Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Starving at a early age?

I am 10 pounds overweight, I dont look like I am but I am ! lol ! so ever since Wed. I have been staving myself the only thing I hate today for the first time is a slice of pizza i have already lost 4 pounds should i continue?? And I am only 11 ( in 6th grade)
No you should not be starving yourself. You need meat, milk, grain, fruits and veggies. Eat the good foods and stay away from fast foods. That is the best advice I can give someone your age. Good Luck!
starving yourself will not make you lose weight. Your body will eventually go into starvation mode and will stop burning fat. And who told you that you were 10 pounds overweight, they may have been wrong.
no dont continue if you dont think you look overwieght you prolly arent and not eating wont help it actually slows down your metabolism..if you wanna lose weight excersize=]
No you should not be starving yourself at such a young age, everyone is beautiful in their own special way you dont need to starve yourself you just need to eat healthy stuff and stay away from fatty foods if you want to lose weight. But i really dont want you to starve yourself.
well i think that next time you eat you should eat sometime more healthier :)
I'm not here to tell you what to eat, but starving yourself could have some nasty effects. If it's weight that you're worring about I would try something else. When you start eating normally again you're body will start putting fat back on, probably more than you were trying to lose. I thing that going out for sports and eating small meals would be a better option.
No ! This is really bad for you. You are growing constantly and without the food it needs your body cannot keep up with the growing process. Be sensible - you know you are being stupid here. Starvation can cause lots of health problems - including gall stones - which are VERY painful - and require surgury.
You are in the 6th grade and you should not be starving youself you could really get hurt.So eat but if you are worried about you weight eat portions and salad.
When you feel hunger pains you have waited too long to eat and your body thinks it's starving and anything you eat then will be stored as fat as a survival mechanism. The best way to lose weight healthily and to keep it off is to eat many small meals a day, let's say 6 because that keeps your metabolism going and to exercise. Never eat till you're full. Now let's say you are so hungry that you want to gulf down the pizza- first drink a small glass of juice and that will bring your blood sugar up and you won't feel so desperately hungry.
You need to eat! You can still lose weight. Eat 6 small meals a day. This is healthy and will help you burn calories/fat. Eat lots of veggies, some fruit, smaller portions, drink lots of water,EXERCISE. Stay away from soda, fattening foods (like pizza), greasy, %26 sugar filled foods. Starving yourself is not good for your mind or body. You are just starting to develop. Wher are your parents/ guardians? Oh, to lose your stomach. Walk, eat a high protien high calcium diet. If you drink milk make sure it's 2% or less.
Haha, you have anorexia, but thats ok! You'll eventually get better; I've never heard of someone dying from it.Anorexia is a eating disorder that makes you not want to eat, in the hope of getting thinner. Theres nothing to be worried about, but i'd reccomend studying the subject. Get an understanding of it.The main thing is, you aren't going to do. When you get close to that point, you ARE going to realize it, and stop.The problem with the world today is that they don't put enough faith into the individual, they only rely on the 'word' of a 'professional' and blindly follow that. (thats just my rant of the day) What it means is, you're fine. Sure this is a bad thing, but you won't die from it, and you will eventually realize the faults, and you'll come out a stronger person than before

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