Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stretching Tips?

I m really out of shape. I want to stretch really good but i can barely reach my foot when i stretch. What is a good way to stretch your whole body and how. How many times should a do it a day?
stretch thoroughly after a nice session of cardio when the muscles, tendons and ligaments are warm and pliable. stretch out the calves first, then hamstrings and finally the quadriceps in that order. no real trick to stretching the upper body except to make sure the muscles are warmed up properly.
i work at a gym and some of the personal trainers where i work do stretching sessions in addition to personal training . . . basically, you lay down on something like a massage table and they actually stretch you (30-minute sessions where i work)maybe that would be a good option until you've gotten in a little better shape and have more flexibility to stretch on your own

Stretch marks??

I have stretch marks on my hips and I am getting ones on my stomach but they appear to be green. Does that mean that they are forming now? I am not heavyset. I am 5'3" and weigh 120 pounds. I have been trying to lose weight but I kinda backfired =p how can I help them go away and prevent them from coming back? I am going to Aruba on May 23rd. Can they be gone by then? thank you =D
Try Cocoa Butter or a cream made to remove it like this one http://www.stretch-mark.net
Are you really flexible? There is a correlation between hypermobility (being really flexible in your joints) and stretch marks.A good sports medicine or preventive medicine doctor should know more about this.
There is a lot of stretch mark treatment available on the market these days. Some treatments are more effective in fading or even eliminating stretch marks, but the success of the treatment depends on a few different things. First of all is the color and age of the stretch marks. If they have faded to a flesh color they are much harder to heal. Second of all, ethnicity and heredity play a role in which creams, oils and other products or equipment will succeed in healing stretch marks. The cheapest stretch mark treatment available is creams made especially for stretch marks. The most effective creams contain ingredients such as cocoa butter, lanolin and wheat germ oil. These creams actually heal and rebuild the damaged skin. While they may not be able to completely eliminate stretch marks, they may at least make the stretch marks fade to a barely visible scar. If you are interested in other alternatives in removing your stretch marks, you may visit this site: http://stretch-marks.my-fashion-house.co...

Stretch marks?!?!?!?

i am 14 years old and i an't fat..and i got stretch marks all up my legs and thighs!
what is going ona nd how to i get rid of them?
Use Jergen's Skin Firming moisturizerIt will help clear them up in about 4 weeks
well you can never get rid of them but yes, you can lighten them up by using a good moisturizer. The one that has helped me for past 10 years is Palmers Cocoa Butter Lotion. I swear by it. But which ever kind u like just make sure its cocoa butter.
Stretch marks can be found on anybody just like cellulite can. You don't have to be fat to suffer! Use cocoa butter to soften them and if you really want to a self tanning cream will help camouflage too!
Two of the main reasons stretch marks may appear is from skin tightness and rapid growth or tragedy. Nowadays there are some incredible products that can actually make your skin more stretchable, and prevent or eliminate stretch marks altogether. This is especially helpful for women, since they tend to be more self conscious about their body, even to the point of becoming depressed at personal flaws. A large percentage of pregnant women get stretch marks on their stomach, and more than 75% of women develop stretch marks around the waist, stomach, upper legs, butt and breast during pregnancy. The cheapest stretch mark treatment available is creams made especially for stretch marks. The most effective creams contain ingredients such as cocoa butter, lanolin and wheat germ oil. These creams actually heal and rebuild the damaged skin. While they may not be able to completely eliminate stretch marks, they may at least make the stretch marks fade to a barely visible scar. To read abt other effective stretch marks treatmenrs, you may wish to check out this site : http://stretch-marks.my-fashion-house.co...
Try Palmers Skin Success for stretch marks. But remember that stretch marks are scars which are hard to get rid of.

Stress=bad skin! How to fix?

I usually have very good skin, but since i've started uni its been going nuts on me.! I know i am very very stressed and i believe this is why my skin is going crazy. Im drinking lots of water, and i wash my face regularly.. There's nothing different in my routine..
Is there anything i should be eating, drinking or using to help get my skin back to normal?
You need to buy some anti bacteria bath soap or if u are playing too much in the beach (this cause u to have a bad skin) u need to use your sunscreen before going to the beach.
It's your diet too. When I started uni, I was too busy to cook and ate junk. Talk about a brakeout!
Try vitamin A, my brother has had the same prob too, just like you he washes his face regularly, stick to your routine of skin care.=) eating healthier and having enough sleep will do you wonders as well.
First you need to control the stress, you could take a vitamin B supplement there is one by Blackmores called Executive B+. That will help your body deal with the stress of uni. Second, try not to touch your face. I know when I'm stressed I rub my temples and that's where I break out. Keep antibacterial wipes in your bag, wipe your hands, your mobile or anything else that could touch your face.
I hope this helps, Good luck at uni!

Strength training?

okay i am a little overweight i am 14 and i just want to build more muscle around what i already have. I would be doing a majority in my home i have dumbells and a bench so what are some good excersises? weights and detailed explanation please
bench presses
Bench presses, bicep curls, and weighted crunches( crunches with weight on your chest)to build muscle mass lift i weight that you can only do about 10 reps of, do 2 sets of 10 reps, the key is the to go slowly but to change the transition from down to up quickly.
Here's a great exercise Directory, ExRx.net:
http://exrx.net/lists/directory.html...There are detailed explantions, animations, different variations.At 14 your body is still changing. Work out and have fun.

Strech marks.please help!?

I have little stretch marks on my love handle, back of knees and thighs it happened while I gained a bit of weight if I loose weight wud they get better? and what about surgery? and how much will it cost in Canada? sum1 help!
Lotion or gel with Vitamin E cream will often reduce the appearance of stretch marks
nothing but surgery will help with stretch marks.
stretch marks wil leventually go away.
quick speed get a cream.
Cocoa butter helps alot. Buy the kind made for pregnant women .
The strech marks you already have wont go away but use palmers coco butter ,this will help with the developing strech marks (look kind of red).I am sure you could get laser surgery for the ones you already have but im not sure how much it is. I hope my advice helped a little bit. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
this sites shows you a home remedy for stretch marks http://productinformation.justfree.com/s...

Strech Mark solution?

I'm 21 years old. I do suicidegirl shoots. I really can't have them. I have been slacking but now I am back to working out and eating sensible meals.
Is there a way to make the few I have look less noticed? The camera is real good at catching bad spots!
im trying this stuff from avon that is supposed to firm up your skin. it is for cellulite %26 stretch marks. i only got it 2 dyas ago but youre supposed to see results in 2 weeks. its under $10 so you may wanna try it. good luck!
avon has a really good stretch mark cream that works for me, you should check it out.
cocoa butter helps, and you can always just use a little foundation to minimize the appearance.
Not sure how to remove or help conceal them without makeup ... not sure for most men but it's really not a turn off for me ... I check out suicide girls all the time whats your name on the website!
Mederma, or any other scar/stretchmark cream/gel thing
mederma, so good
Use Vitamin E Oil
Tatoo them into a tiger strips!
i don't know what these shoots are but you can decrease the appearance by using mederma which you can buy at the pharmacy. a MD can prescribe Retin-A which will help fade the stretch marks. a dermatologist/plastic surgeon could laser the areas and fade the marks very well. depends on how much $$ you would like to spend to get rid of the problem.
bio - oil is really good. it doesn't get rid of them, because basically, nothing does. But it fades them really well, that there hardly noticeable!

Stored in the fridge, how long will grapefruit (sealed, still in the skin) keep its nutrients?

Hello everyone,Would I be doing a disservice for my body if I were to eat grapefruit that's been in the fridge for several (four or more) weeks? It still tastes fresh, it's not left the fridge... but, I have my doubts as to whether it's nutritionally a good choice. What if, say, I were to be eating a dead fruit... all of the vitamins and minerals sapped, and its sugar content just left; what good would it be then?What do you think?Thanks!Av
you check the skin =if it isn't wrinkled and have any black spots on it =you can safely eat it
It should be fine until its rotten and unedible

Stopped smoking, counting cals and exercising, whats wrong?

i quit smoking a month ago, started exercising (walking approx 45min (fairly fast) per day) and counting calories. i generally have around 1000 cals one day and up to 1400 the next then back to 1000 then up to 1400 and so on. i have a 2 year old a 12 year old and care of my grandparents, i am very busy, so i thought the weight should come off easier but i started at 76 kgs, i got down to 75kgs then went back up to 76.5 overnight. i have lost inches though and it just doesn't make sense to me why the scales aren't showing more weight loss. am i doing something wrong? i eat heaps of vegies and fruit. i would love some very specific advice on what type of foods to eat when watching cals and when to eat them and well i would love any advice right now as i am feeling very letdown by the lack of prove of all the hard work i have put in.
thanks in advance :)
1000 calories a day? A normal day should be 2000...If you are not seeing the type of weight loss you are wanting is because you are starving your body. When you eat as little as you do, your body thinks each meal is its last. It goes into starvation mode and does not want to give up any weight.I would recommend eating 6 small meals per day. Each meal should have a mixture of carb and protein with veggies at dinner and lunch. Your mid-morn and mid-afternoon snack can be as simple as a handful of almonds and low sugar yogurt.The 6 meals per day raises your metabolism and allows your body to run more efficiently. Think of your metabolism as a coal burning stove. If you leave the house without putting anything (food) in the stove (or not enough), then it burns out. When you get back, you have to put more coal into it and wait for it to start getting hot again. If you are always 'stoking' the fire, the stove burns hot and efficiently.
Never trust the scale. There's a couple of reasons for that. First of all, the amount of water in your body can change by a couple of pounds pretty easily. Second, if you exercise a lot, you could lose fat but gain weight by building muscles. Trust your waistline over your scale any day. If you're losing inches, you're definitely losing fat and on the right track. Keep it up.
avoid starches %26 sugars, more veggies, don't excercise TOO much, it makes you hungry, take a good multi-vitamin (you are dieting, reducing nutrition), don't feel "LET DOWN", You're doing GREAT ! your body is just getting used to the new lifestyle, and reved up metabalism, you've ALREADY lost inches, so you are looking skinnier FOR SURE ! STAY THE COURSE ! If you are female it is VERY hard because, they can't lose WT. as fast as a male can, this is often the cause of them giving up on the diet, don't quite now, try it for another two weeks, people will start noticing (and being Jealous).

Stomache stitch/ pain while running?

I know they're called stitches in your side, but what are they and how can I make them go away?
Check out this linkhttp://www.bodyresults.com/e2sidestitche...
try to inhale from the nose and exhale from the mouth with a steady rythm while running

Stomach surgery?

I have asked my gp about gastric bypass surgery. I want to know what to expect from an psychologists assessment. I've read as much as I can about the physical side and am fully prepared for the consequences, i just need to know what would happen. Before anyone has a go at me, I have tried lots of other diets and healthy eating/exercise plans and they haven't helped.
Try not to worry about the assessment, It will be similar to talking to your CPN! It's just to make sure that you are mentally fit to make this decision and not just trying to take what some may see as an easy option. If it's been recommended by a Dietician and you are already under a CPN I think it's just a formality, The CPN will know you are OK and I guess you are in the UK from your use of the expression GP so money won't be a factor. A friend of mine had to have surgery, (she didn't ask for it) like you she had tried all the other roots and was actually gaining weight. Sometimes obesity isn't caused by just eating too much and I'm guessing yours is a physical cause as you say your Mum is slim. Hereditry plays a part in obesity too. It must be hard for you seeing your Mum eat what she wants, naturally slim people can eat lots but if you watch them they tend to eat less food but more often than overweight people.Good luck and I hope it goes really well!
Your not eating and exercising correctly then.You do not need to diet, you need to eat correct and exercise an hour/day every day for a year. I guarantee if you go to your local gym, hire a trainer, and then hire a nutrionist you will lose the weight. You just need to learn HOW to eat and exercise, once you learn you will be able to do it.The long term effects of GB surgery are not known and many of the people who have it become fat again because they do not address the fact that they do not exercise and eat correctly. Before spending money on the surgery spend money on a trainer and nutrionist.

Stomach help!!?

I have a problem I have been working out a lot lately.. and my stomach doesn't seem to get any smaller. I feel my abs are getting tighter but not the belly fat.. i feel like I am always bloated.. what should I do/ eat?? any help of reducing stomach?
If you're just doing specific abdominal exercises they won't burn the fat. What you'll get is rock hard abs under the fat. Try working in more cardo (ie: some running). It'll take time to lose the weight. Generally speaking about 2 lb a week is the fastest you should lose weight. Any faster then that (on a regular basis) will cause your body to have shock like responses. Your immune system in particular can get knocked out of whack.
it is because you are not getting rid of the toxins in your body.
My family and I have been using the best cleansing technology...:)the first time I did it, I lost 13 pounds in 9 days:). www.cleansewithcgnj.comIt will change your life:)
It takes time, you didnt gain the weight overnight, and you wont lose it overnight
Are you still drinking sodas?? Even diet soda is LOADED with sodium whick makes you retain SOOO much water. Just cut it out and cut back on the salt you add to your food b/c most of our food has lots of sodium already. Drink Lots and Lots of water. ( Atleast 4 bottles a day) I always notice when I sneak a diet coke my stomach bloats. I prefer the look MUCH better when I stick to my water!!
"What the hell"is all I have to sayGrow Up

Stomach bloat?

Does anyone know any way to help with stomach bloat/gas? I get really bloated (all the time, not just after I eat) and it sucks. Help!
chewing sugarless gum can cause this. try not chewing gum for a while. it should help ease this.
I hate the sound of someone bloated, hope u find a solution

Stir Fry Sauces ?

hiya i am starting to eat stir frys as i am on a diet which kind of sauce is very low in fat and calories that i can use for my stir frys ?
eg. soy for example ?
thanxs xx
soy sauce is low in calories
also, witchesture or however you spell it
anything with a water base
Tesco's healthy living sweet and sour sauce.
Stay away from Soy Sauce it's nothing but salt, makes you bloat.
soy sauce is low in calories but full of salt so can cause bloating
try asda's sweet chilli sauce you get it nxt to the stir fry's and the shechuan ones ok too
I do a soy sauce, but I add in tahini ( ground up sesame seed paste you can buy just about anywhere!) Soo here's a recipie:
for about 3 cups sautee'd veggies in olive oil, I add in a mixure of 1tbs soy sauce,
1 1/2 tbs tahini
1tsp lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste put this together in a bowl and blend with a wisk then add it onto your veggies the last few minutes they are cooking. It is a great way to add some calcium to your veggies, and a little protien too!
Enjoy!p.s. there are lower sodium soy sauces!!
I prefer to keep my stir fry's simple. One tablespoon of light soy sauce, a few pinches of chinese 5 spice and a small amount of garlic finely chopped makes it taste great - just like from the take away. But with less rubbish!

Stinging feeling after finishing an intense set of weights?

I've been lifting weights for a while and finally reached a plateau in my results, (without any supplements). So I bumped up the intensity and am now doing sets of 5 maximum reps. After I am done with a set, I feel a really uncomfortable sting that lasts 2-3 seconds, only if I relax myself right away. To prevent this from happening, I tense up and then slowly release myself. I only started really feeling this when I bumped up the weights. Also it is particularly chest and tricep workouts, and also forearms.I haven't taken any supplements and have been naturally gaining muscle. However, today, I just started taking whey protein and creatine monohydrate, to take myself to a higher level of training.Is that a normal feeling? Also will those 2 supplements I mentioned aid in preventing such types of feelings? Any other suggestions?Additional Info:Age: 20
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 167-170 lbs, fairly leanThank you for all your answers! Best answer wins!
I have lifted heavy for 20 years and what you are describing doesnt sound familiar to me at all.
I have had burning from lactic acid wall and soreness but never stinging. That sounds more like you are lifting too heavy for your strength level.
You can hurt joints and ligament/tendon insertion points lifting too heavy too much.
I suggest doing 5 sets of 5 at 80% and then once a month do a single or double rep in each lift and stay with that. That is power lifting schedule for strength. Then once you are stronger, you can do a harder bodybuilding workout.
metabolism and blood pressure
probably the breaking down of ur muscles
sounds like micro tears in the muscle from the increase in weights,, but to relax slowly is absolutely the right way to go. and drink lots of wate when on the whey and creatine.
I'm not sure but I think the stinging is probably just the tingly feeling you get when you're numb. The weights are heavy and might stop the blood flow in your hands and veins. It happens to me a lot. I am probably wrong because I don't know what type of stinging you are talking about. But if that is not the case I don't think it is a big deal because the stinging only lasts a few seconds. If you are concerned then just ask your doctor or trainer.
i'm not sure i'm about the stinging feeling cause i get that in my upper back once in a while but i started drinkin wey protein a month and a half ago and in my bench press i noticed a 30 pound increase. I was stuck on 120/130 pounds ( i do 5 set 5 rep) and i started drink the protein and i went up on 1 set every week and rotated that. I'm now up to 160 on a close grip bench press and about to try 160 on a regular bench press. (kinda weird how both workouts are around the same weight)
the only two things those two supplements will do for ya is give you liver damage i have that stinging in my forearm only after i curl or do biceps but i huess its just somthing you have to deal with

Still the same problem?

Can I get some Expert help please?
Since last few days, even if I have break-fast in the morning, My stomach after like 40 minutes after school starts, my stomach start making some odd kind of noices, and if I start drinking water, it dosent help, rather than that, it gets worse. Please help me. This problem is going on for months now, and I kinda feel embarased to go in class, please help me a.s.a.p
Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little "help" so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at
http://www.greathealthyes.info , they give you a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.

Steroids---Has anyone had any luck with ordering the real deal stroids from europe through the mail?

Did you want your testicles to be the size of peanuts?
i wouldnt recommend this as soon as you are caught - you will be put in the big house. If you like a 10x10 cell then good luck. I know someone who is there because of this reason.

Steroids? Are they as bad at the media points them out to be?

Yeah i hear all that stuff about how bad steroids can be but there are things that can keep you from getting those side effects. Like shrinking of testes and ***** ****. i understand that your liver can be fucked up but their are several steroids that have shown not to effect that at all. The media to me makes a big deal out of it to keep it away from teenagerd who want to be good at sports or have a nice body. I've been doing research on this the past few weeks and overall haven't really seen anything that shows that they can kill you unless your an idiot and take them in large dosages or don't have a safe planned out cycle.
Anyone researching a topic like this needs to be aware that there are a lot of sources pumping out positive information in the interest of boosting sales. As you point out, dosage is critical. You may be willing to risk having your penis shrink, but steroids can also cause "roid rage", which has led a lot of guys to assault and batter (and murder) people over trivial offenses. Controlling anger is a lot harder than controlling the rate of muscle gain.
In addition, the effects of steroids are temporary. It's not entirely natural for people to have 18" biceps, and once you drop the dose or stop it, the muscles lose bulk. Steroid abuse is addicting, at least psychologically. In addition to this, you can make your muscles too strong for their tendons, and the result can be permanent and painful injury.
If they were entirely safe, doctors would be prescribing them left and right. Steroids are powerful hormones. Be careful!
Yes they are terrible. They are used as a quick fix for some ailments and for athletes to pump up with. They damage your bones and erode your major organs when you use them on a continued basis.
Steroids are a medication plain and simple, they can be used responsibly, and they can be abused. Saying "Steroids are terrible!!" is like saying "Painkillers are terrible!!" the truth is that they CAN be terrible in the hands of the wrong person. I'm not really going to advocate one way or the other, but I will point out that America is one of the few countries that actually have laws against steroid use. Steroids are not a "Quick Fix" the statistics say 1 in every 5 amateur athlete will try steroids, so why aren't our gyms full of guys that look like the Hulk? Because it's not as easy as just taking a shot!! It takes a lot of Education and proper training to get to that kind of body EVEN WITH STEROIDS. In fact the athletes I've known that have used steroids work out substantially harder then the ones that don't. So how could it be that they are using a "Quick Fix"? I've been a bodybuilder for years. I've known dozens of steroid users, and I've known dozens of natural weight lifters. The evils of steroid use aren't nearly as rampant as people think.

Steroids and effects?

Using steroids and effects?
i have a mate that is 20 and he wants to use steroids on a 6 wk cycle, aswell as doing alot of gym work. we were wondering if there is sum1 that has actually used them and could tell us for starters the real effects, will it show massive results in 6 wks and wat will happen once he goes of them in 6 wks time? will his body lose shape if he keeps doing gym work??
also they are pills aswell!
thanx ben and matt
this is a serious question, so dont bother answer if u going to give stupid answers or make out i am gay.
only ppl that have used them please, not ppl that have read stuff..
Steroids will help your body get bigger, theres's no doubt about that. They'll work quickly too. BUT, is it worth it? I dont think so. Besides all the crap you hear on TV about your dick shrinking and back acne and diseases, etc. You can also suffer from mental illnesses as well. Like severe mood swings, agression and depression. At the gym I work out at there are some steroid users that I've seen freak out over stupid ****. Anybody can have great body, just some people are lazy and dont want to wait for it. And some people are insane and think their body is never good enough. You'd be stupid wasting your time on that ****.
Well, first of all, its a steroid that will tweak the body into signaling more of what it shouldn't. So, the side affects are blowing out the adrenal glands and weakening the cardiovascular system.Why can't this person use what the people at World Black Belt are using, like athletes that want lean muscle mass and stamina naturally?http://www.theglycoprolive.com/theglycop...
You havent provided enough information to really answer the question. 6 weeks isn't long enough for most of your longer acting bulking steroids. But since I don't know which steroids, the doseages, your workout history and diet, I can't help you.

Staying slim...?

I'm not fat but my diet is not great. I do excercise (swimming, running, walking etc) but i worry that this wont be enogh to compensate for what i consider a bad diet. I eat wholegrain cereals, fruit, drink plenty of water and don't really eat take ways like pizza %26 burgers. I am however partial to the occasional portion of chips and i have quite the sweet tooth. Do you think based on this i am likely to gain weight eventually?
no, from when you said you drink lots of water and don't really eat take aways and you do regular exercises i cant see this to be a problem, however, try not to eat to much sweet stuff as you will ruin your teeth, go for lower fat sweet things and try not to eat to many at one time.
Try eating soy crisps or chips fried in lard. Also sweeten your deserts with unsweetened applesauce. You can still indulge without so much guilt!
Just check out the following link-http://www.retentioncenter.com/...
it depends on your genetic make - up!i eat anything i can get my hands on (albeit avoiding things i know which are BAD , i.e. KEBABS)as long as you exercise physically (and i think MENTALLY, keep an ACTIVE mind) you shouldn't get TOO FAT!
Just a moment: pizza is a very healthy food! It contains tomato (vitamins and mineral salts), flour (carbohydrates), mozzarella (proteins end fats). Pizza is a complete dish!
If you do exercise, don't worry for your weight! But you have to do exercise at least two hours a day, four times a week!
Yep. Because it is all about moderation. If you are working out like a madwoman at the gym or home, you will have nothing to show for it if you are constantly eating sweets and chips. Those things do not balance out.
Tweak your diet and try to be disciplined.
check out this site it has just what your looking for good luck!
copy and paste the link to your browser.

Staying Motivated?

I have a problem staying motivated once I start a new diet or exercise regimine. I do okay for a week or so then I have a really hard time sticking to it and I tend to fall victim to the 'just this once' problem. What are some things I can do to help maintain my diet and exercise program and keep from getting discouraged?
my best advice to you is to set smaller goals as you go along. So instead of saying "I want to lose 20 pounds", Say "I will lose 2 pounds this week" or "I will go to the gym 3 times this week". I have kept weight off for years by always having a little goal that keeps me on track each week. This weekend for example, my husband really wanted home made cookies. My little goal was to just have ONE - not 4. So I did. It feels great to stick to the little goal and it will keep you going. I am 41 and can wear a bathing suit with the best of them. I also really suggest you don't look at food as "good" or "bad". Life is not about never eating pizza again - it's about only eating 1 piece instead of 4. Lastly, as you drop the weight, please go buy yourself some new pants or top. Wearing baggy clothes looks terrible and nothing makes you feel like sticking with it than wearing something a little smaller than what you wore the month before. Good luck and hang tough. You have your whole life to be fit and fabulous. :-)
if u wana loose weight and become slim try detox diets .detox diets is the natural way to loose weight and it really works.
(www.detoxmedifastdiets.blogsp... )is a great website that has many detox diets recipes and tips to loose weight.open this website and there u`ll see so many links for detox diets recipes and tips ..try them and loose weight fast at home without exercising
the best way to stay motivated is to eat the healthy food that YOU love, and to do the exercises that YOU enjoy.get family and friends to support youwrite down your goals and then read and visualise them every morning and evening. you need strong reasons to change.try a personal trainer or training partner to make sure you stick to your plans.if you want to get rid of a bad habit, you need to REPLACE it with a good one.i hope this gives you some ideas, good luck

Stay at home mom needs routine!!?

I am desperate! I'm 5'6'' and 168 pounds!! I just had my second child, and I also have a 3 yr. old. My day is so packed with chasing around a toddler and feeding a baby every two hours and cleaning in between. If I ever get a chance to do anything I'm soo tired that I don't even want to anymore. My goal is to lose at least 30-40- pounds ASAP!! I feel terrible at my weight... I'll blame it on the baby! lol... Can anybody give me ideas on how to make the most out of the little time I do have... maybe some diet tips, too?
Try this at home workout (it's great for stay at home moms)There are a few basic guidelines to follow in order to minimize the risk of injury and get the most out of your home workout.鈥? never perform the home workout two days in a row鈥? start with 2 laps of the home workout and build up to five鈥? never perform the home workout if you are feeling any muscle soreness鈥? proper form is most important鈥? the last few reps of each set should feel difficult CIRCUIT WORKOUT Pushups 10 repetitions (full or modified-keep body straight from knees to shoulders) Squats 25 repetitions (feet wider than shoulder width, toes pointing out) Ab Crunch 25 reps with knees bent to 90 degrees followed by 25 with legs straight in air Standing Straight Leg Raise 25 reps each side (lift leg out to the side) Ab Crunch (same as above) Stationary Lunges 15 reps each side (keep front knee directly over your toes) Standing Calf Raise 25 reps each (keep legs straight %26 hips still) Dips 15 reps (using a chair, hands next to hips) Ab Crunch (same as above) Stationary Wall Sit 1 min. (knees bent to 90 degrees) Low Back Extensions (lie on stomach with arms and legs straight in superman position, lift both arms and legs about 6 inches off floor, pause, lower and repeat) Regardless of how many laps you do of the home workout, only perform 1 set of the low back extensions at the very end of your workout. This is to minimize the risk of back injury. For fit individuals this workout may seem a little less intense than their regular resistance workouts but remember that something is better than nothing. This home workout will prevent significant loss of muscle strength and endurance while you are away from the gym. Others may find this home workout to be quite a challenge. Start slow and don't give up on yourself. Keep trying and within a half-dozen workouts you will notice huge improvement. http://www.fitnessdiet.info/homeworkout.
Time with help. Can you sign up for a class such as yogo fitness where you MUST attend on a regular basis? I bought an stationary bike and watched jeopardy every day while I rode it. congrats on the new baby!
Warmer weather = outside activities. The kids need fresh air anyway, and you pushing a double stroller around for 45 minutes a day has multiple benefits: exercise for you, and fresh air will probably help the kids nap better- giving you time to get some of that cleaning done when you get home.At 5'8", I wish I only weighed 168 after having my son!!!
Fill up with fruits and steamed/boiled vegetables. Avoid fast food/deliveries. I think you can lose weight by simply making the right choices in food. And why not take the children out for a walk in the mornings. An hour around the block or some time in the park will do. It will make your 3 y/o more active too.Hope this helps somehow.
First you need support. You need to have the support of your family and friends and they shouldn't try to sabotage your efforts.You may wish to pick up women's magazines like Fitness or Shape which have a realistic view of what we look like. They offer exercises and recipes.You'll want healthy snacks around for when you're chasing those kittens! Portable fruit is good. Apples, bananas, peaches, pears. It's true what they are saying now about eating more often being better for you. Smaller meals about 4 to 5 times a day.I know one mom got creative and managed to exercise with her toddler either right alongside and by implementing her daughter into her yoga routine (lifting exercises!). Another popular exercise is to put the kids in a stroller and go for a light jog. Most babies sleep through the vibrations and toddlers love it. You don't need to do it very long or very often. Hubby needs to take them sometime so you can go be by yourself and go swim for an hour (really trims the fat).Also, see if you can't network with other moms so you aren't alone in your goals and hectic schedule. Even for single people, a lot of planning for the week should be done on Sundays. Try to get some meals prepared in advance and freeze them.
Well, I am a mother of four and since my husband is deploying I decided to take some months off of work to help my kids adjust. But a few years ago I was in the same place your are. A stay at home mom with, at the time a 4,3 and 1 year old. But everyday at 1230 my kids knew this was mommy's time. So while they were napping I exercised. Try to get your three year old and your baby on the same nap time and use the time while they are sleep to exercise. Whether its walking on a treadmill or working out with a video instructor. Also my kids loved when I would use them as my weights, cause they were flying. I would lay down and raise my baby in the air like a weight bar. Then lay on your back with your feet in the air and put the three year old on top of your feet and raise him or her up and down in the air. While holding their hands you are lifting them up and down. Doing things like this will provide fun for them and you are burning calories. As for me I didn't really stress the diet and I just ate healthy and the weight started coming off. I like to eat every few hours so I started eating the Kellog's Special K Vanilla Almond cereal when I started craving or got hungry late at night and this helped too.

Starving at a early age?

I am 10 pounds overweight, I dont look like I am but I am ! lol ! so ever since Wed. I have been staving myself the only thing I hate today for the first time is a slice of pizza i have already lost 4 pounds should i continue?? And I am only 11 ( in 6th grade)
No you should not be starving yourself. You need meat, milk, grain, fruits and veggies. Eat the good foods and stay away from fast foods. That is the best advice I can give someone your age. Good Luck!
starving yourself will not make you lose weight. Your body will eventually go into starvation mode and will stop burning fat. And who told you that you were 10 pounds overweight, they may have been wrong.
no dont continue if you dont think you look overwieght you prolly arent and not eating wont help it actually slows down your metabolism..if you wanna lose weight excersize=]
No you should not be starving yourself at such a young age, everyone is beautiful in their own special way you dont need to starve yourself you just need to eat healthy stuff and stay away from fatty foods if you want to lose weight. But i really dont want you to starve yourself.
well i think that next time you eat you should eat sometime more healthier :)
I'm not here to tell you what to eat, but starving yourself could have some nasty effects. If it's weight that you're worring about I would try something else. When you start eating normally again you're body will start putting fat back on, probably more than you were trying to lose. I thing that going out for sports and eating small meals would be a better option.
No ! This is really bad for you. You are growing constantly and without the food it needs your body cannot keep up with the growing process. Be sensible - you know you are being stupid here. Starvation can cause lots of health problems - including gall stones - which are VERY painful - and require surgury.
You are in the 6th grade and you should not be starving youself you could really get hurt.So eat but if you are worried about you weight eat portions and salad.
When you feel hunger pains you have waited too long to eat and your body thinks it's starving and anything you eat then will be stored as fat as a survival mechanism. The best way to lose weight healthily and to keep it off is to eat many small meals a day, let's say 6 because that keeps your metabolism going and to exercise. Never eat till you're full. Now let's say you are so hungry that you want to gulf down the pizza- first drink a small glass of juice and that will bring your blood sugar up and you won't feel so desperately hungry.
You need to eat! You can still lose weight. Eat 6 small meals a day. This is healthy and will help you burn calories/fat. Eat lots of veggies, some fruit, smaller portions, drink lots of water,EXERCISE. Stay away from soda, fattening foods (like pizza), greasy, %26 sugar filled foods. Starving yourself is not good for your mind or body. You are just starting to develop. Wher are your parents/ guardians? Oh, to lose your stomach. Walk, eat a high protien high calcium diet. If you drink milk make sure it's 2% or less.
Haha, you have anorexia, but thats ok! You'll eventually get better; I've never heard of someone dying from it.Anorexia is a eating disorder that makes you not want to eat, in the hope of getting thinner. Theres nothing to be worried about, but i'd reccomend studying the subject. Get an understanding of it.The main thing is, you aren't going to do. When you get close to that point, you ARE going to realize it, and stop.The problem with the world today is that they don't put enough faith into the individual, they only rely on the 'word' of a 'professional' and blindly follow that. (thats just my rant of the day) What it means is, you're fine. Sure this is a bad thing, but you won't die from it, and you will eventually realize the faults, and you'll come out a stronger person than before

Starting walking?

Does anyone know how many calories I can burn with 20-30 min of brisk walking?
Thanks :)
i found this website but it requires your weight, i did mine for a ball park and in 30 minutes of walking i would burn close to 140 calories. but go here and type in your weight and you can get a more acurate result. Becareful when you enter the duration, its in hours not minutes, i messed up atfirst and entered minutes. http://www.savvy-fat-burning-food.com/ca...its got all sorts of other activities too! pretty cool! goodluck.. i just started walking on the beach too.
not much i do kno that . i know that you have to walk at least an hour to burn of so much as like 1 calorie
to give you a correct answer i need to have your weight, height and distance/speed you are running. Go to this site, they do it for you.http://www.icb2001.com/calories_burned_w...
probbaly lots, but why walk when you can run? OH SNAP!!
Hills, no hills? By brisk, do you mean sweating or not? If not, about 100 for 30 minutes, if you move your arms.
80-100 AT MOST. jogging at a slightly higher pace burns much more. As does biking.

Starting to Lift weights... couple questions . ?

I started running everyday and i want to now build some muscle.Im about 20lbs overweight which i am in the process of loosing. ( already lost 10 ) When i go to the gym i usually go to the little machines ( not the free weights ) and lift 3 reps of 10 on chest, shoulder, biceps, and triceps. Then i do my run for 30 minutes.I go every other day to the gym and on the days i am not there i run for an hour.
My question is, with the weight lifting, am i doing the right thing? Your suggestions would be helpful, thanks.
CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 10 POUNDS!!!!!Since you go to a gym, have a consultation with a trainer (it's free). To me, it sounds like your weights are too light for toning.Also, you need to strengthen your core (for running especially) and legs (again, for running).I saw a trainer yesterday for the first time and found out that I was doing everything wrong as far as my weight training was concerned.
Lifting weights won't help lose weight. Just built you fat into muscule.
Sound like you're getting on to a good start to an exercise program! You're doing great - keep going! If you want a little more variation, you might want to schedule a couple of sessions with a personal trainer. Tell her what you've been doing and what your fitness goal is. She will be able to show you some other ways to keep you motivated in continuing your exercise program so that you'll be able to keep your momentum and reach your weight loss goal.
Keep doing what you are doing, It works..I know. My dad lost 100 lbs lifting weights and he also was very built for an ol guy..he built lots of muscle, So pace urself and get urself some protein while u r lifting. It helps.Go to your health store,they can help you out.Good luck and Congrats on ur fitness awareness friend!

Starting off exercise?

iam finding it really hard to spare time for exercise at home. i know it has great benefits. how to start and what to start with, initially?
basically, you can start your exercise by just having a walk in the park after you reach home from your work for 30 minutes. if you want to burn more calories faster, you can jog instead.
some weights,sit ups/crunches/pus ups/boxing at home
I think nice jogs are going to your best bet, when oyu get home from work or what ever, get into some shorts and a tee shirt buy some quality running shoes and start jogging, go for about 15 mins 5 days a week then the next week psh it to 20 then next week to a 30 min jog. then maintain that be sure to take 2 days off. its the most cost effecient too cause if you go buy a machine or a membership you will be lucky to get your moneys worth, since you imply your real busy. We do runs/jogs alot and it works good. also like the other guy said diet will help you get fit too, also stay away from the sodas and drink water !! good luck
You seem to be stating two separate problems. Is the problem lack of time, or are you just not sure how to start? If it's lack of time, look at what you're currently spending time on that you can substitute exercise for. I've run across people who don't have time for exercise but can tell about half a dozen TV shows they watched the night before. If you aren't sure how to start, try something that's not too difficult or expensive. Walking or jogging are a good beginning, depending on fitness level. If you want to do something inside try checking your local library for exercise books that will give you instructions on proper exercise technique as well as the benefits of particular exercises.

Starting Master Cleanse tomarrow any suggestions and advice to get through it?

open to advice from people that have been on it and others that want to try it but just know somethings i may not know about it. what kind of benifits did you gain from it and nonbenifits too.
The lemonade diet benefit: * To build a healthier and cleaner blood flow in your body
* To cleanse your kidney
* To cleanse your digestive system
* To break away and wash away the toxins and waste congestion in your bodyWeight loss will come naturally with the toxins and the fat being washed away from your body. It's a great way to detox yourself.My advice would be not to consume the salt - water mixture in the morning."Avoid the salt water flush (SWF) where you are supposed to drink salt water which will then come out a half hour later where solid waste comes out. This is very unhealthy for you. The reason that it passes right through you, without you digesting it, is because it is toxic for you to digest it. This is why many complain that it tastes terrible and makes them feel sick and want to vomit."I did it without the SWF and I did great. Good Luck!
Read about it on the internet. The doctors say it is a waste of time and money. Don't bother.
2 doctors have said to avoid it and all others
i brought mine 3 weeks ago.. i said to avoid the liguor.. been avoiding the cleasnes

Started jogging & gym. What kind of liquids can I have to be energetic during this activity? I am 84kgs/6'1''

I have just started this activity to reduce extra weight which I gained. I am supposed weigh 82 kgs but I am 85. During jogging and gym, I experience weakness due to excessive sweating, though I can continue with activity. I take a glass of water before going to gym but that does't suffice. Kindly guide me in this regard.
you should be consuming liquids throughout your workout, not just at the beginning or end. Different liquids help depending on the length of your workout. less than an hour to an hour and a half just try and consume water, and that will be fine. However, after an hour and a half, you will start losing sodium through sweat, and you will need carbs, so maybe a lightly flavored drink would help, such as Vitamin Water. STAY AWAY FROM GATORADE!! It has too much sugar and is not what you are looking for if you're trying to lose weight. Good luck!!

Start Running!?

I want to be able to jog better, but I'm totally out of shape. I can only run about a mile going 6mph with a couple of short breaks. What is the best method to get my endurance up? Thanks to everybody for reading!
Some good tips here, just make sure you don't increase by more than 10% weekly, or else expect to be sidelined with injury such as shin splints.
just keep going at it. you will build up endurance after maybe 3 weeks.
Well, just pace yourself. Start off jogging slow and make sure your breathing. When I started running I found that I didn't exactly breathe right, so I would have trouble breathing the more I ran. Listen to music and just mouth the words.. it can get your mind off running. For me that helps.. sometimes I listen to a song and before I know it I've ran pretty far without even really thinking about how tired I am. You can also run with a friend if you want.. but you'll have to job so that you are still capable of talking,.. or just don't talk. Don't forget the water.. it's really important. And NEVER GIVE UP. I know its hard.. but try to keep running.. you can do it I know you can.. that's how you'll get your endurance up.
Hope I helped. =)
Take it from me - I am 13 years old on a 7th grade track team. I can run the mile in 6:45 if the wind is extremely low. I run the 1 mile, 2 mile, and 70m sprint. The 2 mile is very difficult - more mental than physical. You start slow. Make up a pattern. Jog slow. Kids will be wondering what the heck you're doing, but ignore them. So, you start jogging slow, then pick up your speed only slightly the second lap. Gradually increase your speed and pick up your body and you'll be whizzing past everyone in no time. But remember, it isn't a race in your case. You need to just practice a whole lot. Make a mental pattern for running that you won't forget. Remember to stretch the best you can!
I feel your pain, I couldn't even run half a mile without stopping when I started.
When you are starting out, I found it was better to run slower and not stop. This gets you used to being on your feet for a long time. Run as far as you can without stopping, the next time you run, your aim is to run a bit further (even if only by a few feet). If you keep this up you will most definitely improve, it just takes time. I've been running for 2 years now (approx 3 time a week) and I can now run over 6 miles with ease. Just remember you will have days when you cannot run as far as you did the time before. Don't be disheartened by this... it happens to everyone. Why don't you sign up for a fun run. This is a great way to motivate yourself to train... and its great fun! Hope this was helpful - Good Luck :)

Sports that might be my style?

I want to play a sport, but I don't know what to start playing.Basically, anything is open. I'm 5'4", 107 lbs., and with am fairly strong - I'm not muscle-less, but I could definitely build them up. Does anyone reccomend a sport I could look into?
I'm not sure what you enjoy doing, but personally i LOVE equestrian sports. but swiming is also a great alternative, but for some reason, while reading your question, Tennis hit me hard. I think you'd like it.
Others could be:
Track/Cross country
%26gt;%26gt;or you could get involved in some sort of dance, its fun and keeps you healthy!
soccer, or swimming, swimming will give u an incredible body! it will tone everymuscle and even ones u didn't know u had! (abs, arms, legs, back, shoulders, everything) and also it will help make ur periods lighter (just a random fact) seriously, swimming is the miracle work out, and it burns calories like crazy (though u really dont need to lose any weight, u should probably gain some)
Dance or Soccer I took dance for 7 years (tap , jazz , lyrical , and ballet) I LOVED DANCE I still do it everyday at 11 years old I'm a 5th grader!!
Tennis, soccer, field hockey. Any sport will help you get in shape =)
road biking...it's awesome.and if you don't mind getting a little dirty then mtn biking.it's the greatest!
Soccer, you dont necessarily have to be tall or very strong and by playing you will gain muscle most in the legs and better stamina and it helps you build up speed. I play it and I love it.

Spiralina? Anyone else?

I have heard about a pill call Spiralina (sp?) that has the same amount of vitamins and minerals of your whole day of green veggies. Anyone else hear of this and take it? What do you think?
Its Spirulina. Yes I've had it. its green algae and is supposed to have many health benefits.you can buy it in pill form but im not sure where. or you can do what i do. go to a good grocery store or bruegger's bagels near you . They have this brand of juice called Naked Juice. they have all kinds and one of the flavors is called "Green Machine". It has many veggie and fruit juices mixed with the spirulina along with wheat and lemongrass. It actually tastes good, its the texture you gotta get used to cuz it is kinda thicker like a smoothie. And a tip: shake it well before you drink it if its been sitting and make sure it's cold cuz it is yuck when it is warm...I like it and drink a couple bottles a week. Good luck and enjoy the benefits!
It's supposed to be very good very you. Don't know if you're supposed to take it in place of actual veggies though. I've never had it in pill form. I've had it in powder form mixed with water.

Spicing up my .. life?

ok...so i rarely eat junk food, but i'm still overweight! it runs in my family PLUS i'm lazy and don't want to go on a treadmill EVERY DAY! since i have this problem, could i go on the treadmill like 3 times a week and go walking with a friend, or roller skating instead of the treadmill? i hate the treadmill, it's boring. what are ways that i can spice up my exercise life?
just stay active. skate, ride a bike, go on a nature trail, jump rope, swim, do aerobics...have a friend help motivate you-its much more fun when you have a friend that is willing to participate. GOOD LUCK!
Swim, play a sport, something fun. Also, you can go on the treadmill when you are watching TV.
Lift weights or perform power yoga because either of these will slightly increase your lean mass, which will burn extra calories 24 hours per day. This will increase your resting metabolic rateHere is a sample workout:
walking with friends is a great way to lose weight. also a good idea is to make a schedule, or a chart to track what youv'e done, and how much weight you have lost. Good Luck.
As long as the exercise increases your heart rate and you do 30 mins a day (either in one lot or broken into 3 x 10mins sessions) it will aid in weight loss. So as long as your heart rate increases it doesn't matter whether you are dancing, roller skating, playing volleyball, running, walking, rowing - its all the same - cardio
However its all calories in calories out so if you are taking in massive amounts of calories and only doing minimal exercise then you will maintain or gain weight, so exercise level must burn more calories than you are eating per day.
hmmm.i know someone who just took a walk as often as she could, 4 times a week maybe. She ate healthy and the weight literally melted off of her.
It's all about pushing yourself to what you can do...Try rockcilmbing, a sport, jogging...If you change one thing like jogging, it can make a dramatic change. Also, while watching TV, go on the treadmill, or do situps during commercials...Good Luck!!
Try listening to some music while you are the treadmill to help pass the time by faster and also it might not be as boring with music with a fast beat. For me exercising isn't boring because I know that after I excercise, I'm going to have a great looking body. Just tell yourself, the more I excercise the better I will look. (I'm not saying that you don't look good, it's just a way to get you motivated.)

Speeding up metabolism?

How do i speed up my metabolism again? I used to have really fast metabolism, but i got lazy and ate nothing but junk food and quit my swim team, so i've gotten quite fat and i always feel tired. Before i could eat like 3 big macs a day and have no change on my body. I used to have it, so i'm guessing all the fast food i ate did something, so what cna i do to get it back%26gt;
u just answered your own question. just get active again andy ur metabolism should pick up again
There IS a way. You have to completely change your diet to low carb, zero carb. eat ONLY protien, fruit and vegies. FRESH. Drink tons of water and tea and build up your exercise plan daily until you are constantly working out. Like start off with three workouts a week, then move up to adding it-ups every morning. the add sit-ups at night. then add running aroungd the block to your sit-up routing and a game of racquet ball on the weekend. etc.etc. You can bring it up but it has to be a constant focus and you have to be totally dedicated to it. If you do what I say, you can turn it around. I like your thing that junk food slows metabolism. Maybe thats true? I think it alos comes from sitting around doing nothing and also when food takes the place of other activities. good luck. time to hit the gym.
eating every 2-3 hours, small portions, balanced diet, exercising regularly 4-6 times a week and being active in general maximizes metabolism.

Speed situps?

lately i have been doing speed situps i.e. 600 every 5minutes and I am wondering if this is doing more harm than good? or is it just an old wives' tale?
Um...slow and steady wins the race. That goes for abdominal exercises, too. Crunches that you bring your shoulder blades off the floor slowly and hold for a second at the highest point, then slowly lower back down will do more good than your current routine. Here's a helpful hint on abdominals: burn them out by not counting...stop focusing on the number and focus more on what you are feeling.your muscles will tell you when you stop as they will fail to lift. Turn over onto your stomach and stretch them out.then leave them alone for a day so they can recover and rebuild. Also, there's really no such thing as spot training..I hope you're working your entire body as well.If you're trying to get awesome abs.watch your diet...that's a huge deal with fat loss and muscle definition. If your confused on what kinds of workouts to do and don't have access to gym or equipment...then think military.calisthenics are a wonderful and free way to workout.Good luck and keep moving.
its doing more harm then good.
Never heard of it. YOu want to do 'em slow so you get more tension and feel the burn and notice results faster.
To be honest with you, in recent years people have figured out sit ups don't do much at all in the first place! Don't hurt yourself!
it's enough
I dont know if its good or bad, but you must be very fit.And I think it wont do you harm

Special K?? Do u really lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks??

Well I started my Special K diet today (2 bowls of cereal and ur normal dinner) and I wanted to know is this a waste of time or does it TRULY work?? The best answer gets 10 points! Good Luck!!
Here's a site where a person tells their story of losing weight on Special K.
Just google special K diet or go to specialk.com to find more info.
November 21, 2004 will go down in history as the day that Hoodia Gordonii http://www.gordoniihoodia.net/hoodia-die... was discovered in America. It was on that date that CBS 60 Minutes aired a program about Hoodia Gordonii and for the first time many people were introduced to this traditional botanical. Hoodia is currently the most publicized and talked about natural weight loss supplement in America . It has been featured on CBS 60 Minutes, ABC, NBC Today, BBC, CNN, in Oprah's “O” Magazine and in other major media.
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I don't know why but for me I actually gained weight and abit of body fat. I ate all the same foods I usually do so I get the accurate answer and I excersized the same, walk 20minutes everday and do 4sets of 20pushups as well...and my scale reads body fat too and I only changed my breakfast and lunch, instead of the usual I ate Special K. I had gained 3pounds of weight and 1 or 2% of body fat extra even though everything was the same except for eating the two bowls a day so I quickly stopped. So I don't trust it at all now.
if u wana loose weight and bcome slim try detox diets .detox diets is the natural way to loose weight and it really works.
(detoxmedifastdiets.blogspot.c... )is a great website that has many links for detox diets recipes and tips to loose weight...try the links and loose weight fast at home without exercising

Special K?

Does the Special K Diet really works? I have been on it for only a week, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't wasting my time.. I eat the cereal in the morining, I eat either the bar for lunch or another bowl of cereal, and for my third meal, I eat a regular meal with no salt. I eat fruits as a snack. I drink nothing but water and I just started drinking Green Tea. I am not obese, I just want to lose 15-20 pounds due to my blood pressure. So no smart comments. I have a nice framed body, I just know it could look better.
It "works" in that it will make just about anyone lose weight due to the extremely low calorie intake. It's not a healthy way of losing weight, however, and will likely cause you to gain back more after you stop the diet because it sources much of the weight loss from water and muscle.
Have you lost anything??
I think it's unhealthy. It's better to eat small meals more frequently (5 to 6) and increase your protein intake. Most people don't get enough protein and they eat far too many calories from carbohydrates. I'd suggest you reduce or eliminate your consumption of calorie dense carbs like bread, pasta, potatoes, yams, beans, rice, corn, oatmeal and other cereal grains.
Well, it's not as though special k has some magic ingredient that will make you lose weight. You're simply lowering your calorie intake which as long as you burn more then you put in your body - you probably will lose weight. Also - one you start eating "normal" food again it will be very difficult to sustain the weight loss, unless you continue on a low calorie diet.
Eat only when hungry and that too only nourishing food and not more than three times a day. No liquids, other than water, also in between. Chew each morsel of food at least 32 times to activate ur body system to give u messages when u r hungry or when u r full.Take light exercises and brisk walks regulary preferably twice a day.U will achieve desireable weight in a reasonable period. Taking uncooked fruits and vegetables will help u to reduce ur bp.

Special k, please ansear!?

I was just wondering if you can eat sweets while on the special k diet?
As far as I know you maybe able to get away with it. But I would not just to be on the safe side, they do have some delicious bars and drinks that help with the sweet tooth. But if you do, just do it in small moderation ( key word one single serving). Good luck!
you can but you wont lose any thing if your filling up on alot of sweets.
i would say it defeats the purpose. cut out the sweets as much as you can.
Special K is not much better than sweets. the only people that say Special K is healthy are the manufactures of it. it is a highly processed cereal and is not truly healthy. it is better than eating Fruit Loops but whole oatmeal is 10x better than Special K.the list of ingredients pretty much tells you how healthy or not a food item is, the shorter the list the better off you are.
When using the Special K system to lose or maintain weight,
there is no allowance for sweets.
As with any other system, the sweets will not help you lose weight.
Good Luck
I really dislike the word Di et----I have replace it with LIVE IT

Special K diet! Does it work??

Has anyone tried the Special K diet?? If so, did it work out for you? And if it did, how long did it take to notice any weight loss?? Thank You!
Yes, I tried it for 2 weeks - I lost 4 pounds, but I NEVER want to eat Special K cereal again! I was sooooo sick of it when I quit!I wish you well!
Special K is bad. It has simple sugar in it. Oatmeal (not the instant kind) is the way to go.
Don't do it!
It is very unhealthy
Eat in moderation
And chew everything at least 20 times
i think it's a pretty good diet (you'll lose weight if you follow it) but it's really just majorly restricting your diet. so, you're going to be really hungry a lot. i lost 2 pounds a week, but it varies from person to person.
Those advertisements are all lies, that food is very high glycemic and raises insulin levels which is your fat hormone which makes you gain weight.Meaning, if you starve yourself, yes... you will lose weight but you are also losing muscle and bone density and when you stop the diet, you gain it all back as fat and you are fatter than when you started out.Being hungry all the time is an indicator that you are starving yourself and that is the wrong way to lose weight. The idea is to lose the fat and gain bone and lean muscle so that once you get it off you keep it off and don't go yo yoing back and forth.http://www.glycotrim.com/mannalive... all kinds of free information to download and read on how to lose weight simply by eating low glycemic.Read the article, "Its not your fault." to understand the advertising industry and why they are in on dieting and weight loss but it is not necessarily a good thing.Download the pdf's for how to eat and the 10 basic rules for low glycemic eating.
I agree, special K is one of the more healthy cereals, but still has simple sugar in it.If your looking to lose weight and actually keep it off, you're going to need to not "diet" but make healthy eating a lifestyle. That includes exercising, eating healthy, not cheating too often, eating more protein for the thermogenic effect, and eating more fibrous carbs and less starchy carbs as the day goes on.There are NO shortcuts when it comes to keeping fat off.Jeremy
Well me and my friend tried it but we only lasted a week. It was kind of restrciting and it got boring quickly. I didn't notice any weight loss either. To lose weight I would recommend just eating in moderation and exercising. Good luck!
Ummm which Special k are you talking about ?%26gt;? lol

Special K diet question?

so i bought some Special K yesterday but the box i bought doesnt really say much on loosing weight...but on teh back it does say "eat breakfast..weigh less." sooo um will i still loose weight? and how are you supposed to eat it? i mean how many times a day and with what else? Thanks!!
Eat up to a 45g serving of any Special K cereal with 125ml of semi-skimmed milk for breakfast then another for lunch OR dinner with a third nutritionally balanced meal for just 2 weeksmeal one*
Breakfast1 bowl of Special K Red Berries with 125mls semi-skimmed milkSnackAppleLunchSpecial K Creamy Berry Crunch with 125mls semi-skimmed milkSnackSmall bowl of fruit salad or Special K barDinnerGrilled salmon with lemon and black pepper
Boiled new potatoes
Broccoli, carrots and peas
Low-fat Greek style yoghurt and sliced banana for dessertDrinkConsume plenty of (non-alcoholic) fluids throughout the dayMeal two*
BreakfastSpecial K Creamy Berry Crunch with 125mls semi-skimmed milk Snack2 plumsLunchPitta pocket made with wholemeal pitta bread, plenty of salad, lean ham, chicken or low-fat cheese served with a low-fat packet of crisps and a piece of fruitSnackBanana or Special K barDinner1 bowl of Special K Red Berries with 125mls semi-skimmed milkDrinkConsume plenty of (non-alcoholic) fluids throughout the day
The Special K diet says you should eat Special K for breakfast and lunch and then have a proper healthy dinner. Having breakfast actually makes you lose weight more than NOT having breakfast because it starts your metabolism earlier in the day so you start burning off fats earlier!
I think you are supposed to eat two bowls a day and a healthy lunch or dinner. http://www.kelloggs.co.uk/specialk/defau...
the special k diet consists of having two of your meals a day being the special k cereal and a half a cup of milk and your third meal being whatever you normally have. for snacks you're supposed to choose from fruit or one of the special k bars or protein drinks. good luck
Try going to specialk.com website. They have all your info. on there. I also tried that diet a few months ago...it is fine, but I got really tired of eating cereal for breakfast and lunch...it also says that you are supposed to eat the cereal with skim milk...well, I dont like skim milk so I guess I wasnt doing it exactly right.
If you want to just put special k diet on your search bar and you will find lots of info. supporting and not supporting the diet.
Does not have to be special k diet. Most important is what u eat, amount u consume and times u eat. Eat healthy. Try and eat five times a day and eat smaller portions. Also, try to eat around the same time every day.Excercise, even just walking 15-30 minutes after u eat helps the body burn the fat. We eat and sit eat and sit.I know it sounds simple and it really is, so just try it and u will see results...guaranteed!!!!

Special K challengee??

anyone ever done it? im thinking about starting it it says to eat a bowl for breakfast, either another bowl for lunch or the new protein bars they have, and a regular dinner.
it says that you can lose up to 6lbs in 2 weeks.
Has this worked for you?
and if you do it for more than 2 weeks say 4 weeks will you lose up to 12 pounds or will you start losing the wiehgt slower?
im 5'3 15 years old and 122 lb's i just want to lose 12 pounds
do yourself a favor and eat whole oatmeal vs Special K. processed cereals are not healthy. look at the list of ingredients on Quaker Whole Oats vs Special K, it's all the proof that is needed.

South Beach diet?

Does anyone know if the south beach diet is good? I need to go on something before I go on my vacation in a few weeks Also, can I drink sparkeling water on this diet?
My doctor highly recommends the South Beach Diet. It's a more moderate version of the low-carb Atkins diet. During the first two weeks, you can eat only protein foods - no carbs. After that first stage, you can add "healthy" carbs back into your diet - whole grain bread and pasta, fruits and vegetables. Yes, you can drink sparkling water and any other calorie-free beverage.
I loved the South Beach and lost 14lbs in 2 weeks and managed to keep it off. I felt so much healthier as it helped me stop eating processed foods and also started me eating more veg and salads.I enjoyed it and you can drink sparkling water!X
South beach is good, you will feel tired the first few days on it due to lack of carbs but that goes away after about a week. Sparking water is ok
I know at least 3 people who have done well with South Beach. I'm on Weight Watchers mysefl; I need the support of meetings. I've lost pounds since April 2, and i love what I am eating.Plain water is best. Watch the sparkling water for sodium content and carbonation.
I found a site that gives a very good review of the South Beach Diet. Here are the advantages and disadvantages from the article:
The advantages of the South Beach Diet include:
The diet is fairly balanced after the initial strict phase
The diet does not rely on high levels of saturated fat
There is no calorie or fat counting on this diet
The diet encourages regular meals and snacksThe disadvantages of the diet include:
The diet is very demanding for those that are accustomed to carb-rich diets
This diet can work out to be quite expensive and time consuming
Lapsing into old eating habits may result in speedy weight gain. This has to be a new way of life.http://www.betterhealthusa.com/public/25...Hope this answer helps.
Take care,
The south beach diet is great. My family has adopted it as a permanent diet. The most critical aspect of the diet is the limit on carbohydrates. You must follow the guidelines strictly, for it to work for you.Recently we purchased "The South Beach Diet Quick %26 Easy Cookbook". It is full of great thirty minute recipes.

South beach diet?

how long is the first phase of the south beach diet
2 weeks
Hate to say this, but the SB Diet is BAD. Cutting carbs so greatly is NOT HEALTHY, since carbs are an essential part of keeping the body going! Try to find a diet that keeps everything balanced instead, like www.sparkpeople.com They're free, too, unlike the SB stuff.
It's two weeks, and I just want to say that other person is wrong. The South Beach Diet is NOT unhealthy... it's very good for you. Ask your doctor, he will tell you the same thing.
2 weeks. I tried SB %26 Atkins. I lost a lot weight faster on the Atkins, but when I tried the SB I could tell I felt better. Some say its OK... but not for long term. I have heard mixed feelings from both my doc, and my nutritionist. You can stay on phase 1 for 2 weeks or even a little longer if you like, but they suggest not to make it a permanent thing. You should loose 7-13 lbs during phase 1, then move onto phase 2 : )Good Luck!!

SOUTH BEACH DIET: Can I eat soy sauce in phase one?

I was just adding some soy sauceto my green beans but when I read the ingredients it says it has corn syrup. Is it safe o eat it during phase one?
i thought the deal was no bread, cereal, sugars, pastas.%26 fruits i think. im sure a little bit of soy sauce is fine bcuz no one really dumps it on there. you may want low sodium soy sauce though. but i never read anything against soy sauce. good luck with the diet!

South Beach Diet... not overweight?

I am 5'10" and about 165ish pounds (I try not to weigh myself anymore)...I used to be 146 half a year ago but rapidly gained weight for some reason because I craved everything. Anyway, I got my eating MOSTLY under control to where I am not gaining anymore...but I am finding it hard to lose weight.Has anyone not overweight done the South Beach Diet with success? I want to appear "toned"...lowering my body fat. I am currently about 23%. I don't really know how low your body fat has to be for muscle to start showing through. When I was 19% it didn't show.
Anyway, did it work for you?(BTW, I do pilates, exercise, and lift weights as well...but these are not working. need to change my diet).
I'm 5'10" and about 145-150ish pounds. I have done the South Beach before, and yes, it does work. One caution, if you're going to do the South Beach, do the REAL South Beach. I've met people who said they weren't eating any carbs anymore, because they were following the South Beach diet. That's NOT what the diet is about. Research into it, so you understand the medial reasons of why it works and buy the guide books before you start.

Should doctors be fat?

Contrary to popular belief, they are only human too.You would think they would know how or what to do to prevent obesity, but they are only human.Just like doctors you see smoking, going to the tanning beds, abusing alcohol and other such vices.
No,I would find another doctor.
Huh? Why SHOULD doctors be fat?
who cares,the only thing that matters is if they can do their job.
Why not, they are human like the rest of us.
No. Most of the doctors I know are not fat.
I've never seen a fat doctor to this day.
well, it's up to them whether they are fat or not.. but it would be more professional looking if they were in good health. You wouldn't want to pay money to have a fat physcial trainer would you? I'd be less likely to take them seriously since obviously what they are preaching isn't working for them.
Not really because they should set a good example. However, I guess when you are a doctor you are very busy and don't keep good eating habits.
i guess not,
but sometimes people are fat due to there family background and metabolism.
NO!! How can you respect someone who doesn't know how to take care of their own body.
well maybe, if it's genetic it's not their fault? is it! LOL!
well controlling you weight is very hard to do. Doctors lead a very stressful life. My father-in-law is a doctor and some days he eats lunch between the 2 and 3 floors of the hospital(i.e. he eats out of the vending machines) Sometimes he gets called in the middle of night to do surgery and then he goes straight to the office and eats breakfast at McDonalds. I think doctors are human just like everyone else and can be overweight like anyone else.
Isn't it amazing how many doctors ARE fat? I mean, we don't go to a dentist with rotten teeth, do we? That question has crossed my mind many times. I do not think doctors should be fat, but, many, many ARE, for a fact. Sometimes, I think it is strange, when someone who is overweight is teaching someone how to lose weight, in a healthy way..and there are those who do this. I know that I always thought, "Take my lessons from a loser" when it comes to weight control!
they should follow their own advice, but they are just people.
Often it seems hypocritical for a practicing doctor to promote certain health standards without following them him/herself. "Do as I say, not as I do."In reality these professionals can lead very stressful lives and may end up sacrificing their own time (and health) for the sake of their patients. It may also be the case that they are simply lazy - but such an assessment is on a completely individual level and cannot be generalized.
I certainly hope none of the above posters are fat, otherwise they'd be pretty big hypocrites. Nobody SHOULD be fat, as its unhealthy. But to use a parallel example - look at Bill Bellichek. He's a little out of shape, but he's a phenomenal coach. A good coach doesn't have to be a good player. A good doctor is intelligent, kind, respectful and knowledgeable. Body size has no relation to mental capacity.
I dont think any less of a doctor who is fat. They still know what they are talking about. I wouldnt want to take advice on how to lose weight from a fat doctor but he can certainly treat my sprained ankle. Just like I wouldnt want a doctor that smokes to lecture me on smoking but he can treat my other ailments.
Well think it may be some that have become doctors that might be as you've stated %26lt;FAT%26gt;!?! But it also might be possible that they did'nt have this extra body fat even while in college !?! something may have taken place in a doctors life that they might gain pounds!?! %26 some of it may have been beyond the control of anyone !?! But since I'm running out of room trying to type soo much that you'll just leave !?! lol it might be a genetic thing !?! But if which`ever doctor I'd go to `,or that would see me!?! %26 if they can help me in AnY capacity.'I do not care of GENDER,RACE,COLOR,weight,heigh...
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