Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Starting to Lift weights... couple questions . ?

I started running everyday and i want to now build some muscle.Im about 20lbs overweight which i am in the process of loosing. ( already lost 10 ) When i go to the gym i usually go to the little machines ( not the free weights ) and lift 3 reps of 10 on chest, shoulder, biceps, and triceps. Then i do my run for 30 minutes.I go every other day to the gym and on the days i am not there i run for an hour.
My question is, with the weight lifting, am i doing the right thing? Your suggestions would be helpful, thanks.
CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 10 POUNDS!!!!!Since you go to a gym, have a consultation with a trainer (it's free). To me, it sounds like your weights are too light for toning.Also, you need to strengthen your core (for running especially) and legs (again, for running).I saw a trainer yesterday for the first time and found out that I was doing everything wrong as far as my weight training was concerned.
Lifting weights won't help lose weight. Just built you fat into muscule.
Sound like you're getting on to a good start to an exercise program! You're doing great - keep going! If you want a little more variation, you might want to schedule a couple of sessions with a personal trainer. Tell her what you've been doing and what your fitness goal is. She will be able to show you some other ways to keep you motivated in continuing your exercise program so that you'll be able to keep your momentum and reach your weight loss goal.
Keep doing what you are doing, It works..I know. My dad lost 100 lbs lifting weights and he also was very built for an ol guy..he built lots of muscle, So pace urself and get urself some protein while u r lifting. It helps.Go to your health store,they can help you out.Good luck and Congrats on ur fitness awareness friend!

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