and sign up there as a member.You'll need this weeks password for the website which is BEANS, this will get you in for at least another week or two, but they the password changes every week so you'll either have to join, or put a new quetion on here every week. x
I dont think you can get one on line unless you are a member of the club!
the web address for slimming world is .You have to be a member to get the full benifits either by attending a group or signing up for the on-line service.
there is also an e-mail address you could write to for information this is
you have to be a member of a class so you can get a weekly group password which enables you to go into all parts of web site

Slimming pills, good idea or not?

i want to lose some weight, about a stone will do, and i eat healthy, exercise evryday, but its not shifting.
I am 5'6 and 9st 3lbs, so i know i am not overweight, but i NEED to lose a stone!
Which pills are the best , and are there any side affects?
Don`t touch them with a barge pole,honest.They only work till you stop taking them then once you start eating again you put back on the weight you lost and more.
im from tennessee so it may jus be me but wat is a stone are you 5'6 and only way 93 pounds and if so you need to gain a few stones but neways try some green tea pills
You don't need to lose a stone, you are a normal weight for your height.Anyway, diet pills are a really, really bad idea.
No they are not any good, no they will not sustain your weight loss, yes they have side effects! It just isn't that easy. There are now 103 identical questions to yours, don't believe me type 'slimming pills' into the search for questions!Answers swamped with weight loss questions!?As far as weight loss is concerned I will give my stock answer I am afraid, however it is interesting to see how close this is ( I have been using it for over 2 months), to a recent paper from University of California. They did a meta-analysis of all the work on weight loss over the past few years. ( summary) It showed that 2/3 of people who diet yo-yo to a higher weight, none of the faddy diets of diet pills work and that rapid weight loss doubles heart attack risk!They seemed to suggest the only hope was modest calorie reduction + EXERCISE.This is a news report of the article: have to admit I have a 'stock' answer for this question, since if you look it appears 20-30 times every day!Type 'guaranteed weight loss' into google, you will find 1 1/2 million sites!Look around you if ANY of these things worked would we be getting so overweight?We are what we eat, but we are at least as much what we don't do. Calorie intakes in 1900 and 1950 were higher than they are now, we just don't use them up!Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg. Drop to about 1,500 calories.Take a healthy amount of exercise 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise per day 4-5 days a week. I hate to think what percentage of the UK population does that 2%? 5%?I have seen hundreds of questions with this same pattern :- I am fat, tell me where on line I can get this super diet or herbal/dangerous/illegal drug that I hear will fix it for me in 10 minutes without the need for me to get off the couch!No fixes pal , less in more out, its the only way
I have been in the diet pill industry for years now. Throughout all my experience, I found that the best diet pill is called Proactol. The only side effect is the possibility of drowsiness. However a good solution is to take the pill at night. Proactol binds 28% of all fat consumed. Also, if you do not like the weight you've lost within 120 days, they will refund all your money, including shipping. is the safest, effective, and most efficient diet pill. Bookmark the site and see for yourself. Good luck!
go for adios, it is a natural aid for slimming i was 15 stone 4lbs i am now 7 stone 2lbs and that took me 2 and a half months! there's side effects with every pill but i did not experience any but always check with your GP xx good luck xx xx qt xx
At that weight you won't get diet pills from your GP, so you're going to be paying for them privately.The main diet pills endorsed by the NHS are Meridia (an appetite suppresent) and Xenical (stops you absorbing fat). Both are available on-line without prescription for around 拢50 - 拢70 a month (plus 拢25 import duty if you get hit by customs).Both these pills work, and are deemed safe by NICE. There are a tonne of others on the market, do remember that anything that starts with 'Phen...' is Speed. x
Alot of Diet pills are really dangerous, best thing to use are things that naturally occur in food you eat, but in pill form you get more of. Best being CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid ).You get it from foods like red meat but it is often mixed with satrated fat, so its benifits in food are worthless. In pill form however it is a fatty enzyme that breaks down fat...Studies also confirm that CLA can improve muscle tone, improve nutrient usage and boost antioxidant activity. Recent research found that people who consumed CLA reduced their body fat by 20% within 3 months without changing their diet.Thing is, these things aren't mirical cures you do need to watch what you eat and exercise (i know, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) and you should see results, and be safe in the knowledge that its safe because its natural.
US citizens are reported to spend approximately $50 billion every year on products that aid weight loss. The scary fact that can be coupled with this is that an estimated $6 billion is spent on products that are fraudelent and cannot substantiate a weight reducing claim.Be careful and do your research. If you are going the non prescription route ensure your choice has medical approval, clinical proof and has been given the CE mark of approval.Many popular weight loss products cannot substantiate any proof that they work, so in effect what you would be purchasing is a placebo with the added insult that they may give you a side effect.

Slim Fast?

Does it really do the job? Has anyone lost weight by drinking it? How much? How long did it take?
50% of the calories from Slim Fast come from sugars. you can get the same effect but in a healthier manner by making your own healthy snacks with the same amount of calories
Slim fast is a common know poison
Yes, Slim Fast does work. I lost 60 lbs in 3 months by simply substituting breakfast and lunch with the slimfast and then having one of those Healthy Choice dinners. And don't forget water and diet sodas. But the hard part is keeping it off, you have to make a life change with your food choices. Oh and one last thing, you should always be finished with dinner no later than 7 pm ( I did 6 pm)
I was told that Carnation Instant Breakfast is a MUCH better choice than drinking Slimfast. It also costs less per serving.
I only drink it in the mornings or as a quick snack every once in awhile but it does fill me up.

Slim Fast Diet?

I want to go on a diet and I have done some research. I have read that Slim fast is a very good diet for fast weight lost. I was wondering if there is anyone out there that is on this diet or has done it. I would greatly appreciate your advice.Serious responses only.
Slim fast is great for short term results.
I suggest you try cleansing your system first.
e-mail me for more information.
does not work even with serious pills and hard exercise, too many calories. Have chromium picolinate with aminoacids and work out, you will feel very good afterwards.
I tried the Slim Fast diet but their shakes are so full of carbs that I put on weight instead of taking it even though I followed their meal plan exactly. Ive since given up the whole 'quick fix' idea and have started to work out regularly and have been following a more healthy meal plan. Ive lost five lbs in four weeks and have lost a ton of inches from my neck, arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs and legs. I think this is a better way to go.
slim fast DOES not work. i tryed iti have been on the nutrisystem diet for only 1month and a week now and lost 35 lbs !!!you MUST use this diet its amazing and i dont even jog or work out (besides work)look it up on the web
I only had success with it short term and then the weight came back.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Slim Fast -- Any success stories, does it really work?

Hi, I used it about a year ago and although I lost a few pounds it took ages for anything to happen. I think I lost 8 pounds in three months and I was strict with my diet and everything. I switched to shapeworks and it was the best thing I could have done. I used a protein based diet after a friend who had lost a lot of weight with this recommended it to me. All the way through you feel great and energized, you also get great coaching and support along the way. The people are very friendly and gave me lots of great advice. I needed to lose 40 pounds and I did so with no problems. The products really work and you feel great whilst losing weight. I lost all my weight in less than four months and they have helped me to keep it off. I would definitely recommend using them. My sister did this also and lost 76 pounds in five months (She works out, I don鈥檛). There is no pressure and they will even send you a load of free samples so you can try before you buy. The samples were the thing that initially convinced me that this was the right diet for me. You also a get a free complete health consultation with the samples, I just paid the postage and handling, but for what I got it was well worth it. You just go to to register your details to get the free samples and the free advice etc and then they just call you up and ask you a few questions. It was so easy. Their main site is and you can see all the products and packages and order from their. Its nice to have contact with real people who care about you losing weight and improving your health. I am in better health now than I have ever been thanks to these products and I know that I will continue to keep the weight off with the help I have received. I hope this helps.


has any one tryed that Slentertone flex? it was on tv? does it really work?
I've seen it but I am a bit skeptical about it. I find it hard to believe that a belt can tone your body without you actually doing any physical work. That would be great if it actually worked but I think its probably a piece of ****.

Skipping rope?

I asked a previous question about what excersies to do to lose weight as i have no idea. Some people suggested a skipping rope. How many times a day would i have to this and for how long? Bare in mind i do eat healthy x
to be honest everyone is different so there is no definite answer. You will probably find the first time you do it you will be able to do about 5 min and be exhausted. This will be because it is completely new to your body. So your end goal will be about 20 minutes a day. This should be enough to get some good results, but make sure you combine it with other exercises.Every form of exercise has a shelf life, by which I mean an exercise that you find hard will show much better results than an exercise you find easy. But stick to one exercise like skipping and it won't be long before you become good and at which point the benefits are greatly reduced. So stick to skipping for a couple of months but then change to something else. You can always come back to skipping again at a later date.I hope this has helped, good luck!
do it for about 20 mins a day, skipping will get you to your target rate to burn fat.
Ten minutes skipping a day is excellent exercise and is just enough so it doesnt jar your joints like jogging etc..try it i bet it works i lost 4 stone doing it and eating healthy. good luck
do it for about 15 or 20 minutes a day!
hi i think that skipping rope as exercise is good so need match run from 30 minutes for arrive to 1 hour
This is an excellent exercise as it develops hand to eye co-ordination, balance, is a extreme cardio vascular workout, slim, trims and shapes the legs. Downside is it is pretty tough and takes practise to perfect, but any old piece of rope is all the equipment you will need. Stick with it, doing anything will get you fitter and improve your quality of life, well done for trying, all the best

Skinny Calves?

I got big calves. I want slim, nicly shaped with my body, calves. i don't want them to be pumped or muscly tho, is that possible? Any suggestions or tips to do?
Start long distance biking. Lots of peddling. This is an endurance exercise (long thin muscles) not a strength exercise (big bulky muscle). It will help slim out your muscles.It can take a while depending on your body type. If you're not strongly ectomorphic (long , lean and lanky) it will take a while, months!
Stop using your calf muscles=)
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.

Skinny but fat? Anyone else like me? What to do?

I'm 5' 6.5", 138lbs. Not long ago I was 134lbs, but I know my BMI is still normal. However, my body fat around 28%. My friends tell me I am skinny and that I should eat more, and I tell them I am fat and they don't believe me. I know I am not FAT as in overweight, but I am flabby and can pinch the layer of fat practically everywhere on my body. The only part that I am satisfied with are my lower arms and legs. I'm pretty weak-- can't do pull-ups, can hardly do push-ups, and can't bench press, not even the damn bar (without the weights). Can anyone relate to me?What should I do? Sometimes I like doing cardio, but resistance training is boring and I'm not even sure I have the correct form. Finding healthy things to eat is also hard because no one cooks in my family. I'm not looking for the skinny model look. I want the athletic lean-muscular look.
I'm 5'6" 120lbs, but I had a baby a year ago - there's extra pudginess in strange places now. It's just a matter of doing exercise... Try running, swimming, pilates, and in terms of healthy food - learn to cook for yourself! :)
yeh i would say im skinny but i need to tone up, when i sit down i have a podgy belly ;/ But i know if i tone up and eat healthier it will go away.
Just tone up and eat right that should do it.
You might need to go and talk to someone cause I think you need help.
I was the same way once i lost weight from gastric stapling. Flabby skin when i lost all my weight. Do what I did. Take glucosamine tablets and tone your skin and muscles. Find a gym and lift the weights. I lift weights but i dont make them to heavy cause i dont want to look manish with a big body but just enough to tone and get the strength back in the flabby skin. Theirs different exercises for all parts of the body that you do with weights and you will see a difference in a month. It should be easier for you then it was me because you dont have any scarred skin from surgery. Good luck to you!!
Im 5'8 or 5'9. Im 13 and weigh 130 lbs. I think im fat but also skinny. I know i need to work out more and you may to. Its normal to be fat yet skinny. Most people consider themselves fat when their not. Don't let it bother you. Everyone looks great in their own way. :)
See, I've got the lean-muscular look down. I wish I had the skinny model look! But hey, I am dedicated to sports, so what can I say?Try walking or slow jogging for 40 minutes a day. Or get a pilates video to do at home. Also, frozen meals (like Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice) are bad options for dinner.
With weightlifting start off with as much weight as you can handle. If the bar is to much, get some really light dumbells or even a curl bar. As you progress and the dumbell gets lighter move up to a heavier dumbell and so on. As for cardio there is all kinds of things you can do, run, jog, walk, swim, jumproop, etc. Go workout with a positive attitude and tell yourself you can do it. The worst thing you can do is say you can't do it before you even try. As for eating..Eat foods high in protein. Eat chicken, steak, fish, peanut butter, etc. Lose the junk food and stuff high in fat.
All my fat seems to hits my stomach. Everywhere else seems somewhat thin to fit. A chicken-legged guy with a gut is not a pretty sight. Cardio is good. Perhaps try lifting hand-weights, but go light on the weights (3 to 5 lbs) so you can do many repetitions. It will help burn fat and tone muscle without adding much mass. Also, vary your exercise routine every couple of weeks, so you are not working the same muscle groups with the same exercises. You will notice results quicker if you vary.Watch closely your fat intake, also. It should not be above 30% of your overall caloric intake. You may need to ease up on the starches, too.
28% body fat is perfectly acceptable. But I think if you want to reduce your body fat slightly, then you really need to get into the resistance training. I feel your main issue is needing to build up muscle mass. Lowering your body fat is not just about losing fat, but actually gaining muscle. This is not to say you shouldn't lose fat, but this should not be your only goal. I'd recommend upping your intake of protein. So foods such as chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, lean beef/ham baked beans and nuts/seeds are recommended. Also remember your carbs as these are necessary to provide energy. Low GI carbs such as fresh fruit and vegetables
and wholemeal foods/cereals.You could have a one to one session with a personal trainer to make sure you have the correct form. If you really are not getting into it, you could try kickboxing aerobics, as this is not only a great cardio workout, but it builds muscle mass. You could even use some ankle weights to increase resistance during your cardio workouts. I'd also recommend buying an exercise ball and some weights and working out at home if you prefer.Take care : )
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