Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stopped smoking, counting cals and exercising, whats wrong?

i quit smoking a month ago, started exercising (walking approx 45min (fairly fast) per day) and counting calories. i generally have around 1000 cals one day and up to 1400 the next then back to 1000 then up to 1400 and so on. i have a 2 year old a 12 year old and care of my grandparents, i am very busy, so i thought the weight should come off easier but i started at 76 kgs, i got down to 75kgs then went back up to 76.5 overnight. i have lost inches though and it just doesn't make sense to me why the scales aren't showing more weight loss. am i doing something wrong? i eat heaps of vegies and fruit. i would love some very specific advice on what type of foods to eat when watching cals and when to eat them and well i would love any advice right now as i am feeling very letdown by the lack of prove of all the hard work i have put in.
thanks in advance :)
1000 calories a day? A normal day should be 2000...If you are not seeing the type of weight loss you are wanting is because you are starving your body. When you eat as little as you do, your body thinks each meal is its last. It goes into starvation mode and does not want to give up any weight.I would recommend eating 6 small meals per day. Each meal should have a mixture of carb and protein with veggies at dinner and lunch. Your mid-morn and mid-afternoon snack can be as simple as a handful of almonds and low sugar yogurt.The 6 meals per day raises your metabolism and allows your body to run more efficiently. Think of your metabolism as a coal burning stove. If you leave the house without putting anything (food) in the stove (or not enough), then it burns out. When you get back, you have to put more coal into it and wait for it to start getting hot again. If you are always 'stoking' the fire, the stove burns hot and efficiently.
Never trust the scale. There's a couple of reasons for that. First of all, the amount of water in your body can change by a couple of pounds pretty easily. Second, if you exercise a lot, you could lose fat but gain weight by building muscles. Trust your waistline over your scale any day. If you're losing inches, you're definitely losing fat and on the right track. Keep it up.
avoid starches %26 sugars, more veggies, don't excercise TOO much, it makes you hungry, take a good multi-vitamin (you are dieting, reducing nutrition), don't feel "LET DOWN", You're doing GREAT ! your body is just getting used to the new lifestyle, and reved up metabalism, you've ALREADY lost inches, so you are looking skinnier FOR SURE ! STAY THE COURSE ! If you are female it is VERY hard because, they can't lose WT. as fast as a male can, this is often the cause of them giving up on the diet, don't quite now, try it for another two weeks, people will start noticing (and being Jealous).

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