Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Staying slim...?

I'm not fat but my diet is not great. I do excercise (swimming, running, walking etc) but i worry that this wont be enogh to compensate for what i consider a bad diet. I eat wholegrain cereals, fruit, drink plenty of water and don't really eat take ways like pizza %26 burgers. I am however partial to the occasional portion of chips and i have quite the sweet tooth. Do you think based on this i am likely to gain weight eventually?
no, from when you said you drink lots of water and don't really eat take aways and you do regular exercises i cant see this to be a problem, however, try not to eat to much sweet stuff as you will ruin your teeth, go for lower fat sweet things and try not to eat to many at one time.
Try eating soy crisps or chips fried in lard. Also sweeten your deserts with unsweetened applesauce. You can still indulge without so much guilt!
Just check out the following link-http://www.retentioncenter.com/...
it depends on your genetic make - up!i eat anything i can get my hands on (albeit avoiding things i know which are BAD , i.e. KEBABS)as long as you exercise physically (and i think MENTALLY, keep an ACTIVE mind) you shouldn't get TOO FAT!
Just a moment: pizza is a very healthy food! It contains tomato (vitamins and mineral salts), flour (carbohydrates), mozzarella (proteins end fats). Pizza is a complete dish!
If you do exercise, don't worry for your weight! But you have to do exercise at least two hours a day, four times a week!
Yep. Because it is all about moderation. If you are working out like a madwoman at the gym or home, you will have nothing to show for it if you are constantly eating sweets and chips. Those things do not balance out.
Tweak your diet and try to be disciplined.
check out this site it has just what your looking for good luck!
copy and paste the link to your browser.

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