Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stay at home mom needs routine!!?

I am desperate! I'm 5'6'' and 168 pounds!! I just had my second child, and I also have a 3 yr. old. My day is so packed with chasing around a toddler and feeding a baby every two hours and cleaning in between. If I ever get a chance to do anything I'm soo tired that I don't even want to anymore. My goal is to lose at least 30-40- pounds ASAP!! I feel terrible at my weight... I'll blame it on the baby! lol... Can anybody give me ideas on how to make the most out of the little time I do have... maybe some diet tips, too?
Try this at home workout (it's great for stay at home moms)There are a few basic guidelines to follow in order to minimize the risk of injury and get the most out of your home workout.鈥? never perform the home workout two days in a row鈥? start with 2 laps of the home workout and build up to five鈥? never perform the home workout if you are feeling any muscle soreness鈥? proper form is most important鈥? the last few reps of each set should feel difficult CIRCUIT WORKOUT Pushups 10 repetitions (full or modified-keep body straight from knees to shoulders) Squats 25 repetitions (feet wider than shoulder width, toes pointing out) Ab Crunch 25 reps with knees bent to 90 degrees followed by 25 with legs straight in air Standing Straight Leg Raise 25 reps each side (lift leg out to the side) Ab Crunch (same as above) Stationary Lunges 15 reps each side (keep front knee directly over your toes) Standing Calf Raise 25 reps each (keep legs straight %26 hips still) Dips 15 reps (using a chair, hands next to hips) Ab Crunch (same as above) Stationary Wall Sit 1 min. (knees bent to 90 degrees) Low Back Extensions (lie on stomach with arms and legs straight in superman position, lift both arms and legs about 6 inches off floor, pause, lower and repeat) Regardless of how many laps you do of the home workout, only perform 1 set of the low back extensions at the very end of your workout. This is to minimize the risk of back injury. For fit individuals this workout may seem a little less intense than their regular resistance workouts but remember that something is better than nothing. This home workout will prevent significant loss of muscle strength and endurance while you are away from the gym. Others may find this home workout to be quite a challenge. Start slow and don't give up on yourself. Keep trying and within a half-dozen workouts you will notice huge improvement. http://www.fitnessdiet.info/homeworkout.
Time with help. Can you sign up for a class such as yogo fitness where you MUST attend on a regular basis? I bought an stationary bike and watched jeopardy every day while I rode it. congrats on the new baby!
Warmer weather = outside activities. The kids need fresh air anyway, and you pushing a double stroller around for 45 minutes a day has multiple benefits: exercise for you, and fresh air will probably help the kids nap better- giving you time to get some of that cleaning done when you get home.At 5'8", I wish I only weighed 168 after having my son!!!
Fill up with fruits and steamed/boiled vegetables. Avoid fast food/deliveries. I think you can lose weight by simply making the right choices in food. And why not take the children out for a walk in the mornings. An hour around the block or some time in the park will do. It will make your 3 y/o more active too.Hope this helps somehow.
First you need support. You need to have the support of your family and friends and they shouldn't try to sabotage your efforts.You may wish to pick up women's magazines like Fitness or Shape which have a realistic view of what we look like. They offer exercises and recipes.You'll want healthy snacks around for when you're chasing those kittens! Portable fruit is good. Apples, bananas, peaches, pears. It's true what they are saying now about eating more often being better for you. Smaller meals about 4 to 5 times a day.I know one mom got creative and managed to exercise with her toddler either right alongside and by implementing her daughter into her yoga routine (lifting exercises!). Another popular exercise is to put the kids in a stroller and go for a light jog. Most babies sleep through the vibrations and toddlers love it. You don't need to do it very long or very often. Hubby needs to take them sometime so you can go be by yourself and go swim for an hour (really trims the fat).Also, see if you can't network with other moms so you aren't alone in your goals and hectic schedule. Even for single people, a lot of planning for the week should be done on Sundays. Try to get some meals prepared in advance and freeze them.
Well, I am a mother of four and since my husband is deploying I decided to take some months off of work to help my kids adjust. But a few years ago I was in the same place your are. A stay at home mom with, at the time a 4,3 and 1 year old. But everyday at 1230 my kids knew this was mommy's time. So while they were napping I exercised. Try to get your three year old and your baby on the same nap time and use the time while they are sleep to exercise. Whether its walking on a treadmill or working out with a video instructor. Also my kids loved when I would use them as my weights, cause they were flying. I would lay down and raise my baby in the air like a weight bar. Then lay on your back with your feet in the air and put the three year old on top of your feet and raise him or her up and down in the air. While holding their hands you are lifting them up and down. Doing things like this will provide fun for them and you are burning calories. As for me I didn't really stress the diet and I just ate healthy and the weight started coming off. I like to eat every few hours so I started eating the Kellog's Special K Vanilla Almond cereal when I started craving or got hungry late at night and this helped too.

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