Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Speeding up metabolism?

How do i speed up my metabolism again? I used to have really fast metabolism, but i got lazy and ate nothing but junk food and quit my swim team, so i've gotten quite fat and i always feel tired. Before i could eat like 3 big macs a day and have no change on my body. I used to have it, so i'm guessing all the fast food i ate did something, so what cna i do to get it back%26gt;
u just answered your own question. just get active again andy ur metabolism should pick up again
There IS a way. You have to completely change your diet to low carb, zero carb. eat ONLY protien, fruit and vegies. FRESH. Drink tons of water and tea and build up your exercise plan daily until you are constantly working out. Like start off with three workouts a week, then move up to adding it-ups every morning. the add sit-ups at night. then add running aroungd the block to your sit-up routing and a game of racquet ball on the weekend. etc.etc. You can bring it up but it has to be a constant focus and you have to be totally dedicated to it. If you do what I say, you can turn it around. I like your thing that junk food slows metabolism. Maybe thats true? I think it alos comes from sitting around doing nothing and also when food takes the place of other activities. good luck. time to hit the gym.
eating every 2-3 hours, small portions, balanced diet, exercising regularly 4-6 times a week and being active in general maximizes metabolism.

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