Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stinging feeling after finishing an intense set of weights?

I've been lifting weights for a while and finally reached a plateau in my results, (without any supplements). So I bumped up the intensity and am now doing sets of 5 maximum reps. After I am done with a set, I feel a really uncomfortable sting that lasts 2-3 seconds, only if I relax myself right away. To prevent this from happening, I tense up and then slowly release myself. I only started really feeling this when I bumped up the weights. Also it is particularly chest and tricep workouts, and also forearms.I haven't taken any supplements and have been naturally gaining muscle. However, today, I just started taking whey protein and creatine monohydrate, to take myself to a higher level of training.Is that a normal feeling? Also will those 2 supplements I mentioned aid in preventing such types of feelings? Any other suggestions?Additional Info:Age: 20
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 167-170 lbs, fairly leanThank you for all your answers! Best answer wins!
I have lifted heavy for 20 years and what you are describing doesnt sound familiar to me at all.
I have had burning from lactic acid wall and soreness but never stinging. That sounds more like you are lifting too heavy for your strength level.
You can hurt joints and ligament/tendon insertion points lifting too heavy too much.
I suggest doing 5 sets of 5 at 80% and then once a month do a single or double rep in each lift and stay with that. That is power lifting schedule for strength. Then once you are stronger, you can do a harder bodybuilding workout.
metabolism and blood pressure
probably the breaking down of ur muscles
sounds like micro tears in the muscle from the increase in weights,, but to relax slowly is absolutely the right way to go. and drink lots of wate when on the whey and creatine.
I'm not sure but I think the stinging is probably just the tingly feeling you get when you're numb. The weights are heavy and might stop the blood flow in your hands and veins. It happens to me a lot. I am probably wrong because I don't know what type of stinging you are talking about. But if that is not the case I don't think it is a big deal because the stinging only lasts a few seconds. If you are concerned then just ask your doctor or trainer.
i'm not sure i'm about the stinging feeling cause i get that in my upper back once in a while but i started drinkin wey protein a month and a half ago and in my bench press i noticed a 30 pound increase. I was stuck on 120/130 pounds ( i do 5 set 5 rep) and i started drink the protein and i went up on 1 set every week and rotated that. I'm now up to 160 on a close grip bench press and about to try 160 on a regular bench press. (kinda weird how both workouts are around the same weight)
the only two things those two supplements will do for ya is give you liver damage i have that stinging in my forearm only after i curl or do biceps but i huess its just somthing you have to deal with

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