Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Special K?

Does the Special K Diet really works? I have been on it for only a week, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't wasting my time.. I eat the cereal in the morining, I eat either the bar for lunch or another bowl of cereal, and for my third meal, I eat a regular meal with no salt. I eat fruits as a snack. I drink nothing but water and I just started drinking Green Tea. I am not obese, I just want to lose 15-20 pounds due to my blood pressure. So no smart comments. I have a nice framed body, I just know it could look better.
It "works" in that it will make just about anyone lose weight due to the extremely low calorie intake. It's not a healthy way of losing weight, however, and will likely cause you to gain back more after you stop the diet because it sources much of the weight loss from water and muscle.
Have you lost anything??
I think it's unhealthy. It's better to eat small meals more frequently (5 to 6) and increase your protein intake. Most people don't get enough protein and they eat far too many calories from carbohydrates. I'd suggest you reduce or eliminate your consumption of calorie dense carbs like bread, pasta, potatoes, yams, beans, rice, corn, oatmeal and other cereal grains.
Well, it's not as though special k has some magic ingredient that will make you lose weight. You're simply lowering your calorie intake which as long as you burn more then you put in your body - you probably will lose weight. Also - one you start eating "normal" food again it will be very difficult to sustain the weight loss, unless you continue on a low calorie diet.
Eat only when hungry and that too only nourishing food and not more than three times a day. No liquids, other than water, also in between. Chew each morsel of food at least 32 times to activate ur body system to give u messages when u r hungry or when u r full.Take light exercises and brisk walks regulary preferably twice a day.U will achieve desireable weight in a reasonable period. Taking uncooked fruits and vegetables will help u to reduce ur bp.

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