Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stomach surgery?

I have asked my gp about gastric bypass surgery. I want to know what to expect from an psychologists assessment. I've read as much as I can about the physical side and am fully prepared for the consequences, i just need to know what would happen. Before anyone has a go at me, I have tried lots of other diets and healthy eating/exercise plans and they haven't helped.
Try not to worry about the assessment, It will be similar to talking to your CPN! It's just to make sure that you are mentally fit to make this decision and not just trying to take what some may see as an easy option. If it's been recommended by a Dietician and you are already under a CPN I think it's just a formality, The CPN will know you are OK and I guess you are in the UK from your use of the expression GP so money won't be a factor. A friend of mine had to have surgery, (she didn't ask for it) like you she had tried all the other roots and was actually gaining weight. Sometimes obesity isn't caused by just eating too much and I'm guessing yours is a physical cause as you say your Mum is slim. Hereditry plays a part in obesity too. It must be hard for you seeing your Mum eat what she wants, naturally slim people can eat lots but if you watch them they tend to eat less food but more often than overweight people.Good luck and I hope it goes really well!
Your not eating and exercising correctly then.You do not need to diet, you need to eat correct and exercise an hour/day every day for a year. I guarantee if you go to your local gym, hire a trainer, and then hire a nutrionist you will lose the weight. You just need to learn HOW to eat and exercise, once you learn you will be able to do it.The long term effects of GB surgery are not known and many of the people who have it become fat again because they do not address the fact that they do not exercise and eat correctly. Before spending money on the surgery spend money on a trainer and nutrionist.

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